Finished October Giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Sinz, Oct 11, 2014.

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  1. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Hello community,

    This giveaway will have 3 winners and free entry for any community member that has a forum account (including staff members). However, to enter somethings are required to receive your gifted donation if you do win. You must associate your steam account with your forum account.


    Anyone can enter and I encourage you to do so, but to make the giveaway more interesting, the questions below must be answered as a reply in this thread. Failure to comply will result in a message removal and disqualification.

    Questions that must be answered to enter:
    The prizes provided by @Darktooth and myself can be seen below.
    • One, ten dollar donation for each winner (10, 10, 10).
    Winners will be chosen with the help of If you have any questions or concerns, please start a conversation with me here, on the forums rather than replying to this thread with said question or concern. Good luck, three winners will be chosen October 31st.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
    • Like x 3
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    • Bad Spelling x 1
  2. Mak

    Mak VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? Vanilla

    Which role do you prefer Traitor

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? Stabbed

    What's your favorite word in the English language? Serious
  3. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    What's your favorite aspect of this community?:
    The players of this community. I think anyone with hands to type with would agree with me on this one. You, players, bring this server to life and give me, Sinz, and every other staff member a reason to do the job we do. Thank you for all the fantastic memories.
    Which role do you prefer?:
    Traitor, of course. I love the sound of my silenced pistol shots sinking into an unexpecting innocent's forehead. Watch out, I will be coming for you all with my silenced pistol!
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or harpooned?:
    Considering Event Horizon thinks it's funny to harpoon me every T round he gets, I think I enjoy that because it has created memories and made me laugh on numerous occasions.
    What's your favorite english word?:
    Mellifluous: Literally means "sweet sounding". Pretty sweet, eh?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    1. Best community ever, lots of friendly people ;)
    2. Traitor
    3. Harpooned, stabbing is so last year.
    4. No
  5. Anaso

    Anaso VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.)
    The fact that there's someone here who looks like Jaden Smith
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Traitor, of course
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    harpooned cause when I get stabbed I get a heart attack
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
  6. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? - My favorite aspect of the community is that we have great staff that are able to give leeway to the members of the community and a chance for a new generation of staff.
    Which role do you prefer? - Traitor, of course. I always enjoyed either knocking innocents off the map with the newton launcher or harpooning everyone. :sneaky:
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? - Stabbed. I thank @Opii for that. :yawn:
    What's your favorite word in the English language? - Darkness.
  7. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    What's your favorite aspect of this community?

    The user base. By far one of the best community's I've ever been a part of and I'm glad to be in it, none of it would have been possible without you guys.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    Detective is fun for me. I get to make traitors regret their life decisions.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    Stabbed, it's how @Sinz and I bonded.

    What's your favorite word in the English language?

    This word came to mind when I thought of @Darktooth

    Spaghettification - The vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes caused by extreme tidal forces within a homogeneous gravitational field. In simple terms, if you jump feet first into a black hole the gravitational pull is so strong it pulls on the side of your body (in this case - the feet) that is closer to the black hole with a stronger force while it has less of an effect of the side of your body that is looking away from the black hole (your head). It literally stretches and tears the atoms and matter that makes up your body, making you look like a noodle; or "Spaghetti".

    Also onomatopoeia is a cool word to say

    btw: I'm stupid - edit by Darktooth
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2014
  8. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    1. The fair admins and the friendly peeps
    2. Traitor of course. Who doesn't want to be a murdering psychopath without any consequences?
    3. Harpooned. Makes me laugh when I fly so high.
    4. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - a lung disease born from smoking a joint of volcano.
  9. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.

    My staff position :sneakylove:

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    Detective because I can actually do something besides just stand around and wait to be killed.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    I love being 360 harpooned.

    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

    Jealouse. :sneaky::sneaky:
  10. The Triforce

    The Triforce Banned

    What's your favorite aspect of this community?

