Denied EngiDoge123's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by EngiDoge123, Mar 31, 2016.

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  1. EngiDoge123

    EngiDoge123 Active Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Ethan Bradberry
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I got a 5 day ban for "leaving" the server while having a slay next round. I was A. never made aware of this slay in the first place so leaving would have been acceptable in my head s i didnt know, but not only that, i wasn't just leaving, i was leaving the server as i had to go and eat, 20mins later, i come back to reload the server, and it tells me that i have a random 5 day ban, which confused the heck out of me.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I am sorry, but i have absolutely no evidence whatsoever, but if you ask C.A Anna or the other admin at the time, i am trustworthy, and i have mentioned to i think it was muffin previously, that sometimes my gmod will crash or i have to randomly go for lunch/dinner...​
  2. Diehard01

    Diehard01 Yippee Ki Yay VIP

    Hello @EngiDoge123
    You were banned by @Nicol Bolas for RDM and Leave (First Offence).
    He will respond with his evidence soon, In the mean time. Please be patient.

    Thank you Diehard01
  3. EngiDoge123

    EngiDoge123 Active Member

    Ok, thank you, i love your ttt server, and dont like the fact that i am missing out right now, but i will be patient, any idea how long this could take?
  4. Harvest

    Harvest The Forever Serpent VIP

    Hi EngiDoge123. Sorry about the short wait, I'll get right to it.

    So, whilst training a Trial Mod today, we came across these two reports against you in regards to a discombobulator you threw -



    As you can see, you killed two players in regards to this. Normally this would have only netted you two slays, but further investigation reveals that you also damaged another player. The damage is all taken as one count of RDM, which would be one slay. In addition to the two kills with the fire, which are one count of RDM each, brings the total counts up to three, which is a 24h ban from the server.

    Due to the training of the trial mod, the application of the ban was a little slower than it would have been otherwise. By the time the ban was applied, you'd left the server, as shown here -


    Meaning that the ban was changed to a five day RDM and Leave ban, as this is your first offence.

    Now, under normal circumstances I'd be willing to reduce the ban to the 24h RDM (x3) ban, but in the four days you've been playing on the EU server, you've managed to be banned from it three times now. This shows either a lack of understanding of our rules, or a lack of care following them. The first two 24h bans don't seem to have made a difference, so unless there is a particularly compelling reason from you, I will be leaving this ban in place.

    I would point out that it is only a local ban, and you are still able to play on any of our other servers. I would also like to point you towards this thread -

    - which has an in-depth rundown of all our rules.

    I'll leave this open to hear your response.
  5. EngiDoge123

    EngiDoge123 Active Member

    Hey dude, ok, previously i have allowed my younger cousin to play on the server once i found it and realised it was a decent server and so he is to account for one of my bans, the other ban, yeah fair enough my bad, and the third ban is this one. I now understand the reason for the new slay, which i would have taken as i know i did wrong, and it isnt the fact that i have disrespect for your rules, its more the impatience of not being a T for something along the lines of 15+ rounds which frustrated me. If you still leave me with the 5 day ban then I will respect that, that is your decision and I will look forward to rejoining the server in 5 days, but, i will miss the damn server, no other server seems to have the same atmosphere with ppl talking and all that, but oh well, thank you for getting back to me!
    I presume 5 days is your complete and final decision?
    Thanks :D
  6. Harvest

    Harvest The Forever Serpent VIP

    After consideration, I'll be leaving the five day RDM and Leave ban in place due to the amount of bans acquired in such a short time. Again, you can still play on any of our other servers, and after the ban is up, you will be able to play on EU Vanilla once again.

    Appeal denied
  7. EngiDoge123

    EngiDoge123 Active Member

    ok, sure thing dude, you just doing what ya gotta do, i feel ya boss, are the other servers based in EU and TTT?? and got the same kind of atmosphere?
  8. Harvest

    Harvest The Forever Serpent VIP

    We have seven TTT servers, two of which are set in the EU - EU Vanilla and EU2. EU2 will have a lot more content than EU Vanilla, and will have maps that are not Minecraft based.
  9. EngiDoge123

    EngiDoge123 Active Member

    oh wow, ok that sounds maybe better for me, is it online now? do you ply on it? im on it now, but jesus it takes forever to load, why is this the casE?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  10. EngiDoge123

    EngiDoge123 Active Member

    Dude i know it is a lot to ask, but there are so few, well on the 2hrs i played the second map, there wasnt a single admin/mod yet there were so many rdms, you need to recruit admins and stuff for that map... pls... i will happily do it but we need someone over here, pls try help out this server with an admin
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