Completed Report against AvalonTreman

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Loki³, Nov 23, 2014.

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  1. Loki³

    Loki³ VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Idk (wasn't paying attention.)
    Time of Occurence:
    9:20 Mountain Time Zone (UTC-07:00)
    Reason For Report:
    He banned me for "Harassment" when all I did was say that a "Individual" (Don't wanna say his name as he is not part of this.) should be slapped by his mother because he's talking like he's twenty and was throwing around racial slurs. This is unacceptable and I want my ban lifted right away. I don't care if the "22-year-old" keeps his staff position.
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

  3. Loki³

    Loki³ VIP

    Thank you.
  4. Thank you for taking the time to file this carefully worded report.

    Harassment is never accepted on our servers. Even doubly so while I'm staffing. I don't have logs of what was said, due to your remarks being in voice chat.

    When I finally banned you, all I heard was "should be slapped by his mother for..." until you were drowned out by others talking. Due to the fact that you were warned previously for harassment, then continued to harass others, resulting in your kick, I took this as another attempt at harassing others.

    If a player is harassing another, and the staff online doesn't immediately pick up on it, the best way to go about things is not to insult the person back, but to alert the staff using @[message] to inform them of what's going on.

    So while I cannot confirm that what you're saying is true, just from what I heard, I construed it as more harassment and banned you accordingly.


    As my proof of innocence, I provide my console logs to show that I followed the, for lack of a better term, escalation of force for dealing with harassment. I have no logs of the first warning I gave you, due to the warning being pushed out of my console.

    Tagging my admin, @Disruptionz for his visibility. An admin will finish this report out.
  5. Loki³

    Loki³ VIP

    So you assumed I was harassing someone again, I can see where you would of gotten that from, I wish for my ban to be lifted and I don't want you to loose your position over something stupid like this. I'm sorry that I over exaggerated this report. This will not happen again.
  6. You can appeal your ban officially by going to the Ban Appeals section of the forums and explaining why you should be unbanned.
  7. Hello @Loki³, nice to see you again.

    In regards to your third offense of harassment during your time with my moderator, what you said can be taken as a mild form of harassment; you specifically targeted a player, said something rude to them, and regardless if he was spewing racial slurs or not, two wrongs do not make a right.

    Coupled with the fact of how rude you were in the initial post saying
    doesn't add to your case one bit. I understand that in a later post, you took back what you said and you were apologetic about it, which is promising, but it brings up a point that you need to learn to control your emotions when things do not go your way.

    I will say that my moderator did jump the gun; what you said was not full blown harassment, and it is situational. Personally, I would not have taken this as harassment, unless the affected party was offended by the statement. I think that you if you are about to say something rude, consider the ramifications of the statement and the effects that it can cause.

    With that being said, I will have my moderator unban you, as well as void the ban. Bear in mind that a statement such as that can swing either way. If If this same situation arises, the staff will not be as lenient next time.

    Report: Completed
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