Completed Report against Report Against Hacker Nation Anonymous

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MLGxPrism665, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. MLGxPrism665

    MLGxPrism665 New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Report Against Hacker Nation Anonymous
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    67th way Teen Room 2 idk the names
    Which Round:
    all rounds each map
    Time of Occurence:
    7:13 am and Yesterday January 24,25
    Reason For Report:
    He Has harrased Me and has pushed the limit and told me to kill my self insulted me to the point of suicide thoughts and if he sees this he will probaly report me back because i tried to defend my self. I hope yall can knock some thought into him and stop him because he makes me feel really bad were im forced to just quit gmod. i have screenshots of him insulting me and 1 other
    I hope yall can help thanks for taking your time to read this.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Mrs. Swag Daddy​
  2. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    I will gather evidence I have for this case, the way you are speaking here is actually quite aggravating, as these things have all been pressed on by yourself. You chose to take common mistakes personally and target in on my including all manner of what seems alot like a bunch of lies to damage another player. I will post evidence shorty in this case.
  3. MLGxPrism665

    MLGxPrism665 New Member

    P.s These are not lies i would have over 20 screenshots if i was not stupid enough to not take screenshots you hurt my feelings and i want to stop this harrasment and take action
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  4. Cee

    Cee Dobar dan! Supporter

    Thank you for taking the time to report this to us.

    While attempting to view your screenshots, I was unable to view them as it looks as if they have been removed. If you can re-provide the screenshots, I will be happy to help you further.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  5. MLGxPrism665

    MLGxPrism665 New Member

    I have set it too friends only so you are welcome to view them now i had them on private its my bad
  6. Cee

    Cee Dobar dan! Supporter

    Thanks for that. I am reviewing the screenshots now.
    For transparency, here are a collection of the screenshots provided to me by @MLGxPrism665

    I would like a little more information on this entire altercation. I will wait for @Hacker Nation Anonymous to post their side with evidence.
  7. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Uploading numerous videos of each occasion of being around @MLGxPrism665 and I love how he leaves out some key PM's of His. No fear, I am compiling chronilogic Videos to show the order of events, and some interesing facts come to light. Soon the evidence will be finished. Going through every game match presently
  8. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Ok, so far I have these videos Finished. There are 3 I made for todays entirety from start to finish. You see the carrying on of normal Banter in Video 1, Video 2 is a larger compilation at high speed of all messages as they occur. And I cant access one maps demo log, so in Video 3 I was able to scroll up in chat until i reached where it left off in first part of Video 2 (also the pms he oh so kindly left out on his behalf. I am going through yesterdays Demo logs now, and shall report back with that as soon as I find out what there is. Note, that the entirety was over a salty remark. In which was chosen to drag on until I WAS offended by his calling of Autistic and such. So, I agreed with swag that we let it go or bring it here. Now for the clips then be back with more soon.
  9. Cee

    Cee Dobar dan! Supporter

    I am reviewing the footage now. Please be patient.
  10. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Now, for the hilarious part. While our poor suicidal and very hurt player here says all these things, I think it is quite important to review this last video. This was the Origin of this "confrontation" and our first meeting of one another. After his remarks in the reason on reporting it seems much more this case is the opposite. Look at all his responses with my only trying to help and his stubborn way of handling the issues. This is last footage I have, unless needed for anything else for me to double check on.

    Final Evidence:
  11. MLGxPrism665

    MLGxPrism665 New Member

    Pt.1 Simply just shows That im asking why are you hating on me so much
    pt.2 shows me just defending myself from you i was just copying stuff you said to me Yesterday
    pt.3 is the same thing you were pming me insults even before that and i was defending my self
    Maybe you Should post a video of the rdm that cause all of this On terror train. And what you said when i reported you for it instead of showing all the stuff i said because what you said then was alot worse than what we see in these 3 Clips

    My bad didnt see the last video as you can see you said that you could kill me for killing a T but you have 5 seconds to do it. It just doesnt make sense it would make more sense if you id the body first
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  12. Cee

    Cee Dobar dan! Supporter

    So I have everything I need right here. It is going to take me some time to review all of this and come to a verdict. If you have anything else to add, please do. While this investigation is still being looked at, please be patient. Thanks!
  13. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    I appreciate you fortitude and time taken to go through this case. I know the videos a little more tedious, but it does provide reliable accuracy within events and their chronological order. The "rdm" video is uploaded, in which also shows exactly what I told you then, it was NOT an RDM and your pushing of that point directed your own fate with how YOU decided to attack me for your failure of understanding present !motd and it's Extended Rules Section. I have nothing more to add to this irritating time waste. If anything more is needed I will be readily Available. Again thanks
  14. Cee

    Cee Dobar dan! Supporter

    These players have been addressed and the conflict has been resolved. This report has been found VALID.
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