I don't really know how to start this...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Lord Of Chaos, Dec 20, 2015.


Will you let give me a second chance in this loving amazing community?

  1. Of course not, he is a terrible person

    26 vote(s)
  2. Give him a second chance.

    10 vote(s)
  3. I do not know who he is.

    7 vote(s)
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  1. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

    I didn't play with you a super whole lot to get to know you very well, but I always liked playing with a fellow chaos and kept tuned in on the situation. I was a lurker back then and didn't say much as it takes me a while to get comfortable in new places and open up, but I read. After you left, I tried adding you on Steam and asked around more than a few times seeing if anyone had any news, but nobody knew anything. I feared the worst, but after a little while I was perusing and looked up your steam account. To my surprise, it showed you as active. I sent another request, but nothing came of it.

    It was after I mentioned this to someone that I was told of the deception. Even if you didn't know me, I was hurt that someone I wanted to consider a friend would do something like that to the community. I've cared for my mother since I was ~8 years old while she battled ovarian cancer for over a decade, and I still care for her after her beating it due to the lasting effects it has caused that will forever leave her handicapped. A high school friend of mine lost his mother when cancer spread to her brain, and seeing him spiral out of control despite all attempts by those around to comfort him was depressing to say the least. But I wasn't so much mad as I was confused. Seeing firsthand for so many years and from such a young age the horror of cancer, I couldn't get my mind around why someone would lie about it.

    However, I'm always up for second chances. Nobody can say they haven't done something they regret. As much as I try to be a nice guy, there are a few things I've done that I wish I could undo. People make mistakes, small and large. Whether or not you've come back to the community in an honest attempt to make things right, or if you realized SGMOD is, like, the best and you were tired of other servers, well that remains to be seen. I may have a low bar for forgiveness, but there are plenty of other members who will require a lot of proving, and even then it's not guaranteed that you'll feel as welcome as you might want. But from me, I wish you the best of luck.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  2. Sunny

    Sunny VIP

    I don't know the full story and best to not know the whole story. Yes, I can see you made mistake. You are not different from us. I wouldn't talk to you if you made mistake then blame other or not be responsible for it. I see the different in you, I can see that you want to be better than before. So was I. The walk from bottom to the top is what make life worth living. When you are up at the top, you will see what I mean. Even if you made another mistakes, please stand back up and become a good person. Don't be those type of people.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Aceslayer

    Aceslayer VIP

    Having several family members that have had cancer, and a couple that have died from it, it's always disappointing to me reading about people that don't seem to understand just how serious the disease is and lie about having it. I am, however, glad to see that you have realized it was a mistake, and are now owning up to your mistake.

    Now, as I don't think I was around when you were here, the only thing I'll add is this,

    Welcome back to the community, I hope you learned your lesson in what you did, and good luck in trying to earn the respect of those that knew you back. Hope to see you in-game and get to know you better.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. SchmooveySchmoove

    SchmooveySchmoove He's so Schmooooveeee VIP

    I believe in second chances, we're all human, we make stupid mistakes no one is perfect. I haven't really played with you at all , Cancer is nothing to joke around about, however, its a serious matter , a lot of people die from it. You have a lot of work to do for forgiveness from this community.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I believe in giving people second chances normally, but at the moment, you'll have to earn that second chance back. When you choose to deceive others with a prank that is normally a very serious and lie about it, no one will be so forgiving. Don't expect anyone who was around to trust you any time soon.

    In short, I won't be forgiving you about this kind of situation any time soon.
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  6. Armour

    Armour Ok. VIP

    As someone who also did something stupid to the community, I can tell you that it will take some time for people to even think about forgiving you.

    But this is Serious GMOD, one of the greatest communities out there. I'm sure some will let you back in. Good luck on your coming back into the servers!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    You must honestly have some sort of psychological issue that you feel you have to tell someone you have cancer in order to get them to be your friend or show some kind of affection towards you. Either that, or you're just a selfish asshole that doesn't care about who he hurts along the way.

    I can't even be certain this apology is genuine, considering the fact that you made up an elaborate ruse already just to use people. You have burnt your bridges with me and many in this community. I hope that your bullshit farewell serves as a testimony to this community of what a selfish person you can be and how you will do anything to feel good about yourself.

    You're not going to pull the wool over my eyes and I am damn certain not many others.

    Fool me once...
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  8. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I never knew you before, being a rather new member to the community means that I missed all of this drama. However, being the kind of person that I am, I went looking through the forums, to get a feel for this place. When I saw your farewell from oh so long ago, even though I never knew you, I cried. Yeah me, a person you don't know, cried because of the apparent troubles that you had to face at such a young age. Cancer fucking sucks. I know it does. I have seen people die to it; my own best friend died at the age of 14 years old when she found out her own body hated her. She too had bone cancer that spread to her brain. My mother battled it, my aunty battled it, other friends have, my next door neighbour just got diagnosed with it for a second time. Cancer literally affects so many people every single day. And I am sure you know this.

    When I saw your farewell it reminded me of when I lost my best friend. It killed me to some degree, made me feel so sorry for your family, and your friends and the community. It seemed that we had lost a well known friendly person, your parents had lost a son your friends, had lost someone close to them. I felt grief for a person I would never even meet. Or so I thought. Because now I find out that you lied about this. You hurt people, literally hundreds of people for apparently a reason you can't remember. These people mourned for you, thought they had lost you and to find out it was all a lie is something that is going to sit with them forever.

