Denied jordangoldzeus5's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by jordangoldzeus5, Aug 7, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Literally no warning on being banned or I have been ghosting just a salty kid mad because we gave and relayed information... In the rules it says, "Using third party chat to inform player of in-game events they are not yet aware of."
    They are not aware yet. So if they are alive you can relay information if you are innocent and your friend is innocent you can tell each other because they know they are innocent and I am innocent and if we kill that dude I did everything correctly, if i was a traitor It was a false KOS and im T baiting.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Ghosting and apparently nothing about a 15 minute delay on stream.


    Do cntrl+F and there is no 15 minute delay or fifteen minute delay

    Please actually know the rules before you ban someone.​
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Looks like you were banned by @Bot for Ghosting, 2nd and @Lemon for Ghosting First.

    They will reply when they can. Thank you for your patience.

    Edit - To Add, if you were streaming, which I can see your name as a twitch URL at some points, there needs to be at least a 15 minute delay on your stream or else it can be considered ghosting.

    Edit 2 - Looks like Lemon already appealed your first ban and informed you about needing a delay. First ban listed here.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015

  3. Patience the mods ban you without talking. I would like to talk to someone who knows what they are talking about
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    The mods who banned you handle your appeal as they were directly involved. If you feel their judgement is lacking or you do not trust them you can use the staff group and PM their admin. However, for this appeal the mods who banned you are the ones who handle the appeal unless something else comes up and requires review/additional information.
  5. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze


    In your first appeal, I had Lemon unban you, as you should have been asked to put a delay on your stream before you were banned. All of this has been corrected, and Lemon is aware of what should have happened before your ban, and the appeal should have served as a warning to you for the future, that streaming on our servers requires a delay to prevent ghosting. Disregarding the appeal's warning against streaming without a delay, you hopped onto Bot's server, and continued to stream, without a proper delay. I added you on Steam to speak with you about the ban, and about Lemon's actions, and your response as to why you'd continue to stream after being banned for it earlier in the day was that of complete negligence for our rules.
    Your response can be seen here: [​IMG]

    Now I'm not sure of the ethics when it comes to streaming gameplay on, but the ethics on our server are those of following our rules, and abiding by our staff member's messages to prevent punishments from being dealt out, which you seemingly ignored.
    We've spoken together about Lemon's actions and both moderator's bans on you, and we seemed to come to a reasonable conclusion, but I would advise that Bot denies this appeal. Bot will respond to this appeal at his first convenience, regardless.

  6. Bot

    Bot aimbot 4ever <3 VIP Bronze

    Hello Jordangoldzeus5,
    You were banned by Lemon for ghosting 1st offense and then he unbanned you and warned you to not stream on the servers or put a 15 minutes delay time, but you instead hop onto another server and was still streaming and I check if you had a 15 minute delay and you didn't so I went ahead and banned you.

    In this chat, you were talking to @CDriscoll and you said that you were still streaming on the servers because you had viewers, which is not a acceptable excuse to continue streaming, since Lemon warned you to not stream on the servers or put a 15 minute delay time which you didn't, this appeal will be denied.
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