Finished Elite and Points for golden deagle!

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Rozboon, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I was going to do a giveaway for Legendary, but due to Christmas and some medical incidents my funds are somewhat low. So instead I have decided to do an elite giveaway as well as enough points to each winner to afford the golden deagle.

    I'll be choosing 3 winners, all you have to do is rate this post and then make a post containing the following
    1. What do you look forward to most about the holiday season and what do you celebrate?
    2. The new year is right around the corner, what have you learned from this year and do you have any goals for the next?

    For me I look forward to spending time with family the most, seeing the nephews and niece and seeing the joy in their eyes for everything that comes with this time of year makes it so much better, especially since I've lost that feeling myself and can't see it anymore. I also celebrate Christmas in a number of different ways, typical way with my immediate family, and more Danish oriented with my dads side (different type of food, desert, we dance around the tree and sing Danish carols at the end of dinner xD)

    This year has been an interesting one for me, full of ups and downs and filled with new people. It's been amazing how many people I've met, and so many more that I care about, it's truly amazing and it's all thanks to this community. I've learned that I have somewhat of a purpose in life, and that next year will be a huge change in everything I know, military life should kick me into the shape I need to be in and will allow me to fulfill the promises I've made and help those I need to.

    Happy Holidays everyone! I'll be picking the winners either the night of the 23rd, or sometime on the 24th (I work and have a family dinner to go to). This should be enough time for people to get their posts in, goodluck!
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  2. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Christmas with the family <3 best time of the year.

    Mistakes from this year are now im aware of, I remember to not make the same mistakes like I usually do.
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  3. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    1. Relaxing cause the holiday season is right after finals.
    2. Learned nothing profound this year (besides maybe that hard work pays off) but my goal for next year is to find a job I like, fits me, and pays well.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    I look forward to going to my grandparents house and seeing them for the first time in over a year, also christmas duh.

    This year I learned I'm good at making :sinz: videos and next year I want to be trying to put out more TTT videos.
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  5. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    1. What do you look forward to most about the holiday season and what do you celebrate?
    • I can't wait to get new pajamas.... I LOVE PAJAMAS! Just taking a good lazy Winter break with my family. I enjoy the happiness that everyone has when they get their presents, it's such a great day. I also hope that I get a new book. I celebrate Christmas.
    2. The new year is right around the corner, what have you learned from this year and do you have any goals for the next?
    • I've learned to start enjoying myself, instead of being to serious. My goal for next year would have to be get accepted into college, pass my finals, and go to more parties.
    If I win give it to @Tinbuster00
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  6. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

    #1 I look forward to opening presents and spending time with family. I celebrate christmas of course
    #2 What i have learned this year is that there will always be tough time and you have to choose between what is right and what is easy. Give up or Try. My goals this year is to have a better year than last year. Try to be a better person and learn from mistakes.
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  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    1) Spending time with friends and family down at home. Oh yeah, also, KOREAN FOOD AND TACOS! :p
    2) As far as what I've learned this year, I've learned to never give up on one thing and be more persistent when it comes to near-impossible situations and be a better person as a whole. What I want next year? To do well and finally graduate from school so I have time to meet a few certain people afterwards and have a good laugh about what happened in the past. :p
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  8. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    1) I really look foward to having a break from school especially since the last week was pure stress because of finals and grades

    2) What I learned this year, more like what didn't I :p But I think out of everything the biggest thing I learned was that worrying anout what others do in their life really isn't really my place to judge, if it makes them happy then that's fine in my book lol.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    I celebrate Christmas, and I most enjoy spending time with my family during it. Both of my parents work and between my schedule and theirs we seem to rarely have intersecting free time, so during holidays I always spend my time with them and my little brother.

    I've learned some very humbling things this year and very thankful to have learned it early on instead of down the road.
    My goals for next year are simply to be more diligent with certain things.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  10. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Oh boy, you're asking some deep questions xD

    1. What do you look forward to most about the holiday season and what do you celebrate?

    The thing I look most forward to is the act of giving gifts to people. I like to do it through the year, surprise people with little things here and there because it makes people smile and making people smile is something I like to do. But when it comes to Christmas it gives me a good excuse to do elaborate things and people can't question me because I have good reasons! Spending time with my family is always a plus. We don't do Christmas with our extended family for a multitude of reasons so it just tends to be myself, my sister, my nan and my mum. My sister tends to make an elaborate feast with a theme and everything. She goes all out with the food and decorating, like she plans this a month in advance it is that bad. Then usually on the day we end up playing Cards Against Humanity or other card games for most of the evening. Staying home is the best part of it because we don't have to worry about morons on the roads and the likes. Christmas tends to be my favourite holiday that I celebrate with my family so I'm pretty excited about what is to come in a few days time!

