An in-depth traitor's guide to TEENROOM

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by +Defender Morrill+, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Having trouble racking up kills on the teenroom map?
    Worry no more!
    This guide will help traitors be even more successful than before!
    This guide will be broken up into 2 sections:
    1. Killing tactics & escape routes.
    2. Extra Diagrams (Population areas, reccomended weapon/cover areas)

    Stars-Escape areas
    Bent lines-escape routes
    Colored boxes-main areas
    Diamonds-not a good escape route
    number;letter-in depth tactical areas
    "populated"-People stop here and do stuff.
    "Traffic"-They don't stop. A place for traveling from one place to another.​

    Section 1. Killing Tactics and Escape Routes.
    Area 1 (Entertainment Center)
    This is the entertainment center/shelves. The top of it is the most densely populated area on the map. Getting some kills without jihadding will prove to be tricky. But here's some ways.

    Area 1A. The corner of the top. Some guy is always standing here. He's just asking to be pushed off with a crowbar. But if someone's looking at him, well, there's still a way.
    You can use a Sniper from points 4A, 4B, 3A, Green star, and most safely, 2A. Other spots are pretty risky, due to people constantly watching those areas.

    Escape Routes vary from where you are. Refer to other areas for escape routes.

    Area 1B. The boxes on top of area 1D, or the flat top of the entertainment center. Surprisingly enough, it's easy to get away with a lot here. But before you do anything, Conceal yourself or the area with smoke grenades. If you have concealed a good portion of area 1D with smoke, then nobody's gonna know it was you that threw a fatal grenade, such as frag or incend. But if you want something quieter, go into the smoke with a knife and poke someone. Just make sure to take the body with you. Another thing you could do is Throw a smoke grenade down upon yourself, and snipe the unfortunat fellow standing at Area 1A. if he's standing right at the edge, his body will fall of the edge.

    Escape routes: Red Star. Don't try anywhere else, it's just too risky.

    Area 1C. The tight squeeze area right under area 1A. If someone isnt already sniping there, it's your turn. Just take an SVU and pick your target off. You can't get anyone above you, but you'll most likely be seeing a lot of traffic on the tracks around area 4 and 5. Anyone unlucky enough to be on the bed (area 4) will be easy targets. But make sure they arent looking at you. you're easy to see.

    Escape Routes: Either move down and get on the monopoly board to proceed to yellow star, or bottom red star. Or head directly up through the vent lift and chill with the guys at area 1D.

    Area 1D. The flat surface on top of the entertainment center. There really isnt much you can do here except jihad, or refer to the tactics of Area 1B. On some occasions, if you feel like taking a risk, head to top red star, and kill someone in area 1D before running off down the lift (with a nade or silent weap). Your DNA will most likely stick to your victim though.

    Escape Routes: Top red star. If in a pickle head down the tracks, but you will 90% of the time get caught.

    Area 1E. Right by the TV. This is a bad place to be. it's suspicious even bieng there. plant your C4 and get out of there. If there's an inno beside you, either lure him BEHIND the TV, or let him go. if you kill him in the open, people in area 4 will see it. If there are no people in area 4, by all means, kill him. Just work fast.

    Escape Routes: Both red stars, yellow star.

    Area 1 Body hiding spots:
    Under the monopoly board.
    In between/under the DVD's.

    Area 2 (Lego House)
    The lego house is the most unpopulated area on the map. Nobody cares who's there. And this makes for an ideal spot to kill people.

    Area 2A. The top of the lego house. Theres a corner wall on it, that you can use for cover. Take a sniper and pick off your targets at 1A, 3A, 3C, and the entire 5A area. You can even lob nades into area 5A if you feel like it. When getting off the lego house to escape, calculate the trajectory of anyone that might have seen you and use the lego house as a way to conceal yourself.

    Escape Routes: Yellow star, 3B, Green star (risky), or if nobody saw you, you can even just chill inside the lego house (Area 2B).

    Area 2B. Inside the lego house. Nobody ever comes in here. it's a freaking dead zone. Hide bodies, silently lure victims in, have at it. Nobody's gonna see what you do :)

    Escape Routes: Yellow star, 3B, Green star, or just chill in there. Walk out casually.

    Area 2 Body Hiding Spots:
    Inside the lego house.

    Area 3 (Track Box)
    Area three is a very wierd place indeed. Almost no cover, nobody stays there, but it's a high-traffic area. But it's got some sneaky spots.

    Area 3A. Wall lining corner. Personally my favourite spot on the map. Get on it by walking along the wooden lining on the wall. Once you're touching the door, you're at the spot. This is a great spot because it's above the box, so you can pick off traffic incoming in the area, anyone in Area 4, and the heavy population of area 1 will be none the wiser. Most of the time, you won't even be noticed up there. Drop nades onto the box, snipe, or if you're skillfull enough, throw nades right on the yellow star. Only downside to this spot, escaping is very hard.

