Denied AM3RIC4's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by AM3RIC4, Oct 20, 2015.

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  1. AM3RIC4

    AM3RIC4 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Donald Trump
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because your admin is very very biased and banned me for political reasons. According to her it was "harrassment" even though I never said anything negative to her or anyone else on the server.

    She kicked me at first because I said we should have a wall and stop the illegal aliens back when I was hiding in a room barricading the door with a box. In NO way is this "racist". Illegal aliens is not a race, nationality, or anything. I tried to explain this, but she goes on making bullshit of how I created a "hostile environment". Even though no one had a problem about it and we were all laughing about it. The only person that didn't like it was HER. After rejoining the server I never even said anything again and 2 minutes later she bans me for an entire eight hours!

    Like what the honest fuck. Admins shouldn't be banning people based on their name or political position. In fact if you're that sensitive in a videogame then you shouldn't have admin power at all. I've been playing on the server for a long time and haven't had problems before, untill this admin decides that she can make up rules.

    Edit: I also find it funny that people can call Americans lazy, fat, and stupid yet don't get in trouble or banned for "racism". Funny how that double standard works. And I never even called anyone a bad name either. Just another over sensitive person off their nut...again.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Rek

    Rek Ø

    @BmTron banned you for harassment. She'll respond soon enough.
  3. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I was online at the time and so was @ZaneLoehr if he would like to comment.
  4. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    I'm currently out for the night but I'll respond with my evidence as soon as I can. For now, the mods with me @Pacifist and @ZaneLoehr can comment if they'd like.

    It's for 24 hours and this is very false.
  5. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Here is just some screenshots I took of adminchat.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. AM3RIC4

    AM3RIC4 Member

    Yah No Shit I was mad. I was getting multiple slays and then kicked and all I was doing was asking why! And none of you responded. WTF! Any NORMAL player that is getting random slays and kick is going to flip out if the admin doesn't respond after muliple admin messages.

    The last two messages I already posted in my appeal. And I stand by those statements. There were people harrassing others and calling them downys, retarded, etc. Yet they get no warning, no slay, no kick, no mute. Instead nothing is done. But I say something that she doesn't agree with and then it's a kick. All these pictures happened AFTER you started slaying me. So don't use that as an excuse.

    If anything you CREATED THE HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT, and YOU were the one starting problems. No one had a problem with me and if they did they could of talked to me like a reasonly sounded person unlike you who resorts to abusing powers because YOU don't agree with something. Like said above...IF you can't back up a slay or are going to be this sensative to a statement as "building a wall to stop illegal aliens" then you should NOT have admin powers.

    And like said, calling you a socialist pig may be harsh, but IT IS IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM..HARRASSMENT. You clearly are too sensative too know what harrassment is. Harrassment is constantly bashing someone or insulting them. I did none of this.

    And heres a heads up..Be prepaired to be called a bunch of actually rude names by players when you don't respond to their admin messages after you slay them. People come on to have fun. If you slay them for no said reason and they lose their round they are going to be PISSED! That's how you create a real hostile environment. Which by the way is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of.

    Anyways an entire day ban is absolutly messed up and only points out how over sensitive you're. NO ONE HAD a problem with me, NO ONE was reporting me, NO ONE was complaining about harrassment. Infact most people were laughing or having a good time. This only became a problem after you started abusing your powers about something you didn't understand. You muted me for throwing a bunch of boxxes together next to a door saying it's going to stop the illegal aliens is NOT racist. I already said that illegal aliens is someone who enters a country illegally and has nothing to do with race or even nationality.

    Anyways this ban is 100% absurd and needs to be removed. Although something tells me whether I get unbanned or not will greatly depend on someone political beliefs as usual.
  7. ZaneLoehr (Masochist Ver.)

    ZaneLoehr (Masochist Ver.) Warehouse 13 Next Generation VIP

    Good night Mr. Donald Trump (I'll refer to you by your in-game name). I did indeed notice what was going in but I tried not to intervene and left it up to the person dealing with you at the time. A couple things I'd like to say regarding your report so I'll break it down for you to make it simple.

    You say this but however...

