Killing with Ingenuity

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    Hi everyone, my name is Drunk Dog and the regular ways to kill people in STTT can get boring for me. So I spend most of my time in-game trying to find more creative ways to play and kill people. Here are some of my findings, and feel free to share your own! (Since I regular vanilla and love props, all of mine are vanilla+prop related).

    1: Jihad on Vanilla.

    Step 1: Find a nice isolated place where no one will kill you for throwing out and arming a c4.
    Step 2: Drop a c4 into a minecart, then arm the c4.
    Step 3: Grab the minecart CAREFULLY (or else the c4 will fly out and you will have wasted your time) with your magneto stick and slowly walk around with it.
    Step 4: Find a group of people and follow them around until the c4 blows up (They wont be able to see the c4 if you're raising the minecart up high enough, although they may try to run, so follow them).

    2: Minecart trampline.

    Step 1: Bring three minecarts into the nether (carefully or else they break when they touch the portal).
    Step 2: Once all three are in the nether, place one in front of the portal, then put another on top of that one.
    Step 3: Once you have two minecarts stacked in front of the portal, grab the third and push the minecarts through the portal at the same time along with the one you're carrying.
    Step 4: By pushing all 3 minecarts through the portal at the same time, you've created a glitch in which they are all stuck together looking like a single, vibrating minecart.
    Step 5: Inform other players that you have made a trampoline, and to jump on it. Curiosity will get the better of them, (most likely), and they will attempt jumping on the minecarts, which will usually send them flying a gigantic distance into the air, and killing them.
    3: Two man prop surf.

    Step 1: Get a friend to stand on your prop with you before you prop surf.
    Step 2: Prop surf
    Step 3: Now that you are both flying, you control the prop while your friend (who has his hands free) shoots at people below (basically become an attack helicopter).
    4: Blow up prop surfers/people in the lighthouse with c4.

    Step 1: Same as Jihad on vanilla, but make sure your minecart is in prop surfing position (halfway off a ledge).
    Step 2: Once c4 is armed in the minecart, begin prop surfing.
    Step 3: While prop surfing, move towards any other prop surfers/lighthouse.
    Step 4: Blow up.
    Step 5/alternative use: If you move too quickly on the prop, the C4 will fall out. This can be taken advantage of by moving slowly until you find a group of people below you, then moving fast to knock the C4 out a few seconds before it explodes. Essentially creating a bomb being dropped from the sky onto an unsuspecting crowd. Could be done with dual prop surfing as well (having your T buddy drop the c4 into the minecart while flying, then going ahead and knocking it down onto people).
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
    • Creative x 12
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  2. 1. Convince someone to observe this awesome looking trash can
    2. Put a bullet in his head
    • Useful Useful x 4
    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    5: T OPEN T ROOM (minecraftcity)
    Step 1: Wait for the inevitable "T OPEN T ROOM" spam.
    Step 2: Enter T room VIA. under big house
    Step 3: Find the portal in the wall where people come out of VIA pig pen T room portal by walking along the wall until it glitches you back and fourth.
    Step 4: Walk into that glitchy space and place a C4 in there
    Step 5: Set C4 to 10 minutes
    Step 6: Go to pig pen and open the T room for innocents (considering your T buddies are okay with it, or are dead)

    If they go through the portal to the T room under the big house, they will likely become stuck on your C4, unable to move in the wall. Their only option to get out is to disarm the C4, which since it's set to 10 minutes, will most likely kill them. Planting multiple C4 will be good for tricking multiple people without having to go back and fourth. Once again, make sure that your T buddies aren't in any danger while doing this, as it can be a dick move.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. or you can simply call a kos on an innocent

    the others work too
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  5. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    It's more about finding ways to do things differently to make the game more interesting and not get bored
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    i have one for you that works and is very entertaining :)

    set a teleporter to the MC_B5 T room, proclaim that you have '' found '' a teleporter and give it to the detective or an inno, tell him to try it out and watch him teleport away to certain demise, good stuff.
    • Like Like x 6
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  7. ZaneLoehr (Masochist Ver.)

