Invalid Report against Emtech2 / The Law

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by sinz i have a complaint, Jul 3, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Emtech2 / The Law
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Over the span of two whole maps. (ttt_clue_se; ttt_chaser_v2)
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Sometime late at night, I get on the West 2 server, and of course, someone happened to be RDMing. But not just RDMing. Mass RDM. I have no evidence regarding the supposed "RDM", but I do have witnesses ready at hand, along with screenshots that were taken with the intention of being evidence against admin abuse. Back to the matter of the mass RDM. Over the span of two FULL maps, beginning on clue_se, The Law started mass RDMing regulars and randoms, ultimately obtaining 6, more or less, reports filed towards him. Multiple individuals began arguing with Emtech2 throughout the course of two whole maps, and we came to the conclusion that he did not slay/ban The Law for the sole reason that he was VIP. The RDMing continued, and while more and more people got on, more and more people began complaining, demanding that Law, AT THE VERY LEAST, be slain, or even more, banned. Emtech2 demonstrated an act of admin abuse, going on a kicking + banning spree on multiple people. For more context on the conversation between Emtech2 and the players, we filed quite a bit of reports towards The Law, and the mass RDM got so out of hand to the point where we demanded a ban. Emtech's refutation, simply put, was that The Law was justified in every way whatsoever, BUT, Emtech2 said and I quote, "If you guys have any evidence against The Law, I'll take it." Soon after, I get falsely kicked, followed by being falsely banned (1 day), for "harassment". Other players were also kicked, not sure as well as banned. At this point whoever is reading this is asking, well what did YOU do to get kicked/banned? I, along with other players on the server, were talking on the mic with Emtech to get the situation sorted out, but he kept a closed-minded attitude, insisting Law was justified in every way possible, and we were wrong. I asked, "You said you would take any evidence we had, so what about the 6-10 reports we filed against him in the last 2 maps? Including all the complaining players on top of that?" He gave me NO reply whatsoever and proceeded to kick me, I came back, asked again, and was then banned off the server for one day. One of the people who was on the server with me, then told me that the server population started going down rapidly due to the apparent admin abuse and mass RDM that was not dealt with. Personally, I'm an ex-admin of one of the biggest TF2 community servers that had surf, deathrun, jump, dodgeball, and more. And I say ex-admin because the server was shut down due to financial issues with the owner. It bothers not only me, but other players as well, and completely destroys the atmosphere within the server when an admin is abusing his power, alongside the massive RDM troll. No one should get away with RDM, especially MASS RDM just because they're a VIP, and admins should keep an unbiased, open-mind at all times. Add me for more details regarding witnesses and so on.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Jored (Simplicity)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  2. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Hey there, a few things, @Emtech2 isn't apart of staff anymore, he resigned a little while ago due to not being able to maintain the time needed to be staff. Also, @The Law is a former admin and knows when he is, or isn't allowed to kill players.

    If you can, please provide screenshots of The Law's supposed RDMs and the two players in question shall respond. Naming witnesses isn't going to be enough to get someone punished due to the fact that they can lie.
  3. Emtech2

    Emtech2 The worst ones always live VIP Silver Emerald

    I will respond when I can. Today is Independence day here in the United States and I am probably going to be spending it with my family.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Quick note for this report: Sometimes it appears that VIPs or such do not get punished for what some perceive to be RDM. That's usually because they have taken the time to learn the rules, considering that they invested actual money into the server, and do not want to get banned from it.

    All players are treated equally at Serious TTT. Even donators to the server have been banned; some even permanently.
  5. Arcanius

    Arcanius Oh, you like it there VIP

    By any chance, when was the time in which this occurred? @Emtech2 has not been staff for a while now.
  6. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    Addressing the Harassment:
    I have uploaded the few video clips I found featuring some of the complaining and/or harassment that took place. I believe "Desi" was the only player to actually be banned for harassment, which I assume was the ingame name @sinz i have a complaint was using at the time.

    Addressing the claim of Mass RDM:
    I addressed each and every report made against me with an honest account of the situation and the reason for killing that individual. The moderator online at the time would have reviewed each of those reports by reading both the victims and the reported players response, and then using the damage logs and other tools to decide if the report was valid or not. Had there been a valid report against me, I would have served a slay for committing RDM; however, all reports against me were deemed invalid, because I had valid reasons for each report. If there is a particular report you would like to discuss in depth, then perhaps @Emtech2 has a screenshot of the report he can provide; otherwise, without evidence your case has no ground to stand on.
  7. Emtech2

    Emtech2 The worst ones always live VIP Silver Emerald

    This was Monday morning around 3AM ET (I think).

    Like I said in my earlier post I will probably not be able to respond today.

    EDIT: @sinz i have a complaint please change your SteamID in "Your Steam ID:". I know that you are not "rich" whom is a Valve employee and that also does not own Garry's Mod.

    Your real SteamID is STEAM_0:1:44642138. I must say that I love your prior names on Steam
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Making claims of staff abuse/bias without any evidence to back it up does nothing to help your case. If you do not have any evidence within 24 hours of such abuse being displayed, then this report will be deemed invalid.
  9. Emtech2

    Emtech2 The worst ones always live VIP Silver Emerald

    Hello Desi,
    On Monday June 29th you were playing on the STTT servers and claimed that @The Law was (Mass) RDMing. The main report you were complaining about is when he killed you. The Law killed you for passing unID'd bodies. As I said ingame since he had ID'd 2 bodies seconds before he killed you, due to this it was ruled Word Vs. Word. I informed you that if you had video evidence I would be able to take action if it proved The Law was in the wrong. Just because someone was reported does not mean they RDM'd and this can not be considered evidence.

    In your report you claim that I was not slaying him because he was a VIP. In-game you said that I was favoring The Law because he was "my admin buddy" and that I was doing not slaying him so I would get a higher rank.

    Your Ban:
    As for your ban you were asked many times to drop the subject and you refused to. Since you were calling The Law a RDMer and calling me retarded I kicked you. After this you still would not drop the situation so I banned you for 1 day for harassment. I have a video of this situation however, it will take about 2 hours to upload not including any editing that may be needed. I can upload it if my former admin @CDriscoll would like it.

    Extra Comment:
    If you want a report to be taken serious having your SteamID be a Valve employes does not help nor does having the persona name "#FUCKEMTECH" on Steam.

    Have a nice day,

    P.S. I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes as I am writing this after a long day and I am about to go to sleep.
  10. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    The report against @The Law has been found invalid, He gave valid reasons for each and every kill he made as he explained in his response.

    I would say the same about @Emtech2, but this is a report against him as a Staff Member. So I will leave that verdict up to his former Administrator @CDriscoll.
  11. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    @sinz i have a complaint,

    There's no need for the video, Emtech, but thanks for handling all of this so generously. The report against The Law and my former moderator Emtech2 has been found invalid, for reasons that were stated numerous times above.

    Thanks for taking your time to file a forum report, and if you have any questions or need anything else, please feel free to add me on steam or start a forum conversation with me.

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