Completed Report against wiff

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Python~, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Both Vanilla maps
    Which Round:
    Tab while watching the demo should tell you
    Time of Occurence:
    Not sure for the first video but ~4:10 PM for the other
    Reason For Report:
    This player has a knack for killing on suspicion and not getting punished for it. Mainly because he loopholes out of it I assume, and I'm really tired of it. Over the course of a day, I have witnessed these offenses going unpunished and would like something to be done.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    In the video, you can see me go into the T room, plant some C4, then come out. He places a KOS on me and states he saw me come out of the T room, though if you look at when I come out of the T room to the right of the screen, there was nobody there. Add this to the fact he called me out about 5 seconds after I had exited the T room. My theory is he saw me go down into the basement, came down and past the TNT, then as I came out, he saw that the door was open, and since he saw me climb down there, he assumed I was the T. I did not die to the KOS, but the reason I was KOSed is the point I'm trying to get across
    @The Law

    wiff kills a traitor who shoots near him. killerfordagames says he's proven after IDing the body. This is suspicious because killer never shot at the T nor did anything to aid wiff in killing the T. For this, wiff kills killerfordagames after asking who called themself proven. wiff was not slain - probably because he did not respond to the report on him until it changed maps
    @Steven | SF

    Report would have been up a couple hours ago but lost internet connection​
  2. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    He had admitted to it via mic chat that he killed him for saying he was proven, nothing more nothing less on minecraft_b5. I believe I have a demo recording lying around somewhere, but it may have been deleted already. Primarily, a watch should be kept on this individual or justice could be met rather easily upon him. Not to mention he killed me earlier for dropping an already identified body into the creeper trap on minecraft city. Granted, I had shot the guy but he had no knowledge of this prior to calling me out and killing me. He was never slain, which I don't assume to be @MrEvanJ 's fault. I find myself derailing myself towards other games whenever his kind, those who get away with RDM consistently, appear upon Vanilla.
  3. wiff

    wiff New Member

    Can you convert your .dem files to .avi , thanks.
  4. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Drag the .dem files into your Gmod directory, then go into console and type playdemo <demoname>. There's no reason you can't play a demo :-/
  5. wiff

    wiff New Member

    This is kind of exactly what I was telling him. You can't see past those set of stairs that lead into the TNT block. I hiding there, if you go to that spot, can corner camp it and have vision of the T door opening, once I saw it open, I went back to the wall, waited to hear him climb up the stairs and saw his name. Then I struggled trying to up since half the time, I'm lagging up a storm and was stuck by the stairs for a good minute. I called him out so other people would kill him because I typically don't call people out and enjoy killing them myself. Seeing as how that was going to happen, rather than let him get away, I called the kos on him. If you watch me play, I tend to do this a lot were I follow suspicious people and wait for them to do traitorous things. I'm good at not getting noticed so typically they say I rdm'ed. Sorry you feel like your T round went to waste or something? I don't really know why you're reporting me. I realize you have some sort of personal issue with me ever since you killed me when I came out of the nether and then lied about saying you saw me go into the T room. You even admitted to saying you didn't actually see me.

    The second part, apparently I didn't know that lying about being proven wasn't kos-able. I was under a false impression since back when I played west 2 or west 1, I was killed many times by mods or normal players for lying about being proven. Excuse me ignorance.
  6. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    I don't know what the last bit of that was, but it certainly wasn't relevant. Your story is also very circumstantial, considering your ping is always decent, and when I came out of the T room, I looked over to that spot and there was nobody there. Though you claim you backed up to the wall, you couldn't have even seen the door open in the first place since you weren't there. I wasn't going to report you with just this demo. Coupled with the other, I think it's pretty substantial. Promise to stop killing on suspicion and I can have this thread locked, and hopefully I won't have to make another. Would still like a slay to be issued, in the least, for the 2nd demo
  7. wiff

    wiff New Member

    Yes I claimed to be backed up on the wall, but I also said I walked up to the wall to hide. Sorry if that wasn't implied.

    I don't kill on suspicion. I follow suspicious people and wait for them to do traitorous acts. There is a difference.

    I don't lag because of lack of good connection. I lag because my gfx card can't handle the game sometimes so I get fps issues.
  8. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    As someone who has played this map extensively, I can agree with wiff that it IS possible to hide near the TNT and see the T-room door open/close without being seen. However, this means you cannot see the person who is going in/out of the T-room unless you immediately rush up the stairs, exposing yourself. According to wiff's story, after he saw the door open, he hid behind the wall, meaning he did not see the player walk out of the T-room, and did not see the player while he was still inside the T-room. It was not until after he heard someone going up the ladder that he assumed that player was the player who had opened the T room and that the player had left the T-room. Consider this case, if you were hiding by the TNT and Python came down and stood next to the T-room, a T opened it, and Python turns around and goes up the ladder to see if someone above the T-room could have opened the door. This would mean Python would seem to have left the T-room, but he never actually went in, which means he never did a traitorous, which means he couldn't have been seen doing a traitorous act, but he could have been seen walking away from an open T-room door, which in itself is highly suspicious, but not traitorous. I feel in this case that wiff did jump the gun a bit, which we all do in a game of paranoia, and while a slay maybe would have been deserved, that it's a close call and that instance didn't deserve a forum report. He did not purposefully RDM with intent, which is a lot more than you can say about a lot of players on vanilla. And he can use this to learn to be more certain when dealing with the T-room that he saw the person actually inside, and then leaving, not just walking away from an open door. You are both fine players and there a lot worse people out there that we should worry about reporting, like mic spammers *shivers*

    Note: Probably shouldn't have commented on this but I've been thinking it over all day Dx
  9. wiff

    wiff New Member

    I only came out of hiding after I heard him climb the stairs, then I immediately came out and saw his name as he was climbing up, in order to keep the mystique of the spy I try to be, I pulled away and until I felt like it was clear, then I continued to chase. Since I have a not so great computer, my game begins to have fps issues leaving stuck on the stair case which is why I decide to call him out.
  10. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    second part of the report has been found valid wiff will be punished accordingly. Thanks for submitting a report.
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