Denied SkilledSquid's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by SkilledSquid, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I can tell you why i was banned. I've been trying to make the server fun for other players by making jokes and making them laugh. It was considered trolling. I play on SeriousTTT all the time and have over 2500 hours on all the servers combined. I have bought other players VIP+ and Regular VIP. I bought Solid Snake Vip and some other people. I feel like on the forums you guys rate everything dumb. This is very annoying considering people put their time into making the threads. I should be unbanned because i make the server fun for other players and i attract new players and make them come back on. In turn this can get the servers donations.
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by myself after it was requested by @Graxed . Ill give her time to present all of her evidence against you before I decide the final verdict of this report. She will present her evidence when she can so until then thank you for being patient.
  3. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    Hello SkilledSquid.
    Today we were on West 2, where I found I was disturbed by multiple comments you made.
    I do not have screenshots of all of these comments, but I will present the amount I do have.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Lets also say, Just because you donated, does not make you bulletproof from bans. We appreciate you bringing members to this community, but I do not see how this type of behaviour should be accounted for.
    Your behaviour was described here in my chat with Anna:

    As you can see there, an extra comment was made which I do not have screenshots of, let me mention that you were also occasionally making noises down the mic which proved to be extremely annoying.

    Last but not least, the thing that lead to your Globalization and extension was this.

    As mentioned above, I will let @C.A.Anna decide the verdict of this.
  4. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I would also like to add that you've been banned from shoutbox several times for the same type of behaviour, what makes you think that it's acceptable? Not to mention your comments were making no one laugh. You need to take a step back and evaluate what your purpose is for coming around here and playing on the servers, because it has become quite clear that all you are doing is being very toxic to solve your boredom problem.
  5. I would also like to add that you harassment of other players Rozboon is unacceptable :) Please leave
  6. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    What Rozboon said was something I was going to bring up myself. Why did you think that this was appropriate behaviour to display on the servers when you had already been banned from Shoutbox a few times for doing it here? I will give you the chance to answer this one last question before I decide on the verdict of this appeal.
  7. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    Not sure if it's ok for me to post this here but, for the past week on tims i've came on you like to say to me "do you have a robot penis" and other penis jokes involving robot's even after i asked you to stop twice.
  8. I'd like to add that when you're making the server "fun" you ruin it for others. Every time I see you on it's a pain to play on the server with your trollish behaviour. Even on the forums you're a troll so it is no surprise you are getting any leniency. I also want to add while I'm at it is you caused a player to be banned (even if the ban was mod negligence). A nuclear barrel is a better person then you

    I think I can speak for a lot of people here
  9. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    I don't think we need to bash on him any further, leave this down to Anna. We all know what he did and how he acts.
  10. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP


    Before I go on I want to thank you for taking the time to appeal this ban now I am going to explain my verdict to it.

    Firstly I want to address the nature of your appeal. It seems to me that you are not taking it all that seriously as proven by the squid image as your "evidence" of your innocence. Was the image really needed? No. And it definitely reflects poorly on you. Now I would also like to address something you said.
    As Graxed already explained, just because you have donated and have supposedly brought others to donate as well does not make you above the rules or better than anyone else and we will not be more lenient towards you because of this. I feel it important that I reiterate this to you. You may think that donating to the servers makes you special but you are no different to any other member on the servers and you will be punished accordingly in respect to any wrongdoings that you may do.

    Secondly, as both myself and Rozboon mentioned, the behaviour you displayed on the servers has had you shoutbox banned a few times now. With this in mind I would have expected that you would have realised that doing that on the servers would also result in a similar punishment. Also thank you for so blatantly ignoring my important question. Your response was going to play into my final verdict but since you have decided not to give me anything to work with this has against worked against you. I asked a simple question, one that you should have answered but you refused to. I would also like to state that your sass towards Rozboon was completely uncalled for. All he did was point out an important bit of information that pertained to your recent behaviour. He was not harassing you in any way shape or form. It would have been appreciated if you answered his question too but alas I digress.

    Thirdly, your ban history is far from clean as you can see in the screenshot that Graxed provided for us. You accumulated a total of 17 bans in the past year alone. This is far from okay and being a person with the kind of hours that you have, I would expect a lot better from you. You clearly do not understand the concept of our rules nor do you seem to care. This is also why your ban is 8 weeks long. I could have issued a much harsher punishment due to your extensive history however at the time I did not. Looking back on all of this now, I am now inclined to extend this ban.

    All in all this appeal is denied. Your behaviour is appalling and since you seem to not really learn from your mistakes, your attitude towards this appeal has been less than ideal and after really looking hard into your ban history, I have decided I will be extending this ban. You don't seem to really care much for our servers and what they stand for and so I am hoping that this lengthy ban will give you enough time to really reconsider everything. I want to see a new attitude from you when you eventually return and failure to comply with this will end in another lengthy ban. You now have ample time to reconsider everything, like your attitude and the way you approach us. I hope you use this time off to its fullest potential. if you have any questions or concerns feel free to start a forum conversation with me.

    Until then thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied and Extended
    Thread: Locked
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