Thresh. Hooks, engage and disengage with lantern, knock up with flay, slows with ult; he's one of the most diverse and tool-heavy supports.
MachineKiller00. Annie and Tristan are my oh fuck idk who to pick champs. And I like playing them. But that Annie ult with the stun Thank you machine <3
Spoiler: Ap Ashe FTW Got 2 Kills from invading Jungler. Kogmaw (LvL 7) Fed lee sin ;-; and That Yas got rekt. WINDWALL WONT SAVE HIM FROM MY ULT >: )
The crazy Thresh 1v1s against @Darktooth. (wtf thresh is op) (darktooth is a god)
I'm liking Ashe. I know, its been a while since she was reworked but I took a break from playing. I love the extended range on her w.