    Escape Routes: Might as well kill yourself.

    Area 3B. Under the track, in between the box and the TV. This is an ideal hiding spot. It might as well be an escape route, or somewhere to lay low. But it can also prove to be a good place to pick off people in area 5. It's slightly dark, so throw on that disguiser to be concealed. But whatever you do, don't hide bodies there.

    Escape Routes: Yellow star, Stay there, or if you HAVE to, run along the trailer for cover, and get to Green star.

    Area 3C. Under the track, on the edge of the box. Yet another sneaky hiding spot. Just make sure you're as far on the edge as possible, you don't want your head poking out of the track. Pick off people on the edge of the bed, or track traffic along the window. Or drop nades into yellow star. Also a great spot to hide bodies.

    Escape Routes: Drop down onto the wooden lining below you, take 10 fall damage, then you're right by Yellow star. or head to area 3B. DO NOT attempt to head to Green star.

    Area 3D. On top of the box. Lol don't try anything here unless you plan on dying. This is a high-traffic area. For victims only.

    Escape Routes: None.

    Area 3 Body Hiding Spots:
    Area 3C.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015
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  2. Area 4 (The Bed)
    This area is the second most populated area. Theres some old cheezits, and a mac laptop on top. Underneath the bed is a system of 5(6?) rooms. The last one to he left is extrmely dark and serves as an escape route of it's own. Just climb on the trailer.

    Area 4A. In between the cheezit box and the track. If you crouch down, you're almost invisible to everyone in the map that isnt right behind you. Snipe away to you're heart's consent. Targets you can see will be in areas 1A, 1C, 1E, and the entire areas 2 and 3 (except inside lego house). Just don't try killing soneone on the bed and then ducking down. It doesn't work.

    Escape routes: Dropping down to an open drawer below, or going to Green star.

    Area 4B. Using the laptop to conceal your kills. This is like area 4A, except you don't have to duck, and it opens up traffic areas, and the area 5, for sniping victims.

    Escape Routes: Same as 4A.

    Area 4C. Advice for this area is identical to area 3D. it's in the open, except even more people are watching here. Please don't try anything. but if you have to, please drop down to the open drawer below, because heading to Green star is slower.

    Escape Routes: Same as 4A.

    Area 4D. Under the bed. Theres 5(6?) rooms down there. And it's a relatively dead area. Use close-quarters weapons to kill your victims and hide them in the dark room.

    Escape Routes: Green star, The vents, or up and out of the open drawer, via climbing the trailer.

    Area 4 Body Hiding Spots:
    The dark room with the trailer, under the bed.

    Area 5 (Track Turn)
    This area has little to say for. It's a high traffic area and that's it. If you MUST kill people here, try using the car for concealment, or the trailer. Sometimes hiding under the trailer works too.

    Escape Routes: Yellow star, Green star, lego house.

    Section 2: Extra Diagrams & Extra Map Hints

    Extra Tips:
    When the end of the round is nearing, and there's only a few innos left, head into the vents. That's a middle point for a lot of areas. If they don't show up in the vents within 30 seconds, Head to Area 1 (top of the entertainment center) to get a basic view of the whole map.

    If you're KOSed, lay low for a while. Hide under the monopoly board or in area 3C/3B.

    This is a long range map. Find a weapon that's very accurate and get comfortable with it.

    Dota 2 is awesome, innit?

    Thanks guys for viewing this. Tell me whatch'a think of it, yeah?

    +Defender Morill+
    • Informative Informative x 5
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    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    If I needed to use this guide to get good at TTT, I would probably uninstall.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    • Winner Winner x 3
  5. That hurt's... All my freetime at work today became an insult thread ;_;
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  6. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    I respect the effort though.

    Looks like you put a lot of work into this.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    It's okay buddy, I'm with you on this. Sinz is extremely rude.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Because like... why do we even need this...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    I liked it. You guys need to get good. Mad because you get your butt kicked in teen room.
    @Sinz @Enigmatica @TeeZy
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  10. I was gonna do one of these for every STTT map with the same format but i'm having second thoughtsssss
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  11. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Do it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    So you can make fun of him even more ? what a horrible person you are.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Yea, do it. You won't.
  14. Maybe.... But what map next?
  15. Also, if I did every one of them, could they be put up as sticky threads? :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I've never gotten a thread stickied on a forum before!
  17. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    They probably wouldn't be stickied.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    I highly doubt this will be sticky'd but this is really useful.
  19. Espurr

    Espurr #AlwaysStabEspurr Administrator VIP

    I just go insane with the newton launcher and a crowbar... no escape routes Just. yolo
  20. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Do the vanilla maps next. Newby vanilla T's need all the help they can get, and my back hurts from carrying so hard.
    • Agree Agree x 1