Invalid Report against Jin

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Chainsay, Jan 9, 2015.

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  1. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft City
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Roughly 8:30
    Reason For Report:
    I was a traitor, during my T round with various other traitors, and went into the Traitor room to prepare for my next move during the round. While I was in the T-room, my T-buddy at the time Jin allowed an innocent into the Traitor room, who proceeded to shoot me in the back while I was getting ready to teleport out of the T-room.

    If Jin had not allowed an inno into the T-room, I would not have died at that moment. Guilty also refused to do anything about it, so I'm reporting here both to figure out what the policy is on letting innos into the T-room, and to bring an issue into full forum light that seems to happen primarily on this server - Traitors letting innocents go into the traitor room, causing traitors to die.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    The first is the death - me, killed by Ogre

    Next, me asking Jin if he let Ogre into the T-room

    And then me informing him that he didn't even warn anyone that he was opening it

    and Guilty telling me it was my fault I died in there

    so, there you go.​
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Exactly as I had stated before, it is your fault for going into the room. Why you ask? Because going into the traitor room is an option/privilege all traitors have. They don't have to enter the traitor room and if a traitor chooses to go inside one of the rooms, then he/she is entering at his/her own risk. That's why I told you nothing would be done about it because ultimately, you chose to go in there. Your decision to enter the room would be risky because you may have a trollish traitor buddy who may allow others to enter the room and get you killed for it, which is similar to what happened in this situation for the most part.

    I handled this report in-game and found it invalid because punishing the player would require admin discretion to proceed with, which I find unnecessary since the player doesn't do this often to begin with. It was a situation of being at a bad place at a bad time.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  3. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    Then the trollish traitor buddy needs to be punished for it.
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    If he constantly does it, then I would agree. However for one instance? I disagree that the player should be slain for it. However, my fellow staff members and superiors will judge that instance in the end.
  5. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    Setting a precedent that it is acceptable to allow innos into the t room who then kill your t buddies is probably not the way to go.
  6. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    I was in this game and killed Chainsay for it. I remember a staff saying it counts as RDM if you intentionally open the T room and harm fellow traitors in the process.

    To guilty: Your logic is pretty flawed. If I was an innocent and I went into the traitor tester and a troll innocent presses the buttons and kills me. According to your logic, he shouldn't be slain because it's my fault for going into the tester.
  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    We're not talking about the tester. We're talking about going into the traitor room itself. Traitor rooms and Testers are 2 entirely different sections. And it would be a problem if the traitor was opening the traitor room intentionally with malicious intent towards his traitor buddies. And next, if a player did do it intentionally and pressed the button (this is regarding the tester scenario) that kills another player for no legitimate reason, then he would be slain. There's no excuse behind it.

    And I'm not saying that the traitor room situation should EVER become a thing. I'm just saying that it is only a problem if it was constantly done (hence what I said earlier about trollish traitor buddies) knowingly. We cannot prove that Jin did this intentionally considering it only happened once in that scenario.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  8. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    We'd have to prove he intentionally let an innocent in to kill you. otherwise, its just unfortunate that you got killed while doing something traitorous
  9. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    Like I said, there are screenshots of him admitting to intentionally letting a traitor into the room. Whether he intended me to die or not is irrelevant, his allowing Ogre into the T room is the only reason I died in there, and he ADMITTED to doing it, I screenshotted that.
  10. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    Excuse me, an innocent.
  11. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Your screenshots only shows that he admitted to opening the traitor room door. That's not admitting that he did it intentionally. For all we know, he could have done it on accident without knowing you were there.
  12. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Accidental RDM is still RDM. He should have warned before he let innocents in or ask if it was okay to open the t round and let innocents in.
  13. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    I asked if he let OGRE into the T room, I was VERY specific in my question.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    But again, does your question for Jin prove his intent? It does not. As I have stated before, only one instance is not enough to prove that he did it intentionally.
  15. Chainsay

    Chainsay VIP

    He INTENDED to let Ogre into the -TRAITOR- room. Accidental RDM is still RDM. Him allowing Ogre into the T room got me killed, which means he (accidentally or not) was the cause of my death.
  16. Roxy551

    Roxy551 Member

    Definition of UNINTENTIONAL. 1 happening by chance <an unintentional encounter with an old classmate at the mall> Synonyms casual, chance, fluky (also flukey), fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, unintended, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting
    Definition of UNWITTINGLY( aka unwitting)-: not knowing : unaware
    They were aware they let the innocent into the traitor room because if they were not aware they would of not admitted to letting the innocent into the traitor, they would been more or less dumbfounded why Chainsay was asking that question
  17. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    This is basically putting a fellow traitor in harms way without informing them. The suspect knew he let innocents in but he did not warn anyone. The victim could not escape from harms way because he was not informed an innocent had access to the traitor room.
  18. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    As I had stated before in my first comment, Mods do not slay Traitors for opening traitor rooms and causing the deaths of their traitor buddies unless we know that the traitor did it intentionally with the malicious intent to have their buddies killed. Slaying the traitor would require admin discretion, which I did not have access to during the time (nor did I think it would be required due to this happening only once). If you're in the traitor room and died due to your traitor buddy opening the traitor room door, then that's your fault because it was you being there at a bad place at a bad time.

    If this happened multiple times, then it would be thoroughly investigated and the offender may be potentially slain for it, but you only chose to make this report after this happened only once, which isn't enough information to determine whether it was intentional or not. Your screenshot showed you asking a question to which Jin was being truthful about. It does NOT answer whether he did it with malicious intent in mind at all. It also does not show any negative intentions nor does it prove that he did it on purpose. It only explains that he opened the traitor room door and someone entered it during that scenario.

    As stated again, going into the traitor room is an option/privilege that traitors have. You don't have to enter it (and I especially recommend against going into it if you have a traitor buddy who may end up opening the door and getting you killed for it). If you get killed for it, then it is NOT RDM on the traitor buddy who opened the door since you chose to go into the traitor room and as stated by the MOTD, entering the traitor room is a traitorous act and you have to be prepared to accept any liabilities that may come about you entering the room. I apologize for my poor explanations for a while (I was in class so concentration was difficult when I am focusing on two things at once), but this is the final verdict that comes about this action.
  19. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    You do not have to warn traitors when you open the traitor room. Either buy a radar to see if there are any green dots in a traitor room area (could be a decoy too) or don't stay there too long. Once the door opens, anyone can get in. It's traitorous to be in a traitor room so if you get killed then it's simply unfortunate that you were caught in the traitor room
  20. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    With that being stated, this report has been found invalid. Have a good day.
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