Serious TTT Management Staff Problem

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by =|BGO|= Infinitynull, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. I've been a supporter and fan of Serious TTT. I've enjoyed the perks of being a donor yes. But more than anything it was to support a good community with a good range of servers. After being unfairly treated. Through crossfire in game, I can no longer say that the community or the management staff is what it use to be.

    I am highly disappointed in the way members and especially supporters are treated now. The principles and values of this community has gone down hill, and fast. I'm not saying this because I'm "buthurt" as most players would say. That alone shows a lot of the moral values the community has. But because Gmod has very little good TTT servers, and very little good servers at all. I hate to see this community turn ways like this.

    Now that I've seen management staff such as BlueCore, Falcor, and many others. Act as they do, it's obvious proof that this community has joined the ranks of many other communities that are falling deeper everyday. Now I am specifically calling out BlueCore, and Falcor. Because they choose not to use their best judgment by the rules and situation. But by their friends opinion and their personal feelings.

    Continuing to spam reports, argue, and harass. This is not what the management staff should do or act like. The founding members of this community needs to sit down and think long and hard. And realize what the servers have become. You ask people to donate in return for perks and items, that's fine. But when the servers are filled with ill competent staff members. You shouldn't be able to ask for donations at all.

    In conclusion I am not posting this to revert anything. Or hurt anyone(s) feelings, or to make mine feel better. Nor am I trying to get anyone in trouble. I'm posting this because I feel like it's wrong, of the community management staff to treat members in this manner. Plenty of other situations as bad or worse have happened. And will continue to happen.

    Not every player is willing to login to the forums and speak their mind about it. Probably because it's a waste of time. And in this situation I'm ninety nine percent sure it is. Don't reply if you don't have anything positive to add. This isn't a "flame war starter", nor an argument. If you reply with any of these motivations, I'm calling you out now as one the root problems existing in the community and in Garry's Mod in general.

    ~ Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please excuse any grammatical errors. And please take what I said into consideration.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
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  2. Please read the whole thread before replying. I said I did NOT post this to revert anything. Including actions taken in-game. So mentioning that was pointless.
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
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  3. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Is this related to your Mass RDM + 3 Ban?
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  4. I am assuming I have to repeat myself once again, read the thread before replying.
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  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

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  6. Read the big red text.
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  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I did read your post, I am asking you a direct question. Making the claims above with no backing is just going to get people to very seriously look down on you. I would consider taking a moment to talk to the admin or mod in question, because public flaming/shaming is against the forum rules. I do apologize you feel 'wronged' but your entire post is a rant about how upset you are over what seems to be a recent ban. Which does not reflect well on you. You basically stated, "I don't like how they handled it, so it was bad" but didn't provide any information on what they did bad, just a conflicting viewpoint which everyone has a different viewpoint.
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  8. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Read the whole damn thing and it just seems you got caught loophole trolling by claiming crossfire, next complaint please.
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  9. Think what you want, please do not reply unless you have something positive to say. As I asked already.
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
  10. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    I'm sorry to hear we ruined GMOD, but if you feel this way you should take a break from this server and cool off.

    After this if you really have such a problem with the staff team still I suggest you find a server with a staff team that you do agree with.
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  11. Staples

    Staples ~Storm princess. VIP

    pardon, but did you read this before you posted it? it seems like you should take the time to gather real information before attacking anyone like this.
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  12. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    This thread really doesn't have any context or information. If you feel a moderator or admin had abused their position, please use our report staff format. This can help you make a change. This is simply just going to spiral out of control and I am going to put out the fire before it gets bad. However, I am going to provide a mercy killing and end this thread before a hole is dug too deep.

    Have a good day.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
  13. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    Can you list any reports or anything of the like they mishandled for you? Any cases whatsoever to backup your claims? You said "I am highly disappointed in the way members and especially supporters are treated now." Does this mean you think supporters need special treatment when it comes to Serious Gmod's Rules? Because usually when your a regular your held to higher standards since you know our rules more then new players. Being that you have 39 hours total I'm questioning how often you have even seen these two moderators and wonder if its not just for you being banned recently. Blue and Falcor are the last people to harass or argue with players, so this is just a sham.
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  14. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello Infinitynull, I feel like I should comment on this Thread due to what occurred a little earlier on East 1.

    Firstly, I would like to say that I am sorry that you believe this community has gone downhill. It's upsetting hearing these statements from regular members of the community such as yourself. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with respect, and here at SGM we thrive to make this a reality.

    I know you said you are not trying to Pin-point names or that it's specifically due to I or another member of the staff Team, but I feel that I need to bring up some things. Please know that I never meant to abuse you in any way, shape, or form, and I don't believe that I did. I was trying to politely ask you to respond to the Reports I had filed against you as I had found multiple instances of possible RDM on your name. The spam was not me trying to spam you with one Report multiple times, but I Reported you for one or more cases of RDM, then kept finding more so made two other Reports for the other cases of RDM that I found.

    I asked you as nicely as I could as to why you shot at all of the players you shot at, and I had no way of doing this than through Reporting and through privately messaging you in-game. Your response to all of the Reports against you was that it was cross-fire, however there was not one case I could find in the Damage Logs of you attempting to fire at someone else. Because of this reasoning, I had to issue you punishment.

    However, even though the punishment has to be in the form of a Ban from the servers, I actually privately messaged you in-game saying that I was sorry that I had to Ban you. Not only this, but there was Four Instances of RDM by you in the Damage Logs; and I only Banned you for 3 counts. This is because as an Admin I have discretion, and I decided to give you the benefit of doubt and Void one case of RDM. By doing this, your Ban decreased from being five days to just being one.

    I did this because I didn't want you to have to be away from the servers for too long, and because I respect you as a player and member of this community. I hope you can see that I really did try to be a nice as I could, and help you out by shortening your Ban.
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  15. I respect you as a fellow player for reading the whole thread. If the server doesn't have enough tools to the staff to understand the situation than it's not my problem. It's the communities problem, it shouldn't be the players problem. You should have asked the "victims" of the shots. Where they were at during the shooting, then you would have known it was crossfire. How it resulted in a dead traitor. Why is this thread being closed, and opened every five seconds?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  16. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I had closed it briefly, but it seemed fellow staff wanted more input and I did not feel it was right to silence you as others spoke.
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  17. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    The only Mod/Admin that's a meanie tortillini is Popstar, but that's cuz he/she is just doing his/her job. :mad:

    ( sorry IDK u bluecore D: )
  18. Thank you, many times over.
  19. Play on the servers, not as a staff member but just as a normal player. Watch how players are spoken too, watch how they are judged. Watch how much information the staff member uses before issuing punishment. A moderator a administrator, can not be everywhere at every moment. Logs are logic and cold. But does it show everything?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    I would suggest recording your play, and then you'll be able to prove your side of the story to the staff in a report or an appeal.

    Staff work with what they have, we are all human and not perfect but we do our best to bring the most accurate verdict and try to bring the best experience to the players.

    I am sorry you feel this way about our servers, but I'll say again, if you do have such a problem with them please provide criticism in a more constructive way and find another server if you really cannot agree with the way staff members conduct themselves.
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