Invalid Report against SantaVenom

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Ariano, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. Ariano

    Ariano New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    ttt_bb_teenroom_b2 / ttt_terrortrainb2
    Which Round:
    don't remember
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    So i'm reporting him because he was kinda jerky with me and some players.
    He did some rdming and didn't even slay himself and ignored the reportings.
    I reported one VIP (SarahYamonobe) for trying to RDM me, pushed me from a place, gladly I survived and killed her and reported it multiple times he did: nothing.
    But he slayed me 2 times.
    One time it's because it was me, the T and him, and I heard shooting from a place where he was coming from, and I did a life check and nobody answer so I guessed I was alone with the T and I KOSed him when he appeared and then I saw he was inno, but the real T was coming from the location also. Explained the situation he slayed me.
    Second time it was a time I threw a discombulator on the map that is a big room for the second ground of the shelf and I don't know why hit really hit on player and it killed him. I explained the situation on the report and he slayed me. So why he slay me and not Sarah for example or him?
    He did this: RDMed an inno and a T without even asking. So he didn't have a strong reason to do it, but still he did it and basicly he said (well screw this I killed a T and I don't care I killed an innocent).
    He also ignored the reports, as I already said.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Ariano

    Ariano New Member

    There was more people on the server though...
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Ill go ahead and tag @SantaVenom who will provide his evidence and his admin @Guilty who will decide the verdict of this report. Thanks for being patient.
  4. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    Good morning! Hope you had a wonderful day. @SantaVenom will respond at his earliest convenience.
  5. Ariano

    Ariano New Member

    Being very after what he did.
    Already saw some moderators that even slayed themselves and this one...
  6. Spitefulvenom

    Spitefulvenom So long TTT! Administrator VIP

    Thank you for reporting me in that short paragraph you explained exactly why you recived all 3 of those slays given that the discombob not only damaged 2 people but it was your second offence, further more i asked you to report sarah and you did not see evidence #1 & 2
    Now since you didnt report them like i asked you to i had to do so and after doing so they informed me that you tried to push them off first (i dont have a screen shot of this due to the fact that they pmd me it after map switch whilst i was leaving)
    In regards to the "not slaying myself" if there is a reason for myself to be slain i will be however the time you are talking about there i killed silverblood and jason on terror train see evidence 3
    Now although its not visible i killed both silver and jason for being in the middle car on terror train avoiding unided bodies so i killed both and in regards to my so called quote what i actually said was "i killed them both for not iding bodies and one was a t so i guess im proven, i hope that clears up any misconceptions and i can also provide a witness if need be and other screenshots such as arianos rdm.

  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Good evening @Ariano ! Thank you for reporting my Moderator about this.

    While I cannot account for how @SantaVenom has acted during the instance you claim he RDMed, it appears that you explained the reasons on why you were slain in your initial reason for the report. Allow me to describe the situation as it appears to me based on both SantaVenom and your reasoning.

    If spitefulvenom did kill those 2 players due to unidentified bodies, then he did not commit RDM as you claim based on his testament and his evidence provided. People don't have to announce the reason on why they killed a player during the instance they kill. They can explain the situation to the staff member if the staff member requests it depending on whether the victim chooses to report them to get the full side of the situation. If you did see a situation involving my moderator acting unprofessional and going against the expectations held by the staff, then by all means, I'd like for you to provide that evidence through screenshots or video evidence.

    If you did try to push this player off a ledge as SantaVenom has stated in his side of the story, then that would mean that we would be at an impasse based on the situation being word vs word. This is because you claim one thing happened, but the other side claims another thing happened. In your situation, you claim you were RDMed by almost being killed, but the other side also claims that you pushed them towards that direction as well. This would mean the both of you committed traitorous acts supposedly and as a result, there wouldn't be much that could be accomplished as a result. Our staff do not act on word vs word situations in order to remove the possibility of bias impacting our judgement. If we have video evidence of what happened in the situation, then that's a whole different story. However, if there is no video evidence provided, then we cannot take action.

    The first situation that you described as far as your slay goes seems to be justified as you admit that you KOSed on suspicion. Your KOS in return, caused the death of the target and as a result, you were punished appropriately. Our servers do not allow for "live check or KOS" so it would appear that SantaVenom gave a correct slay as far as that goes.

