Suggestion for the rules tab.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Freaking Chaos, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Freaking Chaos

    Freaking Chaos Freaking Mod

    I've just recently had a game where my T buddies have basically killed themselves making it me, 6 innocents, and 1 detective. There where 2 innocents left and I had 2 minutes on the clock to kill them and had 5 health from a KOS from the mod (ExtraJuicyTable) that literally put a random name in as his last words and then killed himself "Freaking Chaos is the T" before I even damaged anyone or have done any traitorous acts. I was killed by the same mod that was dead for "delaying". Now in speculation of my slay I looked into the rules about what delaying really is. There is nothing that shows what it is as a definition it just shows that it is against the rules to delay. I wasn't camping, I wasn't missing on any opportunities to kill someone without it being on any negative consequences and I wasn't trolling so that the spectators had to wait a long round. I just was playing the game and was about to find my opening.

    So long story short. We need a clarification on the particular definition of "delaying" in the MOTD/Rules to justify slays like this one.
  2. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    There is no real set "time" for delaying. As staff we are to warn if the individual deems you (or other Ts) as delaying the round.

    I can only speak for myself, but I generally give the warning at least 3 times with about 30 seconds to 1 minute apart.
  3. Freaking Chaos

    Freaking Chaos Freaking Mod

    Here is the thing I WASN'T WARNED. And to be honest there is nothing I can say against the mods part because there is nothing else in the motd about delaying besides the fact that its not allowed. However, I came to a conclusion that delaying at this point is just of perception. If you make the spectators bored then you are delaying... Do you really think I was taking my sweet time to piss the spectators off? No, I was just trying to win with what I had. They literally wanted me to forfeit just so they could play their next game.

  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    You don't need to be warned through PM. Staff have the ability to put a public message that informs ALL players inside that they need to start traiting or stop delaying (or whatever message pops up concerning the players in the game) and if they don't heed the message after a certain amount of times they've been warned, they get slain for it. That's how we always operated.

    NOTE: Not all the rules are in the MOTD!