Completed Report against Candycaneore

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Hodir, Sep 19, 2015.

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  1. Hodir

    Hodir VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    I'm not sure. The one with the big trolley thing and the Heineken Beer Bottles.
    Which Round:
    First Round
    Time of Occurence:
    around 8:45 in game
    Reason For Report:
    While I try to get my video to work, the story is this...

    We're playing on a map a lot like dolls, and there's this one spot in the map where you're very, very high up. In this particular spot, there is a window, and you can see this window from almost everywhere on the base level of the map.

    In the beginning of the round, I was innocent, and someone called a KoS on
    Cookieman786 (1). Because of this, I bought a Barretta 50 Cal. as I really wanted to kill someone with it but I was innocent. After someone (Jordan Belfort) brought me his body I spotted Third-Eye, a player, in the aforementioned window. Really wanting to kill someone, I zoomed in on his head. He didn't move. At this point, it was about 4:15. There was still a lot of time untilovertime. I zoomed in my scope, and waited. People died all around me, but I really wanted this kill. I noted an admin at this point, Candycaneore, had appeared behind Third-Eye, in a window next to Third-Eye.

    Third-Eye still hadn't moved. At this point, I gloated about how I would kill Third-Eye during overtime. And when that moment finally came, Candy ran away and I shot Third-Eye. He didn't even fall all the way down.

    I was sad, but we won the round.

    As the next round came around, I was slain. I was furious, there was literally NO way in HELL that he moved. I sat there and watched him for 4 minutes. There is no way he moved. I unleashed my rage in admin chat, begging for a reason as to why I was slain, but received none.

    I continued asking, but got no answer, just a warning for harassment. The admin refused to check the logs, and when I said "check the fucking logs you asshole" I was kicked.

    Every single round this guy (I'm told it's actually a "Girl") is in the game he slays someone and seems extremely trigger happy on the slaying, as he had already removed a round of slaying from me earlier in an egregious display of "Badmining"

    While I figure out how to work this video, this has to be dealt with. I've encountered this guy numerous times and not only does "She" like to slay everyone, but she won't tell you why and when you ask her why you get kicked for harassment. Truly disgusting and hopefully this person is removed from the admin position.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Envy Adams
    Jump Man J and His 7 Concubines
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
  2. Dante

    Dante Yugioh is love Yugioh is life VIP

    I'll tag @Candycaneore for her side of the story. I'll also tag her admin @Toxin for the verdict.
  3. Penny

    Penny VIP

    I was a witness for it. The map was Kitchen. Third Eye was AFK in a window with some sort of scope-able weapon, but he was not scoped in nor aiming at anyone. When I spectated him approximately 45 seconds before overtime he was not moving nor reacting to the people in voice chat saying "I can't wait to kill Third eye in over time, he's in the perfect spot". Hodir was behind him during this time. Hodir waited until what was 30 seconds over overtime, then killed him. Third eye didn't report him until much later in the round.

    Hodir however didn't react in an appropriate manner and I am hesitant to post this here because of that.
  4. Rek

    Rek Ø

    First off, don't offend Candy by calling her a guy.
    She is most definitely a girl, can confirm.
    Second, you didn't ask her you said "check the fucking logs you asshole", that is harassment. Plain and simple.

    I'm not here to argue you, I just want you to be sensible and subjective when making a report.
    I'm sorry that you feel like she was not following protocol, but she will respond with how she followed or didn't follow protocol.
    Please refrain from being rude when making a professional report, just for the sake of professionalism.

    Cheers and I hope your day gets better
  5. Jump man J

    Jump man J New Member

    as Envy has said already I've seen this as well and i was dead so i was watching the whole thing through perspective of said afk. He wasn't moving or reacting to the voice chat, and was killed for being afk during over time.
  6. Hodir

    Hodir VIP

    Nothing I said in this entire report was unprofessional. What I called her might ethically have been wrong, but was matter-of-factly correct. Someone who abuses admin power to slay someone off of zero evidence and is too lazy to check admin logs to confirm the story is, and most people would agree with me when i say this, "being a fucking asshole." To top matters off, she wouldn't even RESPOND to me, after I had asked for a reply 10+ times. In the next round we were both detectives, and I went as far to buy a riot shield to protect Candy because he was sitting in a corner doing what I presumed to be checking the logs. So I sat there every time he stopped moving and protected him hoping he'd check the logs. He didn't.