    The second situation that comes up involves you RDMing more than one player with a discombobulator you threw. Now, considering you admit to killing one player and spitefulvenom (apologies, but I hate calling you SantaVenom) explains that you damaged more than one player, I will not be able to give the proper verdict on this situation. However, considering that you admit to RDMing in that situation, it appears that your slays were justified in that situation.

    If you don't have any evidence of the situation, then I will be marking this report against my Moderator as invalid. I'd also like for my Moderator to provide screenshots of the situations where you were slain so I have a better understanding of the situation. Once all of these details are gathered, I'll be finishing this report off.

    Until then, cheers!
    Sincerely, Guilty
  8. Ariano

    Ariano New Member

    I didn't tried to push her from the cliff, that was excuses. I was there hidding and she come there and pushed me. There was one guy watching, I think it's a V.I.P too. I never tried to push her and when I got pushed I KOSed her with the help of the guy that was there, because he was watching. Reported to SantaVenom and he tottaly ignored me.

    And that situation where I got slayed wouldn't happen if I didn't did to him, because there was a lot of players doing that kind of stuff and he did = 0. I would like you to have moderators that would bring equal justice to your servers, not treating VIP diferent from normal players.

    And you can see the logs and see how many person that were online that time. The server was full and got empty in a few times. I wasn't the only one disliking Santa's actions.

    And if were you playing, you would have killed Santa in that situation. I could hear someone shooting and someone dying from the location from where he was coming from, so I guessed he was a T, didn't had any notification from someone checking bodys also. And yes he wasn't carrying the double barrel I heard, but traitors change their weapons. I explained the situation to SantaVenom, tried to argue. Nothing done. Sarah for other part killed me in my traitor round, I reported her and my report got COMPLETELY ignored. Nobody explained actually why she rdmed me and I felt that my reports (and other players were reporting too and I didn't see nothing happening to the guys who did the RDM) were ignored.
  9. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    But this is exactly what I mean by a word vs word situation. spitefulvenom didn't see what happened and without any video evidence of what happened in this situation, this would just result in a situation where your word differs from SarahYamonobe's word. Like I said before in my previous comment, "Our staff do not act on word vs word situations in order to remove the possibility of bias impacting our judgement. If we have video evidence of what happened in the situation, then that's a whole different story. However, if there is no video evidence provided, then we cannot take action.". I assure you that it isn't because one player is a VIP and you aren't. No player is exempt from the rules. That includes staff and if the rules are broken and shown with the appropriate evidence, then the appropriate actions will be taken. Unfortunately, your story doesn't explain her side of the story and as a result of your stories clashing, nothing could and should be done.

    No player gets special treatment from staff. The only reason you may be seeing this kind of disparity is because most VIP players tend to be seasoned veterans who know their ways around the rules compared to the average non-donator. This doesn't mean that they're getting special treatment and if rules are broken, then I assure you that these players will be punished appropriately when the time comes. As I stated previously: no player is exempt from the rules.

    Unfortunately, that kind of situation would only allow for suspicion because you didn't see what happened and without knowing exactly what happened, your situation would only entail in RDM. That's doubly worse considering you chose to use a "live check or KOS", which is not allowed on our servers and acting on it would only result in players being killed due to suspicion. This is something that isn't allowed on our servers. As I explained with you on the case with SarahYamonobe, if you feel that there was staff negligence in your situation, then gather the appropriate evidence and then present it in either videos or screenshots. If you do not have any video evidence to present in regards to spitefulvenom's negligence, then once my Moderator presents his screenshot evidence, then I will be finishing this off as invalid.
  10. Spitefulvenom

    Spitefulvenom So long TTT! Administrator VIP

    Here are the instances i gave ariano the slays for
  11. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

  12. Ariano

    Ariano New Member

    It's okay then. I'd love to see more justice on your servers in the future, for the reasons that I stated before.
  13. Ariano

    Ariano New Member

    Next time something like this happens, I assure you i'll gather all the intel avalaible, and post it in the forums.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Thank you for your understanding. This report on my Moderator has been found invalid. Have a good day :)
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