Rules: Intent vs effect

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Butterback, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Butterback

    Butterback "Whatever you want" VIP

    This is an issue that lawmakers have faced since the beginning of laws as we know them.

    This thread can be about the intent of all the rules if someone has issues with them, but if not let's focus specifically on RDM and leave. I didn't write the rules, but if I had to take a guess I would say that the purpose of banning people who RDM and leave is to punish people who leave to avoid the slay, or because they think the mods are mean and they ragequit, or are just RDMing jerks.

    Unfortunately, what I see happening more often than RDMing jerks being banned is people leaving the server multiple rounds after a report is filed against them. Sometimes there's a good reason mods are taking a while to issue slays. I don't know if people leave because they don't know they're going to be slain, or if like me, 15 minutes after a report they figure they're safe and life moves on.

    If the admins wanted people who left for good reasons (and didn't RDM maliciously) to be punished severely then the current state would be alright. But what I see time and time again is someone posts a ban appeal about RDM and leave, and a mod allows them to rejoin a server to serve their slay.

    Here's an example:
    In this thread an admin suggests a 3 round grace period. I suggest reserving RDM and leave for people who do it maliciously, and just leaving slays waiting for people who just leave.
    What's your idea?
  2. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    i was reading this and i do believe if an admin or mod does not get to a report within three rounds than they should be good to leave but the easiest way (if your playing at home) is to ask the mod to slay you while you go into afk mode as the slay goes through afk and adds it to their slay count. Multiple times i have asked through steam chat if they can slay me while im afk because im going to bed and they usually allow me to because im not actually leaving.
  3. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    I think the rules are in place for good measure. We know who the problem players are who isn't. Many of the new people need to know how the rules work and if they care then they appeal. I know that if I ban players for RDM and leave that is relatively new, I give a little grace when they appeal. Also even if you're denied its a 5 day ban and you can play on the other 4 servers. Ultimately if you haven't learned soon enough to get globalize do then ultimately you can be classified as malicious because you don't get requested for globalization until the third RDM and leave. Giving you ample time to learn right from wrong.
  4. Butterback

    Butterback "Whatever you want" VIP

    I think that defeats the purpose though. The offense is RDM. Even if (and it often is) an accident. The punishment is sitting out a round. So saying "hey, I'm going to bed, can you slay me while I'm afk?" doesn't really punish you. You would actually be punished for it if the next time you logged in, you had to sit out that round.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I actually started to write a suggestion thread based on this and halfway through it, I realized how specific of an event would have to take place for a player to have a forgiving period where if they aren't slain in a certain time they can leave.

    I thought of tools to have for this and then realized that the easiest way to control this is the current one. If you get unknowingly banned, make an appeal and have it granted; simple as that.

    The above solution is the simplest way to handle such a specific situation.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

    Honestly, I think Mass RDM in one round should be worst than RDM and Leave, also I do agree on your point. Why do we have to ban for RDM and Leave anyway? People just RDM and Leave just to get banned because RDM and Leave is bannable on probably all TTT and DarkRP servers. Maybe Mass RDM and Leaving should be worst and Mass RDM in one round should be 7 days and RDM and Leave should be 2 days. I think Mass RDM should be 4 kills instead of 3 I don't know. Just a suggestion.