    And that to me, is unfair. For someone who bought VIP as of today finds it a disgusting display of the Servers management.

    Replace "He" with "She" when appropriate. I'm sorry about that.
  7. Azereiah

    Azereiah New Member

    I can attest to the trigger-happy slaying tendencies, but I cannot provide further evidence on this specific scenario as I did not actually see it happen. Please note that I only signed up because this is one of the many times I have seen this particular mod/admin/whatever make a judgment that was... less than sound.

    Much of the trouble in this case came during Hodir's attempt to discover why he had been slain, and during his attempt to learn how to file a report. While he was slightly (and understandably) verbally abusive, he was unable to get a response until some time later, which perhaps may be in part due to his asking primarily via voice comms, which is understandable as I have been playing on this series of servers every so often for some time and have only learned how reports are filed from this incident, and can attest to how well hidden the report system is.

    edit: for the record, most people don't care what gender pronoun you use and won't bother trying to find out - it's your job to correct them if they're wrong and you care that much
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
  8. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Let us not be passive aggressive on this report.

    Also, it is wise to provide proof, not just say, "I have seen this person do this multiple times..." Anyone can make that same claim. Just like it will be Candy's job in time to provide logs if needed to explain the situation properly.

    Lets not get into a mob mentality. Be Professional and polite, or the thread will be locked until Toxin or Candy can come and provide more information.

    And please don't throw your status around. While we appreciate the donation. You donate because you enjoy the servers, not like you are throwing it around if you have a qualm.

    Thank you for your cooperation.
  9. Hodir

    Hodir VIP

    Just stating that I'm a customer who is displeased with the service your "employee" provided me with.
  10. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    And it will be investigated properly. Being passive aggressive about it is simply frowned upon and makes you look bad. There is no need for it. We can understand there is some frustration, this is why we look into these things and have a report system to begin with.

    We appreciate your concern and cooperation while it is investigated.
  11. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    As I saw in chat you said you have video proof please present it asap.
  12. Penny

    Penny VIP

    You're not a customer, you're a donator. THere's a huge difference.
  13. Hodir

    Hodir VIP

    I record with a console command I got from a DarkRP server. In order to receive the recording, you have to end the recording.

    I never could end the recording because I was kicked, conveniently enough.

    Can you provide the chat logs of me asking for a reply in admin chat and me not getting one, or me saying "Can't wait to kill Third-Eye?"
  14. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    Hodir being behind him is not true and from what I've seen you said I don't think you are a first hand witness. From a few seconds to a minute I was the only person who was behind ThIrD-EyE. I was up top the whole time before and after he died and was also the player who IDed ThIrD-EyE. Also its not true that Hodir waited 30 seconds into OT to kill him because he shot/killed ThIrD-EyE @ 4:01 which is a second into OT.

    When I was up there before ThIrD-EyE's death he was present just not communicating. ThIrD-EyE did move but it was sparingly, so I don't know what you saw when you killed him or during the time you waited before you killed him. I only know I returned and he was dead fallen against the window (not fallen onto the kitchen floor). This shows that ThIrD-EyE said he was there and either I missed it or not, I didn't here you ask or check to see if ThIrD-EyE was present or not.

    Which brings me back again to @ENVY ADAMS either you aren't a 1st hand withness, you are and you mixed things up, or you didn't really see what happened and just became a witness because you heard of the situation from one side and became a witness when Hodir returned asking for witness because if Hodir was behind ThIrD-EyE why wasn't he there when I returned to ThIrD-EyE and why wasn't ThIrD-EyE's body IDed before I arrived?

    You only first raged at me and never asked me a question yet you asked me to reply but, reply to what?
    upload_2015-9-19_20-19-58.png upload_2015-9-19_20-26-5.png
    You never did ask me why were you slain.

    My only reason for not replying to you after you kept repeatedly asking me question every 3 seconds is I'm only one moderator and I am not able to respond to you when you want me to as I was pming other players at the time and if you didn't know I was alive during the time you kept harassing/pming me to check the logs but, moderators can't check logs when we are alive. This picture is after I pmed you saying" about what" when you asked me to reply before even asking me anything and its also where you asked me about the logs and that is when I was living and pming other players.

