Want to play as a hip Dante? Want to get sick combos? Of course. All you have to do is 2 simple things? Tell me your favorite video game character and why. Be active on the forums I will draw the winner on the 16th.
Favorite video game character is Alvin from Tales of Xillia. His sarcasm and not so serious attitude for half of the game is somewhat silly. The power to troll is real. When he does get serious, oh boy the change is noticeable. Even with his double crossing motives, I still find myself liking the guy. Especially in the Japanese version of the game.
My favorite character is Wrex from Mass Effect. I don't really have a reason but I always enjoyed his dialogue and he's my main squad member His loyalty quest was my favorite heh. and I hope I'm active enough on the forums
Favourite video game character would have to be Lara Croft. Not the newest reboot, because ewww, but the good old kick ass chick. I remember playing Tomb Raider 1 when I was 5 years old and just looking at her like "damn son she is boss". I enjoyed the fact that she was such a strong, well spoken character who was intelligent and took no shit. Not only that, she was a female protagonist who actually was portrayed in a great light. Yes she was overtly sexualised in regards to her proportions however this didn't take away from her complex and interesting character. This was always something I adored. I really enjoyed watching the way her character grew and changed when they released Legend and then did the reboot of Tomb Raider 1 in 2007 (Anniversary) followed by Underworld. Those three games when played in kinda chronological order show a real development of both her "take no shit" attitude and her "I'm a human and have feelings" side and is probably my favourite era of Lara Croft because of this fact. I mean I could name other characters but Lara Croft was always a big stand out to me. I remember looking at her when I was young and thinking "I wanna be as kick ass as she is one day" and no other character has had that effect on me since then.
My favourite game character is Isabelle from animal crossing because she is really cute and friendly!
My favorite charictor is Chell from Portal 2 because I love love love LOOOOVE a charictor who's cryptic and wrapped in mystery! And its a puzzle game! EEE! (*^.^*)
Favorite video game character? Isaac from Dead Space and The Binding of Isaac. Thanks for the giveaway you cynical brit you :>
Alistair from DArigins. He is so kind and gentle with understanding and trying to connect with your character (if you choose for him to be that way with you I suppose) but as many times as I've played through that game, he's still one of my favorites. Either that or Master Chief because duh...he is invisible unless you suck at playing him.
Hoxton from PAYDAY 2 He is so badass and literally is one of those characters who love to insult his partners to do better.