Denied mshriver2's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by mshriver2, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. mshriver2

    mshriver2 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Big Boy
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    RDM by mistake, I was waiting on the server till i would get slay next round. I am using arch linux. Its super buggy. Game just randomly crashed.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    So I was underneath somebody coming down a ladder. I saw them shooting off the ladder. I assumed they were a traitor. Which I know inst the right thing to usually do. I needed better evidence. I explained this to the admins. They decided they would slay me next round which I accepted. Then while I was waiting to get slayed next round. My arch Linux running computer. Suddenly crashed garrys mod. I tried to join back real quick. Went back on and was banned for 120 days. For the small offense of accidentally rdming one person. I feel I should only have a few hours. Especially because my game crashed and I didn't mean to leave.

    Thank you admins.​
  2. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    You were banned by @Kyogre for RDM and Leave 5th offense and globalized by me, he will reply shortly.
  3. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey there. I'll make sure to respond to this shortly. Thanks for being patient in the meantime.
  4. mshriver2

    mshriver2 New Member

    your welcome
  5. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    I very much appreciate the patience Big, let's go ahead and deal with this issue then. Bear with me as we do have a lot to cover here.

    So here's the matter at hand, we were in the map Dolls when I came across the following report:


    As you can see above this contradicts with what you claimed in your Appeal message which would be the following:

    You can clearly see in the report above that you gave no reason for your kill and slightly came across as if this kill was intentional as well. Now, the reason you gave in the Appeal was that you saw him shooting, but never said where and just assumed he was a Traitor based on that alone. A kill made with that logic would be based on suspicion. I'd also like to note that I did not see you make any further effort to contact me after I placed slay as we had not discussed this report as you claimed. I was the only Moderator present at the time so it would've been unlikely that you had contacted another Staff Member besides me. I placed the slay only to see you leave soon after which you can see here.

    While you claim that your game crashed, I hope you understand that it's a little hard to believe you with how you wrote out the events in-game in comparison to what transpired on my end when we were on the server. Either way, I did give you nearly two rounds in the next map to return to the server in hopes of not having to ban you, yet you did not. Now, here's where one of our Administrators @Rozboon comes in, after seeing your Adminstats, I noticed this was one of the many RDM and Leave bans you've accumulated since 2014. I consulted Rozboon in regards to this as it all wasn't clear enough to know what I should have banned you for.


    Allow me to explain why this last ban was Fifth Offense despite the last ban on the record being Second Offense in the form of our RDM and Leave System and Statue of Limitations:

    Note: Anything after RDM and Leave Third Offense is in multiples of two, i.e. Fourth being 8 weeks, Fifth being 16 as is this case.

    Your bans that would follow you up to now would start from your 8/28/15 ban for 1st Offense. You were then mistakenly banned for "RDM and Leave 3rd" even though it should have been 2nd on 9/06/15, then the 1st Offense on 11/25/15 and 2nd Offense on 2/05/15 should have been 3rd and 4th Offense respectively.

    Here's where things get more complicated in the form of our
    Statue of Limiations which I will refer to as SoL now. The best way to explain SoL is to just provide an example: if you were to be banned today for First Offense today on 3/9/16 your ban would first have to expire which would be 3/14/16, from that point on a period of three months would need to pass in order for you to start with on a new leaf. If you were to be banned for RDM and Leave again afterwards you would start from First Offense again rather than Second Offense.

    I know that your Adminstats aren't the cleanest. I apologize for that, but after making sure with Rozboon, this ban would fall under Fifth Offense after after an investigation of your previous bans. You've garnered quite the amount of RDM and Leave bans in the past, and as I mentioned before, I did give you time to come back on the server to no avail. I'll go ahead and give you a chance to give any other reason or proof as to why you should be unbanned before deciding on a verdict.

  6. mshriver2

    mshriver2 New Member

    Okay. After reviewing everything. I clearly have made some mistakes. My game did crash. I understand why thats hard to believe. Also I realsie that doesnt matter to much with the RDM's I have made in the past. The only game I can really play on linux that is fun is gmod. The only good servers on there are the serious servers. I believe I should get a ban time maybe a month? Its just that this is my favorite server. Can I just have one more chance? Is there any type of deal we can make? Thats all I really want to say. I hope we can come to some agreement. Because I really really enjoy these servers. Can we do something like let me off with a month or something this time? and perma ban next time? 120 days just seems like so so so long. Thank You

  7. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    I appreciate your time Big, so let's wrap this up.

    After some thinking about this situation and going over your response, I thank you for being understanding in regards to the issue. We take RDM and Leaves very seriously as the concept of taking another person's round is what makes it fair that a round is taken away from you, leaving simply negates this punishment with no lesson learned. I would've suspected that you'd learn this by now, but your response does show me that you do have some true genuine regret about this.

    I've discussed this with my Administrator @Sinz, and I've concluded that your ban will be reduced to four weeks. I hope you realize that this decision is a very different one than the one I had expected to reach at the conclusion of this. I ask you kindly that you don't throw it away, RDMing and Leaving soon after this will result in a 32 week global ban. Consider this your last and quite possibly the only chance that you'll be given from here on out. To avoid an issue from happening again, immediately contact the Staff Member present if your computer does crash while serving a slay. You can also always make sure you're okay to go before leaving a server by asking the Staff Member present if you have no reports against you. Doing things such as these will be of great aid if you wish to truly enjoy the rest of your stay here at Serious GMod.

    I hope to see you after these four weeks, with a much different perspective on how you wish to act on our servers. With that said, I'll go ahead and
    deny this appeal.

    Have a fantastic day, feel free to message me if any concerns or qualms come up.

    Appeal: Denied/Thread Locked
    Ban: Reduced
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