Something to think about...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Captain Derpsalot, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I personally think that if we are going to move forward in the world, not just the gaming community, even men should be feminists and let me explain why.

    For years, women have been told to assume specific roles in society. Certain religious beliefs dictate that women may only act a certain way. However, the times are changing. Now, I'm not the kind of person that believes that a woman should get all the benefits of a man, but none of the problems associated with them; saying that is negligence and not exactly gender equality. I believe that if a woman is more qualified to do a job of a man, then she should get the job. On the other hand, I think that if a man and a woman have the same job and it's in say construction. If the woman cannot complete the same amount of work as the man or vice versa, the person that completes more work should receive higher wages.

    How does this play into sexism in video games? Video game developers could never make a game that is catered to the interests of all people. Certain video games portray wine I'm a certain manner and, while some may dislike it, they must remember that they are not forced to play it and that it is fantasy. Regardless of gender, if someone made a video game depicting some sort of sexism, if you don't like it, the solution is simple.

    The bottom line is that no matter what gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation you are, I don't give a damn. I will treat you good and respect your thoughts and what you do or what you want to do as long as what you are doing does not directly. cause me issues. If something you do causes harm or danger to me or my family, then we have a problem. Death threats for what I believe or do is a problem. I'm not looking for any hand outs or benefits exclusive to one group of people. I am looking for equality.

    This is my own personal opinion and you do not have to agree with it.

    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

  3. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

    Feminism is getting out of hand. Feminism is racism, in a way. People get outraged if racism is promoted anywhere, and that includes video games. People might get offended by Femenism as well, but death threats and threats for school shootings? That's going wayyyy too far.
  4. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Simply put. Feminism in its purist form is for the betterment of equality. Sadly to this day certain feminist like Anita Sarkeesian expect women to be below men and coddled. She lies. She is no feminist. She is anti-equality. Simply put i wish for equality. We are all closing in on it. Best of luck. To everyone.