Completed Report against Ass_Pirate

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Jake From Staté Farm™ ☏ Me, Jan 31, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Left server before i could see it
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    round 11:30<
    Reason For Report:
    Harassment after i killed him for walking over a unID -
    ( just copied what he said throughtout chat, cut out other players chat log)
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: you have downs?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: doooowns?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: DOOOOOWNS?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: it seems you do
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Nadespot: Downs isnt a joking matter.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: you have serious downs

    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: just from the way you 2 talk, you have downs.

    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: kinda slow in the fuckin head.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Nadespot: Can you not?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: called downs.

    *DEAD* (TEAM) Ass_Pirate: serious downie​
  2. BeautifulButterfly

    BeautifulButterfly Float like a butterfly VIP

    Do you remember anyone else online that could corroborate your story? Do you have screenshots of the incident? Unfortunately plain-text is usually not accepted for harassment reports due to the fact that it can be easily user-manipulated.
  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    This player is a known troll so it does have at least some credibility to it.
  4. Bacon Bombs

    Bacon Bombs Matthew 1:25 New Testament VIP Bronze

    Wasn't this guy banned yesterday for rdm without staff on?
  5. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    That's an 8 hr ban. Also, I recall @Krys was dead at the time. Maybe he could confirm/deny.
  6. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    I do not have that round recorded, however I can confirm that the chat provided is mostly accurate.
  7. Ass_Pirate

    Ass_Pirate Member

    Ok first of all, Event you have played with me once, once. I am not a known troll -.-. I have only ever been banned once, on West 1, about a month and a half ago. Second of all, the chat is completely correct, however what he is leaving out is what he said on chat. Once dead, he asked if i was retarded, for whatever i did (can't remember whatevr it was), in retaliation, i replied, as you can see. He constantly said, are you retarded. It however was done over the mic, making this report VERY one sided.
  8. Lol? Never once i said you were retarded, i killed you for walking over a unID'ed body then you blew up in chat getting pissed off at me and i told you to " open your eyes and ID shit if you see it or else it gets you killed " never did i call you retarded. I do have 3 family members with disability's and one of them have down-syndrome, and little brother who is 5 with autism so when you were joking about down-syndrome it pissed me off so i reported you, yea duh reporting you won't do all that much since im not beside you i could beat the shit out of you for being a immature little prick thinking its ok to joke about disability esp down-syndrome which is a sad disability to have since it affects your whole life and how you live around. You can make up petty excuses on how your innocent, but if everyone reading this will do me a favor, go to Report players thread and skim through each page until you reach like Page 5, every single page has 1-2 reports for trolling, harassment, or RDM without staff online. He is a little kid thinking hes funny being a prick and yea, he does need to be banned. and ATM Krys was on, i didn't take screenshots because i didn't feel like uploading to imgur and copy pasting chat logs seemed faster so i did that, but i have some people that can confirm he was being a little dick to not just me but everyone on the server. Whenever he plays all he does is troll/loop troll or RDM without staff online and thinks its funny when it pisses people off. They try to make this a fun gaming environment for the people that do like to play STTT but little shits like you decide to get on here and ruin it and get a laugh out of it. I know im not the best and i act stupid sometimes but i don'y joke about disablitys, like down-syndrome. Your just a sorry ass little kid trying to be funny but whenever you say dumb shit like that in-game or on forums and think everyone will think its funny they are all looking at you like " Wow, he's a fucking dick.. " because you know? You are. If i was a staff member personally i would ban you perm, this server is better without your sorry ass. No-one likes you, favors you, just about everyone hates you because whenever your online in a server all you do is make everyone miserable by loop-trolling or RDM when staff leaves. So if a mod/admin, etc could handle this properly i would appreciate it, i have Krys submitting he was on ATM and it is valid chat logs and even Ass_Pirate confirming it that it was him being a little douche. So please, someone ban him or whatever the hell you need to do.
  9. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Let's try to move away from the insult game and stick back to topic. Any further mention of this will result in this report being locked until the staff deem it appropriate to give a verdict on the report.
  10. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    No need for harassment from either party.

    If something similar to this happens again, the offender will be met with a ban.
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