Invalid Report against SmileyOfChaos

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by pepsiattic, Feb 13, 2016.

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  1. pepsiattic

    pepsiattic New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    community pool
    Which Round:
    from 2/3 round to the end of the map
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Tho he is inforceing the rules, he his going beond what should be acceptable for the offneces, to the point were it could be abuse. He slayed me for what was and accidental RDM, where no one died, and the only damage was 18 to the foot, with both parties agreeing that it was fine. but he added a slay to me, and when I spoke out to defend myself he added two more slays. He then did the same to other players with small offences, even banning one for what a gag can do. He only stoped when me and another player decided to try and report him.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Officer Judy Hopps

    You,FaZe Fajita were slain.
    SmileyOfChaos will slay FaZe Fajita next round.
    You,Pristine White Man were slain.
    SmileyOfChaos banned REEPHAVIC for 480 minute(s) (Mic Spam)
    SmileyOfChaos will slay You next round.
    SmileyOfChaos will slay You for the next 2 rounds.
    SmileyOfChaos will slay You for the next 3 rounds.​
  2. pepsiattic

    pepsiattic New Member

    I wanted to just bring this to your attention as a longtime memeber of the servers, this is one of the worst things cases of abuse that "I" have seen.
  3. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    I'll tag @SmileyOfChaos and his admin @Sinz so they can respond/ are aware of your report. Please be patient while they respond.
  4. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver


    As stated in the motd, if damage is done without reason, it is considered RDM. Accidental RDM = RDM.

    Also, the multiple slays could be the result of RDM in previous rounds, however I'll let my moderator @SmileyOfChaos explain himself.
  5. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

    I'll reply with my evidence shortly, please be patient.
  6. pepsiattic

    pepsiattic New Member

    Then by that logic any damage that dosen't resault in a T killing a Ino or a Ino killing a T (Even then not valid) should end in someone being slayed. Becuase thats how it was being handled by Smiley.
  7. pepsiattic

    pepsiattic New Member

    Also he DID follow the rules BUT to the point were its compleatly overkill/abussive of his powers. Im not debateing that he did his job, I'm saying he over did it.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  8. This did happen and I agree that he did follow the server rules but it doesn't matter if he is abusing his powers in punishments like slaying Pepsi for "talking back" when all he was doing was defending himself and explaining what had happened. Also the same case with REEHAVIC when he may have bin gagged for slight mic spam which is still mic spam but he was never given a warning on why he was gagged he was just gagged, and then banning him.

    On your rule list it stats the following
    1st time - Gag/mute + warning.
    2nd time - Gag/mute for a round*
    3rd time - Ban 8 hours
    Which he was only gagged once and was not givin a warning or reason to why he was banned and only after he was banned the server found out why he was banned.
  9. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

    Hi @pepsiattic, thanks for making this report. I apologize for the delay; my internet upload speed is terribly slow and the images provided took a long time. For the slays, you rdmd on two different rounds, once shooting a player upon round start by mistake and then later shooting a player thinking he had shot you (it was in fact NINJARDUDE), as shown below:

    As accidental rdm is still rdm as I tried to explain multiple times, I had to slay you for these occurrences. Since the rdms occurred in two different rounds, I issued three slays. One for your first offense being the shot at the start of the round, and two for your second offense, totaling three.

    REEPHAVIC micspammed several times, twice with music. I gagged him not long after I joined the server as he was playing music, gagged him again for a full round when he kept it up, and finally banned him when he started making random noises afterwards.

    Pristine was slain for throwing an incendiary grenade by mistake and damaging people with it.

    And Faze crowbarred another player to death claiming that a T threatened to kill him if he didn't.

    These are the reasons why I slayed, gagged, and banned during our session together. After the first map, Community Pool Overhaul, we went to 67th Way. It was not due to the threat of a report, but because everyone stopped rdming, that I wasn't doing anything further in regards to punishments.

    One thing I would like to bring up is that you and Faze both steadily attempted to harass me throughout our play session. As @BioHazard can attest if he so pleases, both of you spent much of both maps in voice chat taking shots at me, all of which I chose to ignore as I tried to explain, despite your unwillingness to listen, why I did what I did.

    Now that I have presented all of my evidence, I'll leave the verdict to my admin @Sinz.
  10. BioHazard

    BioHazard VIP

    While I did not get any of it on video, I believe there were several "fuck you smiley"s throughout the session, as well as other not at all necessary insults from players, especially after you left. I don't recall what players specifically were saying these things however.
  11. pepsiattic

    pepsiattic New Member

    I have never said anything like that tho others did.
  12. pepsiattic

    pepsiattic New Member

    This does show though that there is an obvious dislike for Smiley by multiple people, im shure there is some reason for that, maybe something he did on the server.
  13. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Smiley has explained the reasons for your slays, as well as the other actions he took while he was on the server with you. From the logs provided it seems like the slays were rightfully given.

    If you require no further inquiries, I will be marking this report against @SmileyOfChaos invalid.
  14. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Handled this in game with Pepsi.
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