League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by ryan4win, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    You and @Rek should duo I hear he recently got to high diamond.
    • Winner Winner x 4
  2. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    We should make a ranked team =) This isn't my account but I'll probably get my own one soon.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  3. DrkSephy

    DrkSephy VIP Bronze

    We did have a Rank team. SeriousGmod was inactive then
    Someone Took the Name *cough* @SantaSenpai<3
  4. Rek

    Rek Ø

    add me on my d5 smurf, ysuuf
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP


    @Derp Mason furthered my development as a thresh G O D

    :) :love:
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  6. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    the unstoppable bot lane duo just got stronger
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Lucian because with thunderlord he's op af.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    I prefer this skin. It's blue ( favorite color) and it has a cool recall animation but blood moon is also nice.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    That position is taken.
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    My favorite is Illaoi because of how strong she is while being able to take damage at the same time. Her abilities give her a lot of control, too.
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  11. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Alright so the giveaway is closed now and I will be choosing the winners in a sec. Good luck to you guys :>
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  12. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP


    when u do more damage than master yi
    • Winner Winner x 3
  13. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Alright, so the winners have been selected. Congrats to those who won and better luck next time to those who didn't win. If I don't have you added my league name is Machinekiller00. So add me on league and let me know what skin you would like.


    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  14. DrkSephy

    DrkSephy VIP Bronze

    ;-; So Close yet so far away
  15. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    • Optimistic Optimistic x 3
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  16. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    • Like Like x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP


    Not only do we lead this community, but we lead games to victory.

    (@Disruptionz also bought me Dragon Trainer Tristana and Elderwood Bard so tyvm)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Do you main Trist by any chance? ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    yeah he's an adc only player on his main d5 account ysuuf
    • Like Like x 1
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