Dev Map Ideas

Discussion in 'Hobbies' started by Big Al, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Big Al

    Big Al I hit em' up VIP

    Hey all,

    So in my past I've had quite a history in designing maps for various gamemodes in Source games (CS:confused:, L4D etc.) such as jailbreak, minigames and campaign. I've decided to start a new project and make an innovative TTT map with some unique elements to it.

    I'm stuck for ideas though. I usually like to try and apply a theme to the maps, and right now I had this idea for an Alien-style map. Here's a couple rough sketch-up shots that I made for what the map might look like:



    Note that this is in no way even close to finished, I just drew this up as a possibility. I'm not even sure if I want to do an Alien-style map yet. I was thinking of implementing the usual TTT features (T tester, T room, other fun stuff) and a catch to the map where T's can opt to transform into a xenomorph (alien) which would buff their speed/hp (or some other kind of boost) but obviously make it known to people that they're a T on sight.
    Players would also look like USMC troops instead of standard terrorists.
    The map itself would be a fair amount of hallways with side rooms for various things, and the whole map would have an eerie ambiance to it.
    Let me know if you think this would or wouldn't play out as a good map, or if you have any cool suggestions for map ideas throw em' out there.

    , Big Al
  2. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

    This should be moved to Development.

    I would suggest just making plain maps, instead of making maps like this.

    Also, really dark maps wouldn't really be enjoyable. Also, I would suggest having a group testing the map for any exploits/bugs to avoid getting the map updated over and over again.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. From what I can see the map is just very foggy. He's added a source of light AKA the badly lit ceiling lights & emergency lights. Though Spooky does bring up a fair point it is exceptionally dark, I suggest adding a fire just to help brighten up parts of the map.

    I would like to see an alien trap of some sort. I do suggest while in production you have alpha tester from the community come in and test the maps general atmosphere then move along to beta tester when all traps and such are somewhat finished.

    Good luck on the map.
  4. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Dark maps are cool, Don't have a clue what Detective Doge is talking about...

    All I ask is that it be Good for the traitors and the innocents. (Meaning that its not SUPER easy for the traitors to win and SUPER hard for the innocents to win.

    Also, I like the style, reminds me of that one map that you are on the spaceship that is hardly played (But a darker version)
  5. Big Al

    Big Al I hit em' up VIP

    The lighting is because I just threw in some quick light entities, not too many so compile time wouldn't take forever. There'll be more lights and less fog.