Notice: Instead of giving away a $20 game on steam, it's now gonna be a $40 dollar game of your choosing. Good luck to everyone!
Please comment the words "big dong makes the man" below and you'll be entered! I will be your ding dong.
bing man makes the dog big man makes the dong big dong makes the man GOT IT. DON'T WORRY GUYS I GOT IT.
I've mentioned numerous times on the shoutbox that I may be a little late on announcing the winner due to me travelling. But after typing all of your names on the randomizer list which took me like a god damn half hour because I kept checking if I had everyone's name on it. The outcome was that @Average Guy won. Add me on steam, Average Guy. I am travelling at the moment so please don't mind me taking a long time adding you/getting it. I'm currently on a bus with a laptop that refuses to stay on but I'll get you it.
Still waiting for him to add/message me. >.> I won't be on till tonight when I get off soon. Gosh darn it.