    ZaneLoehr (Masochist Ver.) Warehouse 13 Next Generation VIP

    Ah the old radio/tripmine combo, Set a radio in a isolated room with a tripmine by the door, use two shotgun sounds and one screaming sound (simulates a death perfectly) players will go to investigate and boom, then repeat. Also (for non-vanilla) try flare-gunning a death station, they'll stare at it in amazement then it goes off killing them ^-^
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I don't know if it's a glitch but a det went in and lived...
    So I placed it in the iron ore entrance and they died
  9. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

    I like #1
  10. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    Works best if you have a button binded to walk slowly, as walking the regular speed will often make the C4 fly out.
  11. I had around 10 seconds around 5 people and I started walking and it just fell out
    It was awkward silence before the c4 just exploded
  12. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    It requires skill and dedication. Only really successfully pulled it off once or twice.
  13. Old Fox

    Old Fox VIP

    1) Buy a teleporter and harpoon
    2) Walk to an unsuspected innocent, mark a teleport place behind his back
    3) Stand in front of him and tell him to look at me, I will show you some tricks.
    4) Promptly teleported right behind his back and harpoon his ass.

    "Detective DNA this C4":
    1) Scream into the microphone to ask for a detective to DNA a C4 that I just "found" and "defuse"
    2) Place it on the ground right in front of the detective, preferably in a crowd.
    3) While the detective is trying to pull his DNA scanner out, promptly plant the C4 with 10 minutes fuse time. 10 minutes fuse time means only 1 in 6 chance of successful defuse.
    4) Walked back and watched the crowd panic when they see the C4
    5) Call out a random wire for the innocent to cut
    6) Watch the innocents blow themselves up by the failed defuse.

    Synchronized C4s:
    1) Have lots of credits and plant the first C4 at 3 minutes.
    2) Plant the next C4s with the same fuse time as the first one.
    3) Get to a safe place and watch all the C4s around the map blow up at the same time, leaving the innocents no where to escape.

    Dead people do kill
    Simply making up that you just checked a body and that body said KOS somebody in the server.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

    I have the walk bind for ALT
  15. Squidd

    Squidd VIP

    Deadly Teleporter -Works on B5 so far-

    1. Buy a Teleporter and set the Destination to the Water/Lava Pool (Make sure you turn on the Lava Trap after setting the destination in the water) OR the T-Room Entrance.
    2. Tell the detective you found a Teleporter, and drop it.
    3. Hope they Teleport to the set location.
    4. Let the Lava or The T-Room Door kill the unsuspecting victim, and laugh maniacally as theres nothing they can do to point the finger at you.

  16. Alisae

    Alisae VIP Silver

    SAW C4 jail:

    On 67thway, find an Innocent trapped in one of the jail cells, place C4 outside, ask them "Do you want to play a game ò_ó" then watch them panic as they get blown up.

    Jack the Ripper:

    Lure lone players into empty (preferably dark) areas of the map then knife them. Make sure you have both upgrades for it though. Simple but effective.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    I just like trying to convince people to stand still or let me kill them while I'm a T. Every time I'm successful it feels like I passed a fallout charisma check.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  18. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Bind binding keys to buy a death station and a harpoon you can pull off what I call a "skypoon", you place the deathstation buy a harpoon and throw it at it, it will blow up and after you can go collect your free harpoon. Also if you have triple harpoon you can use it to kill a detective and his health station.
    • Like Like x 1
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  19. Oxydeous

    Oxydeous VIP

    I swear, C4 kills you even when you think you're safe. I got killed by a guy who covered his C4 in props so that they would fly outward and kill people.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  20. Bluesky4life

    Bluesky4life Regular Member

    1.Bring your friend into the t room(provided that you both are t's)
    2.Have your friend get kosed
    3. have him run back into t room with a good amount of innos following them
    4. do the o'l bait and switch come from a different area of the map and jihad all the unsuspecting victims :D
    • Funny Funny x 1