@Lightning has a bind that says "CDriscoll's on, time to buy T", and it's no joke. He gets T. Every. Round. And. Jihads. Me. e_e
He literally follows me around and knife's me in public areas, with loads of people and guess what? None of them give a shit, they just disregard it and carry on. It's actually ridiculous.
Seriously: A guy named Wild N1gger and later regg1N dilW. he wouldn't stop spouting racist, homophobic and misogynistic shit, going as far as naming himself president of the Faggot Extermination Group other then that @Falcor every time i trust her she kills me
@Electric like seriously he sucks. I remember that time he got in the T room as a D on 67th way and planted a teleporter there... JUST HORRIBLE plus he would use the teleporting doors in the the room to snipe T's on different areas of the map when he had 9 health. LIKE HAS HE EVER HEARD OF A HEALTH STATION. God is he horrible. Even worse. He stayed killed all the T's. LIKE WTF TRAITORS ARE THE GOOD GUYS LET THEM WIN. #COUNTERTERRORIST
I think our servers (maybe other than minecraft, I don't play often there but its a RDMfest) have been pretty fortunate in the random players coming in and just RDMing for a while and then being banned. That was something that made me keep coming back, the focus on following established rules. A lot of other Garry's Mod servers are really lax and I don't like people getting away with being dicks.
First off I can't believe I read this whole post along with the comments. However some scrubs include but not limited too @Fiefoe potato aim for days @Ellie you rdm all the time @ bmtron no explanation needed @Hirari worst T to play the game @atoz just doesn't tell good stories!