Invalid Report against TheAssualtClass

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [LMG] II Dominate II, Aug 8, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Not sure
    Which Round:
    Throughout whole map/all rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    Couldn't get the time
    Reason For Report:
    AssualtClass was insulting/harassing me and made fun of me on multiple occasions (messages)​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Dominate. Thank you for taking time to file this report.

    I am going to go ahead and tag @TheAssaultClass and @Falcor on this. This seems like there needs a bit more context as I can see Falcor messaging you directly. So it seems there is a bit more going on that these two can shed some light on the situation.

    Thank you for your time and patience as this report is investigated.
  3. No, the Falcor's DM is from me complaining to him that he/she is being abusive, and showing favoritism.

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hi II Dominate II,

    Your report will be handled and finalized by me and based on the verdict of this report: here. I want to apologize if you felt wronged by the actions of both TheAssaultClass and Falcor, however, I firmly believe that your rape comment is unacceptable. We allow all of our players to express their opinions and the ability to trash-talk to a degree, but when it hits the point of unfavorable opinions to the masses and becomes offensive, well that's when we take action. Regardless, we offer all of our players a fair trial.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  5. And thats your oppinion, I believe that what you are saying about my comment is offensive to me
  6. I completely accept the punishment for harassing you, that I stand by until the end because you've earned it. However I only hope that someone would bring up a report against your racist slang and offensive remarks on rape against you but that should be left out of this topic. Also the fact that you constantly loop-holed the rules and are nothing but a troll. None the less I broke the rules and have earned the punishment.

    Oh and by the way my steam ID is: STEAM_0:1:38443573

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Since TheAssaultClass has responded, I will finalize this.

    @TheAssaultClass , please don't do it again. As for you, II Dominate II, we do not appreciate your humor or your logic here. Your reasoning for what is offensive and what is not is seriously flawed. I urge you to please take time to review and check your standards on those. If you fail to do so, it could bring harsh punishments in the future. TheAssaultClass will face no serious punishments other then a warning.
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