Denied DasSauce's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by DasSauce, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Lost.ouija was impulsive and irrationally hasty in his ban.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was playing on TTT East, on ttt_metropolis.

    Lost.ouija got offended because I made a joke about autism. Sure, it was in bad taste; however, he entirely singled me out which was extremely impulsive and unprofessional. He gagged me, despite the onslaught of homophobic and nazi jokes being spout by others. You can not single out a player you do not like solely because you felt their joke had more bearing than others.

    We were playing on ttt_metropolis. He was trying his very hardest to find any technicality he could to slay/punish me, showing his impulsivity. I do not believe that a "serious" server should have such an impulsive and emotional moderator.

    He claimed that he had killed a player that I had.First strike of a lie he was caught in. I had killed this player previously, about 10 seconds before (despite the report where I stated "1 second" which obviously wasn't meant as literally 1 second); he was likely a traitor because he didn't ID the body. Now, on top of this: it was obvious he believed he was being RDM as a traitor because he, after I shot him and missed his head with a scout, asked "who just shot me?" He had not ID the body and he was where the recently-laid-dead Bird was.

    I explained to him I understood he was offended by the joke that I made earlier, but he shouldn't be so impulsive and should listen to me explain myself further. (I like to keep my !report answers brief) So, I did; I explained myself. He claimed that he had video evidence to prove me wrong, so I believe that the burden of proof is on you, Mr. lost.ouija. Please, show this proof you have sir.

    The rules clearly state harassment punishments as 1 time.) Warning, 2 times.) Kick, 3 times.) Ban, but he skipped directly from 1 to 3 in his impulsivity and irrationality.​
  2. Alisae

    Alisae VIP Silver

    You were banned by @lost.ouija for Harassment.

    He will respond to this at his earliest convenience.
  3. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    Das, like in this report you called him autistic, you made multiple autism jokes, sure they weren't targeted at people but people didn't like them and asked you to stop then you proceeded to do more, then you targeted lost saying "I'm start recording to get his mod postiion taken away"
  4. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    Actually, I said that never have I seen such an impulsive mod on the server and that I was going to start recording because no one so impulsive deserves moderator and I hoped his mod would get taken away. "Serious" doesn't mean you aren't allowed to state your opinion.
  5. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    We are going to get right into this report.
    Your behavior over several rounds with us was intrusive and very rude. You were asked twice to stop, then gag, then needed a mute to get around the gag, and finally banned due to the excessive nature of the specified behavior. I have several screenshots here to go with this, let's take a look at that.


    Now while this shows us just some of what you say in chat it cannot recover the audio of the same thing you were doing to deserve some of this as well. To further this we have the remarks fellow players were making in regards to your "joking"

    After the repeated behavior it was apparent the ban was going to be needed here and I still stand by that decision to push for a DENIED. Let us look into your secondary concern here where I have so kindly made a Video of the incident along with the report of a player who also reported you and you claiming that you shot a T.

    In this second report you claim to have been shooting a terrorist and then report Ronald. This is easily detectable as false here. With the RDM report as you see I Identify the body and move up to the fence where I am shot twice and killed.

    The behavior you exhibited today was rude and damaging to players who even on mic were saying they had disabled family members that you merely laugh off and continue to say the harmful things. I feel the rights were used correctly here to handle a toxic player among our servers. With all provided I can say I still wish the have this case marked DENIED. This is a repeated documention to your other investigation, and I have the same reply here.
  6. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    Guilt states that he believes ouija made a mistake in banning me before kicking me. I will reiterate, however: I made a mistake and I own up to it. I will, in the future, cease from jokes that could offend others. I hope that I could be unbanned and enjoy TTT East 1. I believe that despite my rash behavior I was met with equally rash behavior from a person who is supposed to be a role model for those on the servers. I take responsibility for my action, so I think it would be mature for ouija to take responsibility for his as well.

    Have a lovely day, and Merry Christmas.

    You ruined Christmas, ouija. (bad joke)
  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    What I said in the report doesn't actually mean that the appeal will automatically be accepted. I did say "if it was for straight harassment and not spam" and this will require clarification from @lost.ouija as far as what procedures he went with and to clear any misunderstandings.

    Edit: as far as I've seen, he seems to have warned you more than once before and therefore, the ban in my eyes is still well-deserved.

    EDIT: Considering your ban has expired and my moderator has confessed that he messed up on the ban when I spoke with him over Steam, he'll learn to be more wary of his actions as a staff member.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  8. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    I do see I overlooked the kick step within the guide here. A Lot was going on, which doesn't justify why the step was skipped none the less. I apologize for that, yet as far as the recent past within the server and this current event I still wish to maintain this as denial. Your time on our last session had begun affecting much of the players. Within one screenshot I posted here it shows a few people talking against your use of these things and you then pressed the issue even when it was multiple players asking it to stop. I had mistaken the time of ban length as well. Instead of 8 hour, this ban should have been 24 hours for Harassment.
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