put the unwritten rules that mods and admins need to know in mots

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by HoneySenpai<3, Sep 24, 2014.


Should we have the unwritten mod rules in motd

  1. yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. no

    9 vote(s)
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  1. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    i believe we need to add this because there is no rule that your community should not know. I believe that the admins should have to warn you if you are breaking an unwritten rule because how are we as the community supposed to follow your rules when the admins use the unwritten rules to their advantage plz add these rules your community is what makes this server actually possible
  2. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

  3. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    It's been told time and time again, there are way too many unwritten rules. No.

    EDIT: let me add that the unwritten rules are not "used to our advantage", they are not included because of what I said above.
  4. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    yes but i just had an unwritten rule used by nena just so she could slay me for a false kos
  5. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    She slayed you because it was RDM. You can never KOS or kill someone for activating a T trap, as you are simply not able to "see" them activate it. You killed someone because they were next to it. As staff we are not obligated to answer your questions or explain why so and so was slayed or not. Though, we usually do so anyways to avoid confusion.
  6. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Nope. Sorry dude but there are just too many rules for !motd. Should there be a thread of unwritten rules? Maybe. But not !motd. Too much info will make it even less attractive, which means new members won't read it and will only know the rules when they break each and every one. Trust me, I've had my own issues with T-Traps. www.seriousttt.com/threads/clarification-on-t-traps-and-slay-appeal.7745 I agree with the findings of this, better to not jump to conclusions with T-Traps. My own admin killed me for killing on T-Traps, it is better to just let it slide and wait for 100% proof that they are T. As far as @Nena "using unwritten rules to slay you" trust me on this, we as staff don't go out of our way to slay, we want to play the game and have everyone enjoy it, not people be upset. We staff because we care. -1 for adding it to !motd for me.
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  7. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    Yes but no where in the motd is it stated i can not kos someone for activating a t trap when no one else is near it so why should i be slain for something not in the rules i am following and the only rules i know
  8. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    I'm surprised you're only learning now that this is not kosable. By the very act of being slain, you have committed some form of rdm. Let me give you a thought experiment (short):

    5 people including you, near the pool area in our previous 67th way map. The electric ball trap gets activated. Do you shoot everyone? Or target just one person? Why?
  9. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    It falls under suspicion. You cannot kill for suspicion, which it does clearly say in the !motd. Clarification is always good to ask for, and I would ask a mod or admin in-game if available what you can or cannot kos for, in this case activating a trap is NOT a traitor's act as listed in the Traitorous Acts portion of the !motd, so you have no reason to KOS, as clearly explained, so you have MASSIVE suspicion, but no proof, therefore it is RDM. So in a round about way it IS explained. Always ask questions though. Questions are good.
  10. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    this i never kill for 1: nena was the only one close enough to activate t trap 2: i counted everyone alive and where they were before i followed nena 3: everyone else that was a live since there was no missing in action people were at the big house on minecraftivity and nena and i were by lighthouse so she could be the only one to activate t trap that is not suspicion that is actually paying attention to the people around me
  11. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Do me a favor and click my link. There are plenty of reasons that your proof is wrong, mainly that YOU can't see MIA unless you are T/Dead. And people move/have teleporters. Plenty of reasons you can throw your logic away mate :/ sorry dude, I don't mean to bash you, its frustrating and I know *seriously read my thread and feel my pain* but it's really best to just have EXTREME suspicion on t-traps.
  12. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    @Sinz btw, cause he LOVES when I bring this shit up x)
  13. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    well still everyone went with the kos like they didnt telleport away so i dont think thats a good thing
  14. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Whut. All I'm saying is as an inno you have virtually no idea where T's are or how many people there are on the map at any given time, so don't kill for T-traps man, even if you are 100% super sure, it's NEVER 100% sure, just like when an "inno" kills a t they are "proven". Ya never know.
  15. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    well i still think these rules should be written somewhere if not motd than maybe the forums somewhere @Finn
  16. Sora

    Sora S-Senpai notice m-me! VIP

    They're called "unwritten rules" because they're NOT WRITTEN.
  17. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Not inclined to disagree though, not too hard to start a thread and have mods/admins and above start adding unwritten rules so that they can be written. Consider it considered. Why would we not clarify? I mean really?
  18. lets think of this real quick, lets say your playing the minecraft island map and everyone's testing and lets say a T activates the tester trap thing whatever its called that makes it come up red and you spot the only guy looking at the button to activate it and you shoot him out of the blue on suspicion, don't you think everyone's gonna say "hey this guys a T cuz he just shot this dude" before you even ID him (believe me 8/10 this will happen, it's happened to me a few times) next they learn that you killed a T and they will probably shoot the dude that killed you because a lot of new people will likely take no chances, my point being, this will likely cause more RDM trains and a pain for the staff to deal with all those reports, not saying this will always happen but there might be other cases that will end up with the same thing :/
  19. we don't have to add ALL the unwritten rules, we could just add this little one about T traps.
  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The one about the traitor traps is unwritten because it falls under killing in suspicion. Also, your traitorous acts sre all listed in the MOTD; it's omission from that list, means you can't kill for it. All unwritten rules are covered, usually by a broad statement or omission, in the MOTD. Writing them all in the MOTD would be redundant and it would mean filling up the page with even more stuff that players would most likely not read due to the length of it.
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