    I believe in second chances. I really do. But when you come back and are less than 100% transparent with everyone in regards to why you did it, it makes you coming back and even being welcomed back at that, very very unlikely. If anything, you owe us the transparency and if you don't give it to us, I doubt that people will want to see you stick around. I do wish you luck on your quest to joining this community again, but you left a very sour taste in a lot of people's mouths, even in those mouths of people who didn't even know you. People like me.

    Just keep that in mind.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  9. Well I wasn't here for this
    And thank God for that
    • Old Old x 4
  10. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Ok well I knew you back in the day, and you were funny and awesome to play with. I was saddened by your cancer thread, but ended up not really giving a shit that it was fake. Maybe I'm just a senseless asshole or didn't like you as much as the others, but I feel like most people here weren't as hurt by the deceit as they are saying and are just bandwagoning on the moral high ground hype. Someone lied on the Internet, big whoop, change your username and move on.

    Also, to the people declaring that he has mental health issues... Just because someone thinks different than you, or because you can't understand how they would think or act a certain way, doesn't make them mentally ill.

    Although, I do agree that this whole ordeal is a symptom to a larger underlying problem (perhaps it is mental or an environmental/social issue, who knows man). I've grown up with anxiety and acceptance issues so I can sort of understand the line of logic that leads you to lying like that, especially with the anonymity of the Internet.

    To conclude; I don't think anything less of you. This is a game server with tons of people and horrible attention spans. I think making this thread wasn't the best idea since it just reminded everybody of what was probably close to being forgotten. Everyone is going to doubt everything you say (who cares, I doubt 98% of the shit I see/hear on the web). You might as well say "fuck you guys" and keep playing because you're only going to receive indifference from anyone who knows this situation, and maybe a "what the fucks a lord of chaos" from the newcomers, but mostly indifference.


    Maybe because he's a human being? What gives you the moral high ground to pass judgement. Everyone knows what he did. Have you never lied before? It's only bad if someone else does it right? Does a demoted ex moderator [REDACTED] dictate the morals that this community stands by?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2015
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  11. Master_Failure

    Master_Failure master of failing.. not much more to say VIP

    I may have already said my words but. you people talking so much shit and calling him out? when did he say this was a joke or a prank? he wanted out of this server and apparently for a good reason. some of you are just complete jack asses towards him and to be quite honest it puts you far beneath him if anything. if you are telling him hes not worth it or anything do you not give a single fuck about how he feels? hes fucking human too. to think that i thought this community was getting better. apparently not. Let me ask, if you guys were talked down to and told you aren't worth jack shit when you fucked up how would you feel exactly? would you want to be talked to like this?. if you do good for fucking you but still hes a human and he may have done some unsavory things but that doesn't give you the right to talk to him as if he isn't human. we have all screwed up and i guarantee you will screw up more in life too, and before some of you say things like oh you don't know the feeling or something along those lines i have had multiple family members die from cancer and have close friends who have cancer, if they lied about it id just be glad they were alive and not tell them how shitty of a person they were.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  12. This is becoming a flame war or maybe that's just me. We're having people argue over humanity. I think Chaos has gotten his/her point off. Do we really need more of this?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Imo you should just delete this thread and play TTT/post on forums as you normally would. I feel people shouldn't be so dramatic over this since it is the internet, but I guess bonds of friendship do happen still, so it makes sense that some would be hurt by this. For everyone else, chill the fuck out if you weren't legit friends with Lord. To you, it should be seen as a common case as someone lying on the internet, regardless whether it was a shitty thing to do or not.

    EDIT: To add, I'm almost positive that all of you have lied or done something shitty here at least once.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. Emtech2

    Emtech2 The worst ones always live VIP Silver Emerald

    Due to this thread becoming a flame-war it has been locked.
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  15. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    I have no idea who you are, I have no idea what this whole situation brought forth, clearly a lot of heart break and broken trust. So hello stranger for the first time.

    All I have to say is, you really need to, if you haven't already, seek happiness and acceptance in your own personal life if you resulted to doing something like this to a community of real people with real feelings and hearts. As many on here have stated, I want to believe in second chances always, sometimes it's hard to do, and although i'm sure many have been waiting to hear an explanation and apology from you, i'm sure it's safe to say that many are not ready to jump into a friendship with you. I don't know you, I have no problem with you, so I truly truly wish you the best from this point moving forward for happiness and acceptance for yourself and from others in due time.

    Best of wishes.

    Edit: didn't see this was locked, oops.
    • Old Old x 5
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  16. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    You lied about having cancer, let the community think you're dying, let them have a final memorial day for you along with Highwon engraving your name in one of our most popular maps in the memory of you. Even with all that being done, I could have seen myself one day being able to respect you on at least some sort of level, but I can't. Here's why:

    - You tried coming back to the community under an alias of a popular troll thinking it would somehow cloak you from us finding out who you are. Little did you know, any admin (in this case, @Muffin) would instantly get your attention and check your IP to see if you are in-fact the troll we would be on constant alert for. I find it kinda funny how you reacted when I confronted you.
    - After a long time, @zomborg (who you used to be close with) found out you actually didn't die. When she texted you to confront you, you replied with something along the lines of "I don't regret what I did, I don't care about any of you, and I'd do it again."

    You see, that last part is what takes the cake for me. There's a lot I can put in the past and forget about, but this... nah.

    I don't think you need to be banned like I keep hearing; I think seeing how people see you in this community is punishment enough. I personally don't think you should bother trying to redeem yourself.

    I can't bring myself to forgive you, or even respect you.
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  17. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

  18. Emtech2

    Emtech2 The worst ones always live VIP Silver Emerald

    This thread has been locked since the 21st. Please stop posting on it. If you wish to inform the OP on how you feel about this please PM him.
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