Denied Goose's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Goose, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Goose

    Goose Duck, Duck, Goose Motherfucker VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Really??? First off this started because he was looking for reasons to kill me when I was inno and then talking shit after he killed me as a detective. This guy was talking shit to me in voice chat the whole time this was going on too (I might have a video of it if I really need it)... There were 2 mods on at the time as well, what kind of kid decides he is being harassed and wants it to stop like an hour later? He could have easliy told one of them and I would have stopped, immediately, instead he instigated me further in order to post my responses on the forums later and get me banned. He never even warned me to stop, in fact, he explicitly stated "I could report you for harassment, but I'm not going to because it doesn't bother me" This kid is a major troll and complete cancer in the community, if you want to allow him to manipulate staff into dealing with people he doesn't like, then don't unban me. I do, however, recognize that I shouldn't have resorted to the kind of harsh language I resorted to in order to deal with my problems and, in the future will avoid doing exactly that.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey there, since I was the one who banned you. I'll be responding shortly.
  3. DrkSephy

    DrkSephy VIP Bronze

    Hi Goose.
    You were banned by @Kyogre for "Harassment". He'll respond to you shortly.
  4. Goose

    Goose Duck, Duck, Goose Motherfucker VIP

    In addition, this is the punishment ladder (taken directly from your rules) for harrasment
    • Harassment
      • 1st time - Warning
      • 2nd time - Kick
      • 3rd time - Ban 24 hours
      • 4th time - Ban 5 days
    Since there were 2 staff on at the time and I was never warned, it seems like I should receive a warning at most.
  5. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    All right, thanks for the patience.

    Allow me to explain myself, this incident was presented to me in the form of this Forum Report from @ifavila last night, as it would turn out both @Something weird and @Candycaneore were present on the time of this issue. As you can see in the report as well as the screenshots below:


    Now, while you would be correct following the logic of our Protocol taken from the MOTD which I must thank you for as I had planned to show it. The problem is, Staff Members cannot be giving warnings for acts of Harassment they did not see. As I mentioned in the report, I discussed this with Weird and he had asked Favila to show them, which he did not, instead he submitted them in the forum report. I then asked one of our current Administrators @Wex whether or not I could follow through with banning you as your comments were extremely profane, as Admins have the discretion to bypass protocol. I would like to address one more thing before giving my final thoughts.

    If you really wished to stop avoiding these problems now as you stated in your appeal message, you would have left comments such as these out of the Appeal itself. I don't think you've learned much from this incident, after what I've read it seems you still hold a grudge. If you think that he's manipulating Staff to do as he wishes, you're more than welcome to provide evidence to prove that argument has some backbone behind. But I don't particularly find any regret with how you've wrote this appeal out or with your behavior in-game for that matter.

    Because none of your arguments justify your attitude thus far, I'll be
    denying this appeal as it's only a one day ban. Learn from your mistakes, if you think you've been wronged please do inform the Staff Member present or submit a forum report, do not lash out at players. Feel free to begin a conversation with me on the forums if you wish to discuss the matter further.

    Appeal: Denied/Thread Locked
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