
Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Finn, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Hey STTT Fans!

    Finding yourself bored in the middle of the night? Don't really want to play anything, or just feel like watching something whilst you are dead? Good News! I'm starting to stream! I'm really nervous and would love some support! Showing your support would mean the world to me!

    So any ways, I'm planning on streaming multiple times a week in the future, but for now, once a week on wednesday nights at around 11:30p.m.-ish (PST) UNTIL I GET TIRED! ALL NIGHT STREAM WOOOO! Originally this was planned to be the Late Night Show/Bananza with Finn and CoCo, but I don't know if CoCo will be joining us for our debut :( But, the show must go on, starting tonight!

    Link below!

    Some of you might ask, Finn-bro, why did you make a whole thread for this? Isn't that a waste of space?

    F*CK NO!
    Free plug party up in this Biznitch! I will be posting my guest stars, my schedules, my favorite videos, and whatever the hell else YOU want! I also invite any of you to post YOUR channels too! Let's Dual-Steam sometime! IT WILL BE EPIC!!!!! Occasionally I'll also run polls to see what you guys want me to play! Of course, all of this depends on if I get an audience, and that starts with YOU! So please, please come watch my stream, I literally just started and have no idea what I am doing, but I'm worth it! I promise!

    <3 Finn. Moderator at STTT
    • Like Like x 2
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  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    League? ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Ellitagious

    Ellitagious The sight of the stars makes me dream -Van Gogh VIP

    I get to troll the webs without doing anything! Yay!
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Let's League buddy!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    Amnesia, because I have still not finished that god forsaken game. :3
    • Like Like x 1
  6. qsawz

    qsawz VIP

    @Finn can I join you im coco's friend :)
  7. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Can't believe I missed the debut :(.... Freaking sleep.
  8. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    It was shotty, somethings wrong with my settings so it kept lagging out. Counting it as a trial.
  9. Ellitagious

    Ellitagious The sight of the stars makes me dream -Van Gogh VIP

  10. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    What was this, a month ago? Jesus. Well, I think I worked out the bugs, giving this another trial run tonight, hopefully I can get CoCo on ;) Probably playing some indie horror, some LoL, maybe some PoE, we'll see ;) Starting at 11/12 p.s.t., come check it out.
  11. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    You should give Civilization 5 a try. Might be entertaining to watch.
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  12. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    @Muffin remember our big game and we waited two hours for you to download it
  13. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Annnd followed. :love:
  14. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

  15. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Did you just advertise your stream on Finn's stream thread
  16. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    He said we could though :(
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Going live right now! from ps4, so hopefully better luck! no webcam, sorry D:
  18. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    3 hours later! It was fun, going to play some more tonight, ps4 games include Far Cry 4, Destiny, Ass ass Creed IV, tomb raider, mlb14, dragon age, and the last of us, or maybe some P.T.? Muahahah. Let me know what you guys think, if anyone wants to tag along feel free, would love the feedback :D Thanks again for everyone who showed up!
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

  20. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    3 more hours later! Far Cry 4 and P.T. big success! More to come for sure, probably some doges too, and Spider Tank!