Title says it all, posts GIFs about Serious TTT When you're a T and the Innos do your work for you Spoiler When I team with someone during a fun round Spoiler When I get the Gmod glitch where backspace doesn't work in game Spoiler When someone RDMs and leaves and thinks they'll get away with it Spoiler When I get DNA from an innocent Spoiler After Planting C4 Spoiler I saw this thread but its old and not the same thing.
When I identify a traitor's body, say i'm proven and surprise a whole bunch of innocents with a jihad Spoiler
Spoiler: When you see 3 inno's stood still Spoiler: Missing the jumps on Minecraft v5 Spoiler: When someone claims they were RDM'd and they did the RDMing Spoiler: When LA VIE DAMMIT joins my server
Spoiler: When you are the last Traitor and with the Last Inno and backstab them after making them think you are Innocent as well Spoiler: When you choke and lose the round as a T, and your T buddies remind you how much you suck Spoiler: When someone demands you drop the Jihad so they can have it after you killed a T Spoiler: Last Inno and the T's won't stop coming. Spoiler: What it feels like to use the HUGE and actually kill someone
Spoiler When @puddles calls you out for something you did wrong and the whole server witnesses it Spoiler When a Detective Questions why you are wounded when you are proven
Spoiler: When I solo T a game and people ask how I won Spoiler: When I T Bait the hell out of people Spoiler: Trying to find another reason to kill a T Spoiler: When I go on LP Spoiler: "Going afk" Spoiler: When I get killed by Stray Donkey Spoiler: When a T kills an inno in front of other innos Spoiler: "Darth West has joined the game" Spoiler: I report a guy for being a douche and the mods be like Spoiler: When I'm the last inno
Spoiler: When the Detective asks what you would do for a Healthstation Spoiler: When someone who you thought was Inno turns out to be a T Spoiler: When someone KOS' you and you get proven right after Spoiler: When a Dead body starts glitching with the map Spoiler: When your T-buddy is next to you and kills an inno in front of people
Spoiler: When you call a KOS on a T, and the T calls a KOS back, and they believe them over you Spoiler: Detective suddenly kills a terrorist from the group who turns out to be a traitor Spoiler: Knowing an innocent has no probable cause to shoot you while you're a traitor Spoiler: Everyone is suddenly falling dead from a sniper and in that second you have no idea what to do/is going on Spoiler: Universal reaction to a jihad
Spoiler: When you are a girl on the server and everyone asks if you are a girl Spoiler: When you and your T friends run through an entire full server of Innos and no one dies. Spoiler: A T buddy asks you what your plan is. Spoiler: Dying within the five second rule after killing a Traitor Spoiler: A Mod observing a RDM train that just went down and every kill was legitimate and within the rules.