    Staff doing their job well and just the general friendliness I have seen out of most people.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    Detective only because I am the worst Traitor you will ever see.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    harpooned, the body can get stuck in weird positions.

    What's your favorite word in the English language?

  11. POP STAR

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    Friendly Cats.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    Stabbed from the rear by a Cat.
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    Stabbed by POPSTAR
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

    Edit by Sinz: Disqualified.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2014
    • Funny x 2
    • Winner x 2
    • Like x 1
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    • Useful x 1
  13. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    The Servers
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Innocent wielding a DNA Scanner
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    I like being lit on fire via a flare gun.
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
    Daft, Euphoric, Abhorring
  14. Talmarus

    Talmarus New Member

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    Well I like everything basically the same. The server has a great community and are generally nice and fun to play with. The server Moderator/Admins are fair with their judgement and are also great. I love the choices of guns and gadgets provided for the Traitors, Detectives, and the regular guns for the Innocents.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    I am stuck between being a Traitor and an Innocent. Both are fantastically fun.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    I am ecstatic that there are Harpoon War rounds. It's the most fun I can have on the server.

    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
    I don't have a "favorite" word for the English language.
  15. Kalvinjetson13

    Kalvinjetson13 *CALCIUM INTENSIFIES* VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.

    Definitely how friendly the people on these servers are.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    Detective so I have a chance to defend myself and not get immediately upsmashed.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    Harpooned. Stabbed feels more personal.

    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

  16. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.

    @Spectral , @Highwon and of course my amazing wifey @bobasawr .

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    I get to shoot dumb people without being shot myself.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    Harpooned by my bae @Spectral right in the ......... (Use your imagination to finish this sentence) Hint: its the face.

    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

    Do names count? I mean it classifies as a word yes? Then Denise :3 Wut wut! Wifey I love you.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    The player base is really cool.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    My favorite aspect of the community is the moderators, they have a deep connection with the players, which helps the server feel as if you are sitting with your family.
    I played on one other server, and I felt homesick and instantly returned to STTT.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    I prefer to be a detective, this is due to the ability to track DNA and get the Jack Hammer. I also believe it gives a better "experience" when you play the game, instead of just shooting everyone you see.
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    I personally enjoy getting harpooned, depending on the situation, a harpoon can make any death better. EX. Flying off a cliff from a harpoon.
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

    My favorite word in the English language is Photosynthesis, this is because I love science and photosynthesis is an amazing part of biology
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    What's your favorite aspect of this community?

    I really enjoy the sense of community. It always makes me smile to see the community band together when faced with adversity. I have seen this community remain vigilant and exude resiliency throughout its existence. I enjoy watching new community members be warmly welcomed and taught the ins and outs of Serious TTT. We have been met with many challenges over time, as any growing community would, and we have push forward.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    For the longest time, it was traitor. Now that I play a lot on vanilla, I like a bit of a challenge. So, I really enjoy being an innocent. You're a person that starts out with no extra shop like the other roles; creating a challenge to pick up dropped Traitor and Detective equipment.
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    I would much rather be harpooned than stabbed. When you're stanbed, if the person has the insta-knife upgrade, it's a simple one hit and you drop where you stand. With a harpoon, there lies potential to land in hilarious positions.
    What's your favorite word in the English language?

    Being someone who has always enjoyed older works of literature, my favorite word is ever. Now, before you start saying that it's not really an old word, try to think of its 13th century form, e'er. It is a word that has been seen in works of literature and songs for ages. Its meaning of a perpetual time reminds us that even once we have all turned to dust, and there's no one around to speak the word, things will e'er continue.

    Thank you for your time and dedication. As for the rest of you: May the odds of getting harpooned as an innocent by a fellow community member be e'er against you. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Rasta

    Rasta kektop VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? The people.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective? Detective.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? I much enjoy being harpooned.

    What's your favorite word in the English language? Exquisite.
    • Like Like x 1
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