Denied JaegarBombs's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by JaegarBombs, Dec 2, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Fam Sisher
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Rozboon tracked me down and banned me for "history of mic spam." This is because I was gagged for wayyy too long so I hopped servers. Then accused me of playing music into the mic, to which I said wasn't true. Then he accused me of lying, TWICE.

    How ridiculous. You have small children on here screaming into the mic, or people singing, or all sorts of other things. Then I go and use my own voice to make sound effects that everyone seems to like (besides the staff)

    If it is going to be this big of a deal, I wont do it anymore. I'm now questioning why I gave the server 20 bucks so I could be banned for dumb stuff like this. ESPECIALLY when people actually enjoy it and think its funny.

    I did NOT lie to you, Rozboon, and if you'd even give me a chance to defend myself you'd see. Don't be so damn quick to ban someone who supports and loves your server. TTT is my favorite thing to do during my breaks from studying and SeriousGMod is the shit.

    So there it is, I gave y'all a piece of my mind. I PROMISE TO STOP PLAYING NOISES if you all hate it that much. Now pretty please with a cherry on top, would you mind unbanning me? Or AT LEAST reduce the ban. 14 days???? That's a little steep guys, and not necessary to get me to stop alright? I'm done. We wont have this problem again.


    Jaegar Howatt
    VIP Member

    PS I dont know if it was west or west 2.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    @Rozboon will reply as soon as convenient.
  3. Doodle Bop

    Doodle Bop Things always look impossible until they're done. VIP

    You were mic spamming, as you came onto the server spamming Alivn and the Chipmunks. I then gagged you when I got this message.
    Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 6.24.02 PM.png
    That's when he joined and said he would go ahead and ban you.
    Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 5.29.32 PM.png
    This is my evidence for my time being in-game with you.
  4. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I'd like to add that my last interaction with this player (a couple of days ago) he was mic spamming his sound board, then argued with me when gagged. I can provide video if needed.

    Also told me he does it when mods aren't on because "people find it hilarious"
  5. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Hello @JaegarBombs

    I was first warned of your mic spam by @Weeeeeeeee in which he mentioned you had been gagged twice (following protocol) and you had jumped servers, I had talked to the mod @Jingle Bop about you in which he replied to me that he had just given you another gag for mic spam. With this information I decided to jump on and talk to you and I asked you about your mic spam gags with music (I know now it wasn't but something that sounded like alvin and the chipmunks). I then checked your history and there are several mic spam bans, as well as you being known for getting gagged twice and switching servers to do it again. You are also very toxic towards staff and confrontational when they hand you a gag for the sound board. This is why you have received a global and a ban.

    With this being said I'll allow @Weeeeeeeee to add anything additional with his first handling of you today, and then I'll go ahead and close this up with a verdict.
  6. Im not arguing this im just saying 14 days is wayy too long. I wont do it anymore man.
  7. Do what you will just ask yourself if this is necessary. You all have my word. I'm no longer going to do this.
  8. I'm not a fucking menace. I am a person. just have some heart. You all keep "providing evidence" as if I'm lying.
  9. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    On the 2nd offense of Mic Spam, you left almost immediately after I gagged you.
    After the first gag, you should have known what you were doing wasn't accepted in the servers but you did it again and I gagged you. It also appears that you hopped to another server in attempt to avoid a full round gag and continue mic spamming on a different server.

    Those that are screaming, singing, or doing other things considered spam are not exempted from the rules. You were not the only one gagged by myself. There were others on the server at the same time that were gagged for those reasons listed.
  10. Right. Is there a rule against hopping servers when you are gagged?

    Also, I am not toxic. I just stand up for myself.

    I am not "known for hopping servers after two gags". I don't know why we are fabricating things now.
  11. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Turns out, it was yesterday around 11:50pm (Central Time) that I had an issue with you sound boarding. One of your arguments was "people think it's funny" but in the recording you can only hear one person chuckle and then someone else get very angry that you weren't gagged faster.

  12. If you'd like, I can gather a list of at least 15 players right now that did find it amusing and ask them to come testify in my favor. You must really want me banned for some reason, Noctorious. Either you have some beef with me or you're just ban-happy, which I hope isn't the case.
  13. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I'm just adding my evidence since I hadn't left a note or anything in your adminstats and it was within 24 hours of you getting banned for History of Micspam
  14. Okay. I have another idea.

    Why don't you all gather together and track down and submit the evidence of me being FRIENDLY as shit to other players and staff, freely giving away points to people out of kindness, apologizing for accidental RDM and forgiving others for it, cracking jokes and enjoying myself and enjoying the server. You are all about the bad 5% of the time when I troll on people. I already said I'd stop. It is that simple. Y'all can permaban me if I do it again.

    Pardon my "toxicity", Rozboon.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  15. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I'll go ahead and finish this up now, this is your ban history:
    This would be longer as there are several mentions of you dodging the third punishment of mic spam by hopping servers, as well as being toxic to staff as I saw today when I was asking you about what happened. in less than 2 weeks you have been banned 2 times for mic spam, and a final time today.

    It's bad enough that you hopped servers to avoid the gags, it's even worse that you have done it in the past, but the part that got me the most is how you instantly spammed the soundboard or whatever you use when you got to the new server. How many times do you have to get gagged and banned for it to realize that it is unacceptable?

    I'll be denying your appeal as the 2 weeks should give you some time to think over you actions and hopefully you will understand that the mic spam is not acceptable and if you want to help the community, you will stop with the nonsense. I'll leave this open a little longer to give you a chance for a final say, if you abuse this opportunity I will close it up and that will be it.

    *Edit, serve out your ban, you need longer than a day to think about why you're here and how you're going to improve.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  16. Damn dude. I understand you are doing your job as admin and I respect that. I also understand you deal with assholes like me every day. If you're dead set on leaving my ban on, I guess that's up to your discretion as there's obviously nothing I can say to change your mind.

    I've never hopped servers to avoid a gag before today, and if I have, I don't remember. I understand that mic spam is bad. I didn't know however that it was THIS bad. And I'm sorry dude. I thought it was cool and I just wanted people to think I was cool I guess, I don't know. Nevertheless, I'm DONE doing it.... as I've said multiple times. Unfortunately, we live in an age where giving your word means nothing, and that's not your fault, it's society's. To you, I am an asshole on the internet and even more so, words on a screen. What you should know is that I do have integrity, and when I say I wont be doing it anymore, that is my word... one man to another.

    I'll say it one more time.

    I will not intentionally micspam on your server, or any of your servers, ever again.

    I don't need 14 days to make that decision.
    Think about it, that's all.

    Regardless, have a good evening.

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