Hmmm Horizon Opii Steven Slick Teezy That is good yes? but if I had to pick only one I wouldn't be able to.
I am assuming my name is on the top of your list of favorite staff correct? (After I trained you on all those school nights to the late hours of the night getting no sleep and being late for school and skipping/delaying homework and stopped taking/eating my lunch, just to train you to the best of your ability and being your mentor 24/7 around the clock; You're Welcome )
I would have to say @Anarchist , @TeeZy , and @Lord Of Chaos . That is because I known them for a long time and they are hella cool. Plus they have never done me wrong in anyway<3.My absolute favorite admin is @Opii . I also am going to have all the ex mods and my fav. ex mods are @bobasawr and @tollybear. EDIT: My Favorite staff is @Anarchist All the way.