Weapon opinions

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Peter Parker, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. This thread is for people to give their opinions on weapons in STTT. This can go from Double Barrel Shotguns to Traitor and Detective gadgets including the UMP or harpoon.

    Knife - Useless
    DB - OP
    Harpoon - Fun to use, but useless
    Newton Launcher - Never bought it before
    C4 - opens the door to new unique strategies
    Visualizer - don't know how to use it, not sure how that helps detectives
    Health station - Very helpful, I buy it every Detective round
    Death Station - Helpful with Death Station heal
    Poltergeist - I don't get the point
    • Disagree Disagree x 7
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    • Agree Agree x 17
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Ak and DB - very dirty weapons, not surprised everyone uses them
    Anything else - pointless if others have AKs or DBs
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Knife - Amazing, helps if you toss it and not run up to someone behind their back.
    DB - Fun if you use it on props!
    Harpoon - Fun to use, ESPECIALLY with triple poon ;}
    Newton Launcher - The best gun in the game, depending on if you know how to use it.
    C4 - Fun to set off near the same time.
    Visualizer - AMAZINGLY helpful on many maps. Helps if they just died too!
    Health station - Self explanatory.
    Death Station - Self explanatory once more.
    Poltergeist - AMAZING if you use it when people are surrounded around a Detective corpse on Vanilla.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    OP Tier
    DB, Knife(if 1 hit kill)
    High Tier
    ACR, AK47, HK416, Shotgun, SL8, MP7
    Mid Tier
    Everything else but the HUGE
    Low Tier
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Bot

    Bot aimbot 4ever <3 VIP Bronze

    I got a headshot with a HUGE...
  7. kac pdw, hk sl8, jackhammer best guns

    huge, ak trash
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  8. Rek

    Rek Ø

    If you guys saw @Lord Of Chaos use a tommy gun and kill 4 traitors surrounding him, you'd believe it is an amazing gun(happened actually). But knife and harpoon w @TheCoCoFTW are super fun. Also newton launcher with @CrankShade
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. P90 on vanilla is bliss........

    Modded servers, most fun is doing the traitor frag challenge with @Mrfeelgood000 and @Bread on Water

    P.S. I hate the Double Barrel... When someone shoots me with it mid jihad...

    AK is for scrublords *cough cough* @Alpha Wolfy *cough cough*
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  10. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Knife is nice if you have 1 hit kill upgrade.

    DB could be considered OP, but if you miss those first two shots you're screwed. Kind of like a knife.

    Harpoon was useful until DNA was added. :(

    Also, visualizer will visualize the scene of a death showing player positions.

    The only real useful situation is if the body of an inno shows who he was looking at when he died, you can use the visualizer to see if the inno was looking at the killer.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Lord Of Chaos

    Lord Of Chaos Embrace the Chaos. VIP Emerald

    Can confirm, killed 4 traitors with one mag of tommy gun in a round of 20 seconds because they didn't realize I was in there and got confused when I started to mow them down, idk how I lived to tell the tale but it was a damn good tale
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Can confirm newton is op. Join my cult
  13. Krdy12345

    Krdy12345 Member

    DB is even more OP if you use the little Jihad that doesn't kill you, when you launch a Death Station with a DB (Plus its hilarious)
  14. Pckables

    Pckables Member

    T weapons -
    Knife is useful to kill highly skilled players/steal jackhammers when you buy insta-kill
    Harpoon is hard to use, but can be useful to kill the last few.
    Newton Launcher is hard to gauge. I can see it being useful if you become skilled with it, but it's too easy to see where the shot came from.
    MP7 is a really good close/mid-range weapon. Medium damage and High fire rate with semi-decent accuracy.

    D Weapons -
    Jackhammer is too good, as in it's tough to kill an attentive Detective holding one, and even harder to kill a decent T with one. Has too high of an effective range for its DPS. I don't bother buying a Jackhammer as i dont want a T getting one.
    Visualizer is very situational, but a good thing to buy since many Detectives end up with extra credits. My only problem is that everyone trolls and throws the visualizer off the map. Really would be nice if only Detectives could move it/stops being magneto-able.
    Defuser is under rated, would be a lot less C4 death if more detectives bought them.
    Teleporter can set up some neat traps in the hands of someone clever, highly under rated.
    Binoculars are more useful in the hands of an inno, as standing still as a detective is a sure-fire way to get shot.
  15. Krdy12345

    Krdy12345 Member

    OP- DB Shotgun, Jackhammer, AK47, P90

    Favorites- HK416, Winchester, Deagle, Raging Bull, SD 9mm Deathstation Jihad (Deathstation+DB Shotgun=Chaos)
  16. Quantum

    Quantum Active Member

    The detectives have body armor so it's too risky to start shooting them with any weapon. I only use the DB and harpoon to kill the detectives.

    The Mossberg shotgun is my go to weapon and it is a one shot kill at close range if aimed at the head.
  17. Romulus

    Romulus The Alpha VIP

    I mean, the AK47 is inaccurate in big bursts and at distances, so I mean, put it in the wrong hands and it's not that effective.
    The Vikhr isn't bad, I feel like it's a CQC weapon.
    The M416 is my favourite, hands down. Accurate, great ROF, good damage, sexy as hell.
    The KAC PDW - same deal as the Vikhr.
    The HUGE is for pros only.
    The M16 is underrated, I've gotten a few kills with it.
    The Mossberg is pretty lethal up close, but so is the normal shotgun.
    The DB is ridiculous OP, might as well put it back in the shop and loadout, because I see them around, and at least 7 - 10 people have one on a full server >.> *cough*
    The HK SL8 is lethal at distances.
    The ACR has a bit of recoil, but if you tame it, it's pretty good.
    The AAC had a tight spread and low recoil, great for close quarters maps.
    And of course, the Winchester will blow your poor head off.
  18. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Knife - Trick shots.
    DB - It doesn't fire nukes.
    Harpoon - Can't hit shit
    Newton Launcher - Dual fire.
    C4 - Haven't a clue. ;)
    Visualizer - waste of a credit. But if you got 13 like me, Fuck it right?
    Health station - Only buy when you need it.
    Death Station - Saved my ass so many times.
    Poltergeist - I never used it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. ZaneLoehr (Masochist Ver.)

    ZaneLoehr (Masochist Ver.) Warehouse 13 Next Generation VIP

    i realised there is no poltergeist for t's anymore (or i may just be blind) i want to place c4 then poltergeist it all over the place ^_^
  20. Only on vanilla