Invalid Report against Matt_allen

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by WhatTheEmmi, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. WhatTheEmmi

    WhatTheEmmi Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    67th way
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    around 11 est
    Reason For Report:
    To whom it may concern,

    While I was playing TTT, also known as Terror in Terroirst Town, I died. How did I die? A person, char, was talking to me, and said "want to see something". I did not respond; however he shot me, while the detective was by my side. Obviously the detective (thenxtlvl) immediately responded fire, because the detective witnessed it. But, thenxtlvl was slayed on a different map because apparently thenxtlvl RDM'd an innocent person. The next map was, I believe amsterville. I questioned Matt_allen why thenxtlvl was slayed, and he said "he killed an innocent". Which in fact is false. According to the game, it indicates who killed you when you die, and whether or not the person is an innocent or a traitor. Char was indeed a traitor. The detective (thenxtlvl) killed Char. So how did thenxtlvl kill an innocent?

    What strikes me the most is when everyone was playing the map amsertville, another player argued against matt_allen. The player name I believe is called Sir kushington. Sir Kushington said "This guy RDM'd me and I reported him. Why are you not doing anything? Is it because he is a donator?" This is segregation and discrimination. When you press the "Tab" button, it indicates who is playing. It indeed says who is vip+, vip, donator, admin, mod, etc. Since it indicates who is a donator and such, matt_allen gives them privileges. Point is, admins should not treat others like this.

    All players should be treated the same. "Separate but equal" will not do. No one should be abused while playing this server. I hope you put this under control.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Sir Kushington
    -Enclosed is a screenshot with the list of players that indicates the "vip" "mods" etc. [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  2. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    @Matt_Allen will explain his side of the story. Also tagging his admin @Nena. And also a side note, we do not show favoritism towards those who donate to the server. We treat players the same and equal so that everyone is having fun.
  3. Matt_Allen

    Matt_Allen I'll miss you all VIP

    Hello WhatTheEmma, thank you for taking the time to report me.

    The situation you described may be what you thought to happen, but it is in fact incorrect. As a moderator, I have the ability to see many things, ranging from who shoots which gun, and who kills which person. You were in fact killed by a traitor by the name of Char, but that is not who TheNextLvl killed. He was reported by a player named LeJuiciestofJs just before the map change. The report can be seen below.


    As it was the last round before the map change, I didn't get a response, so I asked TheNextLvl about it on the next map.

    What this explanation tells me is that TheNextLvl killed the player not because he had been KOS'd, or because he had seen him commit traitorous acts, but rather, because he heard you say his name, and was next to you. Below are the damage logs, showing that it was infact Char who had killed you, and TheNextLvl did not in anyway kill or damage Char. You can also see that Harpoon is the one who killed Char.
    I will now tag my admin @Nena so that she can review my actions. Thank you.

    EDIT: Additionally, I showed no signs of favouritism, and never have, you came to that conclusion on your own.
  4. WhatTheEmmi

    WhatTheEmmi Member


    After reading your post, I belive that thenxtlvl must have killed LeJuiciestofJs by accident. The person must have been right next to Char, then thenxtllvl shot him/her. Therefore, this was an accident. As a result, an auto slay should not have been in affect. Matt should asked thenxtlvl beforehand. But this does not change "separate but equal". As stated on my 1st post, there was another person stating "This guy RDM'd me and I reported him. Why are you not doing anything? Is it because he is a donator?" This is segregation and discrimination.

    If you believe I am not telling the truth, feel free to message the sir person. I can guarantee you that he did quote and quote said that.

    Admins should treat everyone equally, or maybe some people should not become a mod or an admin. I definely know my rights and this is against my rights, according to the brown v. board from the supreme court
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  5. Matt_Allen

    Matt_Allen I'll miss you all VIP

    The responses that TheNextLvl gave me were enough reason to slay him. Either way, I don't remember ever seeing Sir Kushington saying anything, so I cannot comment on that. I do know however, that any reports that I had dealt with up until I got off were either valid or invalid, and were dealt with properly. The report screen from my last post shows all the reports, of which he filed none. I check the logs for every round on amsterville following that map, and he was killed by a traitor every single time, as an innocent. Perhaps Sir Kushington was referring to another time, or was confused about his deaths.
  6. WhatTheEmmi

    WhatTheEmmi Member


    You can not see sir kushginton say anything, only hear him. He was talking to us in chat after he had died. Also, did you take in account that the server was changing and some people can not file a report. Sir kushington was not confused about his deaths. He reported for Rdm, nothing in response.

    -I just want to play the game where I have fun.
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned


    There are several reasons for which an innocent may be killed by another innocent that are not considered RDM. For example, the victim of said report may have neglected to identify a body that was near him. Innocents and traitors alike commonly do not spot unidentified bodies or often neglect to identify them. However, it is traitorous to do so. As a moderator, we have access to a lot more information than standard players, and it would be hard for you to know the reason the player was killed for without specifically asking the reported player about the event.

    I hope you understand; Matt_Allen is not showing any favoritism or unfair treatment.
  8. WhatTheEmmi

    WhatTheEmmi Member

    hm. So if I donate can I become a mod and get away with everything? This seems unfair and matt should at least be suspended.

    Also, if matt recently joined on Dec 7, 2014, then how is he a moderator? Is it because he donated. Well in this case, take my money, take all of it. If it gives me the power to abuse players then take all of it.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  9. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Matt_Allen has been with the servers since August 20th, 2014 according to our server logs. Since then, he's logged almost 300 hours of play time. He only joined the forums in December.
  10. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hey Emmi,

    I apologize whole-heatedly for the mis-understanding, there are high amounts of players playing on the server and since Matt is newly to our staff team, he might not able to handle every single report within a minute as the server was crowded.
    And from what I have known so far, Matt slayed nextlvl is because he RDM'd an inno LeJustice and from the logs above, it shows that he's trying to kill the traitor as he id LeJustice's body right after killing him,
    After I joined the server and check the old logs, Justice had never fired a single bullet nor have any t weap, as your friend nextlvl responded to Matt, he killed Justice because he saw you saying his name before you died, which he killed Justice based on suspicion. Doing that will be considered as RDM as our server's rule listed.
    So Matt's slay is valid.

    To answer your second question , we pick up moderators not because they have donated to the server or not, for me, I was picked up as a moderator when I am not a donator , nor VIP. We pick up them as moderator because they fulfilled our requirements, donating to the server won't give you any advantage to get away from RDMing, if you look at ban list or report section, they do get banned and get punished for breaking the rules.

    Please understand that we would never have any favoritism because the player had contributed to our server, we treat all the players equally, and let's be frank, from what both of you mentioned above I really don't see any favoritism involved in this, but I can guarantee to you that we staff members don't have any favoritism and will never have, I truly wish you can understand this.

    If you don't have any thing want to add, I would mark this report as invalid and lock this topic.

    Report found invalid, topic locked.

    Best regards,
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