Denied Rbizzle555's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Rbizzle555, Oct 31, 2015.

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  1. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I believe I should be unbanned because what I did was not really at all that offensive if at all. So basicly I was on West server and everyone was having fun and joking around. Then KY Lopez joined the server and instantly the fun was sucked out of the server. KY Lopez appeared to be taking everything as offensive and telling everyone off for saying the smallest of things, but took no action even though people where spamming some things he was telling them not to(I believe it was beause nothing was directed at him). He was being excessive in how he was speaking to people, and the warnings he was giving. So anyways previously I had been joking with salty players in chat saying "Want to cuddle and talk about it?", and since KY Lopez was being so power trippy and salty towards people I said "KY invented man on man netflix and chill." Of course as it was directed at him and not someone else this time he took action. Muting me instantly. He then unmuted and said something salty sounding over mic. I told him I could not hear him as so many others where speaking over each other, and asked if he wanted me to keep talking? He seemed salty so I asked him if he was ashamed of what I said. To which I was then muted again. He did not ever try to private message me or anything, even with everyone continuously talking over each other on the mic. All I heard was "There now your muted for a round". So I waited my round and when it finished I expected to be unmuted. So I asked him to unmute me. Now I am a gay male, so after thinking about this I started to take offense, as I never alled him gay or anything but he automaticly assumed I did and took offense. Why would he take offense if someone even did all him gay? Is he that much of a homophobic? Are us gay people monsters in his eyes? Like wtf. So after he ignored my first time asking him to unmute me I told him "Unmute me you homophob" to which I was instantly banned. I then added him on steam and asked why. He said beause some people could take offense to what I said. So I broken down the english language for him and explained what I said is not an insult as I'm not calling anyone gay or anything of the sort, not that a mature person should take offense to that in the first place. Excessive modding on a day of halloween fun is why I should be unbanned.

    Some pictures, sadly computer crashed as I was trying to take more.....
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Rek

    Rek Ø

    Looks like @Ky Lopez banned you for Harassment. He'll respond as soon as he can, please be patient Rbizzle! Thanks :)
    Also, please keep in mind that if a homosexual is called a heterosexual they can take offense, so is the same with a heterosexual individual. Calling someone gay when they aren't gay or misgendering in general is taken offensively now-an-days.
  3. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

    Yes but I did not call anyone gay, but took offense to it that he got upset because he assumed I did. If he had read and not been so excessive in his misunderstanding there would be no issue.\

    Also when you say "Calling someone gay when they aren't gay or misgendering in general is taken offensively now-an-days."

    This honestly sounds like a quote from the 50's or earlier. Or something said on a preschool playground. These days that is not true at all as more and more people are understanding and mature about things, and why take offense if you know your not?
  4. Rek

    Rek Ø

    He'll respond in a jiffy and clear this all up! :) Thanks for your patience and the appeal, Rbizzle! Have a nice Halloween!
  5. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    Hey Rbizzle! As you know, we have talked about your ban over steam. I banned you for harassment for making comments centered towards me that could be taken (and were taken) as offensive. These comments can be seen here (sorry if screenshots seem quite small, I had to get them from console).


    This next comment is shown at the bottom of the screenshot, but I also threw in several other remarks you made about not hearing me and showing that I warned you in chat as well.


    While saying "yOUr just asshamed" may be seen as a typo, due to the nature of comments beforehand, I felt that it was referencing what was said before. I'm sorry if this was not the case.

    Now, after your 1 round mute (which occurred during a fun round), I was preparing to unmute you when you came to me with the following comment.


    I'm going to say that this comment was quite rude and not necessary in the slightest. Just because I didn't unmute you right as the round ended doesn't mean you have to be nasty about it. If this ever happens, it is most likely due to the staff member trying to deal with other complains/comments as well. This would have gone over much better for you if you had simply asked "Hey! Just making sure that you remember to unmute me!" or something along those lines. Instead, your comments were outright rude and resulted in your ban.

    After I banned you, you added me on steam and we had a chat about your ban.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I tried explaining to you why I felt that your comments were out of line in the politest way possible and your response is shown here. I do not feel that this is the attitude that should be shown when trying to plead your case to the staff member that banned you, especially with the comment "And get over yourself :)". That comment and several others made were completely out of line and do not sway me in the slightest to unban you. Also, this is only a 24 hour ban on one of our servers. You have all the right to play on the other 5 servers as well as our Deathrun server.

    Another person who was in the server at the time, @WintrWerewolf, took offense to the comments, and he has asked if he could post his side of the story here. Please allow him to do so. I would also ask @Muffin, my admin, to take a look at this and see what he has to say before a final verdict is made.
  6. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

    Everything you've just said shows how excessive you are. Read the Steam chat, you dont explain anything. All you do is ignore what I say and condtradit what I just explained to you, how what I said was not an insult as it's just saying you invented something popular.

    Another thing you said that really stands out is......"I banned you for harassment for making comments centered towards me". I know this is exactly why you banned me, like I stated in my appeal. You abused because it was directed at you, meanwhile in chat people where spaming "fag" and other offensive things towards each other. You did NOTHING about that, but one something was directed towards you the power tripping shows itself.
  7. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

    You can see in the SS people going off on you for the way you where talking to people. I would not like anyone that supports an abusive mod that clearly misunderstood what I said as well posting on my appeal.
  8. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    Actually, yes I did warn them. I have a demo showing that I warned everyone to not make comments like that or they would be punished for doing so. The comments stopped afterwards. If necessary, I can record this part of the demo and upload it to YouTube to show you.
  9. So as Kythol said that I wanted to post because I took offence to his comments I know people that are gay and the "man of man Netflix and chill" was way out of line and kinda pissed me off. I don't know if I was supposed to but I said over and over while Bizzle was talking that "Your out of line" and "your going to get banned if you keep it up."

    Thanks just wanted to post my side of the story!
  10. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

    LOL this is such an attempt at sucking up. there was no reason at all for you to take any offense to this. Who ares if you have gay friends, I am gay. Having gay friends doesnt mean you can take offense to everything. I find this very funny. How is man on man netflix and chill out of line? Do you think gays are disgusting or something? Thats the only way you could really see it as out of line, or you could be mature and understand its something natural
  11. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

  12. Rbizzle555

    Rbizzle555 Banned

    If one of my friends got offended over something like this because someone said something so small to me like this. I'd say STFU it was said to me not you and I'm couldnt care less. Using having gay friends as an excuse to abuse and take offense to things really pisses me off as a gay male. We arent a crutch for you to USE
  13. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    This is ridiculous. You offended and harassed users, you got banned for it.

    Appeal Denied.
  14. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    Actually, I will be extending this ban due to the nature of the messages you've sent me in private. I'd advise you to learn from your mistakes.
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