Completed Report against VoiceOfTreason

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by kingsaib0t, Nov 23, 2015.

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  1. SchmooveySchmoove

    SchmooveySchmoove He's so Schmooooveeee VIP

    Well, this reports been up for a couple of days now, with no mods or admins handling it. Can we get a verdict if possible?
  2. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Reports like these need to be carefully analysed before giving a verdict. It wouldn't be fair to punish someone for being highly skilled and accused of hacking, especially for someone who has dedicated more than 750 hours on the servers.
  3. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    1:20 target is standing still and I get a head shot. such hacks. 1:38 I get a kill on a det from behind.
  4. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Note my gun bounces each time with a shot.. but i guess that's none of my business *sips coffee*
  5. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    My analysis towards your "comment", but let it be known this is probably going to be made invalid primarily because there's a "lack of proof." I assume that the staff will state. If you yourself want to analyze the moments and don't believe that Voice is indeed cheating, one of two things can occur. One, we get a video of him playing (probably won't occur, but stranger things have happened.) Two, each and every one of you try perfectly tracking a player like Voice has.
  6. His gun only bounces when delta was killed. I you can see recoil in spectate, there's no recoil while he was shooting until delta was dead..
  7. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I'll look into this more when I get home from work, until then @VoiceOfTreason if you want, take a demo in-game by typing record into console with a name, and play a few rounds then upload it and either pm it to me or post it here.

    Thank you.
  8. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    sailbot, My gun bounces the first shot(miss) second shot (Kill) and third shot (Miss) please dont try to make something out of nothing when you can simply watch the video and see that what you said it false.
  9. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Your aimbot is so obvious I don't see how you're not banned already. You guys are looking to much at who this player is, how long he's been here, and that he's a VIP. Treat it like it's some random player being reported and stop trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    On the video that Tinbuster provided the first office clip is the one that stands out the most, you have very little recoil (even from a spectator's/demo's point of view), and you seem to be snapping to the people in the back at chest level, hence why the seemingly also die.

    On the video that Turqy provided you can clearly see that you go from snapping and locking on to his chest, to then snapping and locking on to his head and your crosshair not moving from his head at around 1:30. You most likely have two toggles, one for the chest (when you're using your ACR), and one for the head (for when you're using snipers).

    Your whole defense of saying "the ACR has very little recoil" is a weak, it has a decent amount of recoil but is easily controllable just like the AK. You seem to using an aim-lock and some form of reduced recoil script.

    And what the hell is this "my gun is bouncing" claim? No duh it bounces, that's the gun's animation when it shoots out bullets, not because of it's recoil going up. You miss the first shot because most aimbots aren't perfect and usually end up missing a few shots at head level, and you can't say you missed the third shot if the dude is already dead, you're the one pushing your mouse button, not the aimbot. Also, your crosshair isn't moving the slightest when you're using your aim-lock/aimbot, or whatever the hell it is at this point.

    P.S Just because you're a VIP (a one time payment) with 700 hours on the server doesn't mean anything. I've witnessed people buy VIP+ (or whatever it's called now) just so that they can have less suspicion on them of hacking. You've probably gotten bored of being bad and not getting a lot of kills so you resided to hacking in order to have fun and now it's coming to bite you in the ass.
  10. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Teezy are you a mod or providing more proof? I really think not, please keep yousr rant to yourself, if my aimbot is sooooo obvious as you say then I would be banned, and you proved to me easily you have no idea how hacks work, aimbots to not have binds that lock to certain areas, they instantly move to the head, its what they are made for and before you go asking OH HOW DOES HE KNOW THIS, its called youtube, staffing purge servers, ect, you can figure it out with utter ease, and tired of being bad? Last I checked with my two names I have a score about 20k more than you, so I dont think Im in the least bit bad. I swear you are all pushing to get someone banned just to say oh look this big name player is banned. If Im such a hacker look at biohazard he is better than me by a long shot. and the gun doesnt lock. if it snapped and locked it would be ungodly obvious I move my mouse to his head pop off a few shots kill him and move on. If you dont have proof or youre staff giving a verdict stay of the thread you had and have no reason to be on here.
  11. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    In the video turqy posted, 1:20 - 1:38 pretty much seals the deal for me, just my 2 cents.

    EDIT: dat snap to head.
  12. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Alright locking this thread for now to prevent any type of flame war from happening. @VoiceOfTreason I have requested a video from you of your gameplay on any of the servers, I suggest giving me a full map worth of you playing normally, you have until 10:00pm PST to provide the demo through a PM to me. If you do not get me a demo by then, I will go ahead with the decision that the admins have come to.

    *edit We no longer need your demo, @CDriscoll will finish this report up.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
  13. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze


    After further discussion with the administration, we've come to the consensus that hacking plays a part in this gameplay, more-so toggling some sort of aim-bot. In regards to the post above this, we no longer require a video of you playing, though if you truly believe it may prove your innocence, we are always open to having it sent in a private message either on Steam or through the forums.

    Now, you've been on our servers for quite some time now, nearly a whole thousand hours. In any case, deviance from the rules is not acceptable, though this case especially seems even more caustic. With the proof that's been supplied, the attitude and connotation of the posts written in defense to the report are repugnant. Throughout this thread, there are multiple instances in which you've shrugged off claims made by people, and instead attempted to call out other's on their wrongdoings, shift the focus onto other users "being better than you", attempting to call out users for not following posting rules, and etc. I understand that being accused of something isn't necessarily an enjoyable thing, but this brings me to my next point.

    Not once have you firmly rebutted any of the claims or provided any help to do so, and instead simply responded with sarcastic, bitter remarks. Firm evidence, including videos and testimonies, was provided in this report against you, though was responded to very poorly. You've been here for long enough to know how we operate, and let me tell you that that is not how to deal with this sort of ordeal. If you want to take this seriously, you're free to settle the matter further in private or through an appeal, but for now the administration has come to the consensus that this is valid, and that this is a level of toxicity that shouldn't be tolerated.

    The different portions of proof that back this decision are shown in the videos provided, which I'll include in the bottom of this post. In this video, it's clear that you've locked onto the user, but had been interrupted by the chair which causes your cross-hair to lose place. This can be seen at around 1:20 in the video. After this occurs, you pass the chair and lock onto the user's chest and head, and maintain a smooth position despite moving and shooting, which can be seen at 1:25 in the video. The bottom line is that there's clear video which shows you locking onto users, making subtle snaps. I'm not sure what the motive is here, but it's disappointing nonetheless and I hope there's a lesson learned somewhere in here.

    All in all, as said above this report has been found valid, due to the proof supplied, and because of the behavior that's been demonstrated throughout this thread. You'll be free to rejoin the servers after this ban is up, though please make sure that things have changed for the better before doing so. Don't let this happen again.

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