    So already you've lied in your report as you weren't banned for "not saying anything again"

    It was explained to you why you received your slays and that will be shown to you when BmTron replies. As far as myself not responding to you, well your report wasn't mine to deal with so I tried not to intrude on a report a colleague was working on.

    I can assure you that this was not the case, if by some means we missed any harassment being placed upon members you can always bring it up in-game to the staff or even gather evidence and make the report yourself.

    How is calling someone a socialist pig not harassment?

    Being called a pig sounds insulting to me.

    And just so you don't feel targeted, if I was the one dealing with your case I would have done the same as i'm sure any other staff would have.

    Anything else I'll leave up to BmTron to deal with, I've rambled enough. Have a good night and best of luck on the appeal.
  8. AM3RIC4

    AM3RIC4 Member

    LOL you have no idea what's going on, you weren't involved in this. So why you're even posting in this is beyond me. After I was kicked I never said anything about the whole ILLEGAL ALIENS AND WALL THING AGAIN. OF FUCKING COURSE I WAS GOING TO KEEP TALKING IN ADMIN CHAT TO FIND OUT WHY THE FUCK I GOT KICKED and SLAYED! And eventually I even stopped talking about that because it was hopeless, however about 2-3 minutes after I was playing the game, not doing anything wrong this little stuck up admin couldn't even stand the fact that I wasn't playing her little game anymore so she goes ahead and decides to ban me FOR 24 GODDAMN HOURS! Overwhat? No idea!

    And no calling someone a socialist pig is NOT HARASSMENT, it seems you also have a very sensitive side. I wonder if that's a requirement for staff? If I was constantly insulting her..which I wasn't that would be harassment. And this "insult" was never directed at her, I was angry that I was being slayed like said before and no one responded to me. And Yes! I promise you there was a whole huge argument before with a bunch of players because someone got mad over something. They were calling each other downys or bad. The reason why you didn't "hear" about it was because unlike you, they can actually take an insult without resolving to tattle tailing like most reasonable people. Cause in the end it's a game and if you can't take an insult on the internet...then well you're hopeless.

    But go ahead, make up BS of why you banned me, I know why I was banned. I made a statement you didn't like and because of that you took abusive action against me when you were out of line. I assume you little staff buddies are going to back each other up like every staff team does on every Garrysmod server.
  9. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    I strongly recommend not to be rude to other staff members. Zane was on the server and witnessed what you said in adminchat so he has a right to give any input he can. I understand your frustration with this because it's not right to be falsely banned, but the thing is, I didn't falsely ban you. I'll show the screenshots of everything you said before the mute when I get home in a few hours and go through my reasoning and my responses correctly. For now please sit tight and remain patient. The last thing I want is you to become any more angered. Heads up, even if a bad comment isnt directed at me specifically, I can still take offense to it and see that as harassment, which is basically what happen. There's more to this than what you're just mentioning here, but like I said, I'll get to that when I can.

    P.s. Your ban is local so you're open to the other SGmod servers.
  10. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    The Slay:
    When I got on I noticed a report on you that was sent in by Raccoon for RDMing him 30 secs in to the round. I waited 2 rounds while forcing the report to you for you to respond to it, and even then you didn't. Basically a slay on you was set due to failure of response:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    As for Pacifist's slay, I'm unsure about because I personally didn't handle that report. I did explain why you were slain through voice + logs in chat :
    The Ban:
    "American Rights!!! This isn't Mexico" I found your behavior to be a bit much through this. That was your first warning for this type of communication. When I said the environment you were making was very negative, I meant the the server may not like the way you speak just like I didn't. I think some people would straight up leave with the way you were acting.
    Honestly you say no one was offended but I was. Not to mention during this a lot of talking went on between you and I about this. The things you said were very out of line and were very uncalled for.
    I feel like this is self explanatory of why I banned you after this. Calling me a "pc bitch" or a "socialist pig" isn't very welcoming.

    The Verdict:
    Your ban is only 24 hours and I feel like if anything it should be longer, but I'll keep it because this is obvious harassment and the ban stays.

    If you have anymore input, you can message me on the forums for either more of an explanation or clarification. Have a nice day

    Appeal: Denied
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