    We don't have those permissions only Admins and up can open up logs during game play. So I kicked you after asking you not to talk to be that way when you were pming me rudely but, you continued so I kicked you for harassment.
    As you can see from the Evidence there is no second harassment in chat is because he started to harass me via mic. I can say I don't remeber what he said exactly at the time but, I remember it wasn't nice and uncalled.

    I know after I kicked you for harassment you came back on asking how to report me and players did help and I attempted but, my help wasn't needed as there was an abundant amount of players that did help you on how to report me and to obtain steam IDs.

    I'm also curious as to why you said an admin said you were innocent. Either you were trying to lie to me that you had an admin already agree with you that you shouldn't be slain for such and incident or you were confused in thinking ENVY was an admin. You never did respond to my pm, you just kept raging at me.

    As a staff member it is my job to punish players that go against our !motd. Some players before you either joked around or actually believed I just abuse and slay or that I liked doing it. It isn't about if I like to or not its that I have to when a player goes the !motd. And even though I have already said this you never asked me why you were slain and harassment me in chat then via mic harassed me so I kicked you for the reason of harassment.


    Attached Files:

  15. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I have a duplicate, clips of when players were helping Hodir when I wasnt available, and conversation of pm I had with ThIrD-EyE saying he was there at the time.

    I didn't add this is the first response but, I can assure you I do respond to players and tell them why they get slain and the situations that happened. Sometimes I miss a message and don't respond but, I don't dish out slays for no reason. When I slay players, either they know why they're being slain or not and if you don't ask I assume you know because you've given your responses and I check up with the players before and sometimes again after they have already been slain to explain the situation but, for your case you never specifically ask me why you were slain. You only harassed me and told me to check logs to see that you killed him in OT.
  16. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I won't and can't get evidence for you because you never typed in chat that round and only started using chat box and pming after you were slain. We also don't have logs or a way to know what a player said via mic unless someone has a recording or demo. I can only show you when I was using the commands to say I was with ThIrD-EyE and you never used the chat saying anything about killing him before or after. Unless you said it via mic I never heard you saying it.

    Hodir_9.JPG Hodir_10.JPG
  17. Hodir

    Hodir VIP

    Check those logs again because that's a blatant lie. Check admin chat, not player chat. I spammed @chat, I mean I SPAMMED it.

    To clarify some things, I never said he fell on to the kitchen floor, I made a clear point about that though it is irrelevant.
    Another admin needs to get on an verify he's lying because that just doesn't make sense. I asked over and over again for a reason as to why I got slain this simply isn't true.

    If you continue to check the logs you'll find out that I thought a player was an admin because of the text of their name. But you conveniently leave that out of the logs as well. I ask word for word "are you an admin." to which he replies "no" and I reply "oh"

    Regardless of any of this (and an admin needs to check this because he's pulling selective evidence!) the fact remains Third-Eye wasn't moving. He even says to you "I wasn't afk I just wasn't moving." If you character does not move for 3+ minutes, it is only logical to assume they are afk.

    For instance - If I sit in a spawn with my crowbar out and am killed in overtime after not having moved for 3 minutes, am I AFK? It is only logical to assume I am. I haven't moved. The same EXACT thing happened to Third-Eye except he wasn't in spawn. If he moved his camera in incredibly small increments than that's just report baiting and is a punishable offense all it's own. We need to stop worrying about the other stuff that's clogging the story (not that it helps, you can just evidence that verifies your claims and leave out the incriminating evidence - which is what you're doing) but we need to get down to what actually happened. The facts about what makes him AFK, and if you can't agree that not moving (his feet didn't move an inch the way and angle he was holding his gun did not change noticeably to the eye, if at all) means you're AFK then someone needs to come in here and clear that up.

    The evidence you pulled up there is disgustingly manufactured to fit your claims and holds no substance.
  18. Penny

    Penny VIP

    Was Hodir not the one in the Spartan halo skin? I thought that was Hodir who was behind him. I assumed whoever it was that was behind him when he died that took him out.
  19. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I think you are confusing "Admin" and "Mod".

    The only other mod I see on at the time was @Dante Is this who you mean?
  20. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I was the guy in the green model suit behind ThIrD-EyE.
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