    2. The new year is right around the corner, what have you learned from this year and do you have any goals for the next?
    This year has been a big learning experience in itself. Being a person who strives for perfection and someone who has worked hard to never fall short of what I want made this year a very hard one. I learnt what it is like to work hard, to give everything and to still fall short, to fail and it made me realise a few things about myself. Leaving school and going to a University in a city I didn't know all that well and becoming more independent was also a learning curve and I know that I will be using all that I have learnt this year, to make my next year a better one. My goal for next year is to do better than this year, using the new knowledge that I have. I won't let all the things I have learnt go to waste because then I wouldn't have learnt now would I?

    Thank you so much for the giveaway Rozzy :3 Happy holidays!
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  11. Doodle Bop

    Doodle Bop Things always look impossible until they're done. VIP

    I look forward to being with family and not having to worry about school and just enjoying myself all around.
    I have learned to mature as a better person from being on the Serious TTT servers and in real life. It has impacted me deeply and I have learned from past mistakes and I only look to move forward.
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  12. I look forward to my trip with my friends this Christmas. We're visiting "Mcleodganj" so Google it if you want to :)
    I have learnt that it is better to study in advance for exams rather than to take the pressure when exams are around the corner, but I don't think I'll be successful in implementing this completely :p
    Oh and also thanks. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Mudpug

    Mudpug VIP

    I look forward to seeing the look on my daughters face when she opens every present.
    My family usually comes over to my parent's house in waves. when one group leaves, the next enters lol.....

    I have learned that I am far from perfect and I have ALOT of room to grow and mature into the father and future husband that i want to become. This will take time but I hope to be on my own 2 feet and supporting my family.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    1. Mostly Hakuna Matata
    2. I have learned that I am a weak-willed person and that I should really do something about that.

    Also thanks for the Elite.
    (Since I said thanks in advance, you are compelled to buy me Elite)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Arcanius

    Arcanius Oh, you like it there VIP

    1. I look forward to seeing the faces of people who accept gifts that they are well aware are horrible, and the faces of those who i envy.
    2. I have learned that I engage in conersations that I don't need to and I plan to be more considerate of that.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    1) Being with the family for the first time in 3 months.
    2) I learnt that I am not a great person like I thought I was.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  17. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    1 // This christmas I look forward to seeing all my family and friends and having a laugh and a good time with them after not seeing them for nearly a year now.
    2 // I have learnt that some things need to be let go of and that I should try and move on quicker with things that put me down alot. I suppose, my goal for next year is to avoid dwelling on things that are un-needed.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  18. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    1. Celebrating nothing, looking forward to leaving my family again.
    2. Learned the value of friendship and my goal next year is to pursue my dream job.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. LegitCake

    LegitCake Loyalty Banned VIP

    1) I look forward to spending time with family and friends as we normally celebrate Christmas every year. Hopefully we'll get a white Christmas this year after last year being a disappointment with only 1-2 days of snow.

    2) This year I've had to deal with stuff like never before which has put me into depression a couple times. Normally I'm a pretty happy guy but unfortunately the smallest things can really have an impact on me. I have learned to cope with these things which has really benefit me.

    For the new years I plan to change myself into something better. I plan to start working out, eating healther and hopefully be able to land a job during the summer to help pay for a car and for future purchases.

    I believe that anyone can achieve their goal(s) next year if they put effort into it.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  20. Viral☣

    Viral☣ I'm the hero that Deathrun deserves! VIP Silver

    1.I want to Spend Christmas with my amazing family that lives across the world from me and we like to celebrate with my grandmas special cream pie :p
    2.This year I have had to go through a lot,I got into middle school and things got alot harder for me,I was loaded with homework I had a quiz very often ,and it got a lot harder for me.But when we are talking off topic of school I had a great year!I got to have fun with my friends who are my neighbors,and my best friend from 1rst and 2nd grade came back to my school after having to go with his dad that's in the army to Boston and he is moving back during winter brake! I have gotten my own phone and many other things but I don't want to go on forever :p
    For the years ahead of me i wish to get More responsibilities and try to become more mature so when I get to my teen ages I won't be immature.i want to become a better person like most of the people at this community! I also want to learn about computer technology because I love computers and my dad is allready a professional at making and fixing computers.Well next year will be here soon and when it is,I hope to accomplish most of the things listed above.Merry Christmas and happy new year to all!
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