I'm tom

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by [Tom]BAGP1P3H3R0, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. Hi. ask me questions.
  2. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    hi tom

    why are you tom
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. It's short for Thomas. It was the name i was given after i was resurrected to serve the undead lords of Harlem. they promised world domination and children slaves.
  4. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    hi tom

    why is tom short for thomas?
  5. sup

    do you know the word of the good lord toon link? :sneaky:
  6. Enlighten me,
    And People just call me Tom, I'll pretty much respond to anything under
    1. Hey
    2. Tom
    3. Dumbass
    4. Dipshit
    5. Loser
    6. Moron
    7. Frank
    8. Bag(Pipehero)
    9. smittywerbenyeggermanjansen
    10. AHHH
    11. "someone is rdming"
    12. and samantha.
    • Creative Creative x 2
  7. Well,
    here and here

    It all began with a server like STTT. Toon Link was playing, minding his own business when out of the blue, @POOPSTAR bans him for no reason what-so-ever. He is very angry and plots his spammy revenge. Ever since that ban he spent every waken minute DoSing these servers and wreaking havok on these forums. Every minute of every day he would make proxy after proxy and account after account to exact his revenge, until they could take no more. Once he even started posting gay porn in the shoutbox, and everyone turned away in horror! STTT could face it no more, and he was happy.

    true story.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. He sounds like a fellow i want to meet and have a drink with. is he still around?
  9. He trolls here and there, usually you can make a friend if you praise his trollings.