I didn't step down from my moderator position, it was more of a talking to which led to needless information being said, and then a push down from my moderator position. Which leads me to post this. I've been thinking of resigning for quite a while now, and the reason is because, I used to clock around 70 hours every 2 weeks before I got staff, now it got down to 25 hours. Sinz's hour requirements are only 20-35 hours every 2 weeks so it wasn't a problem, but to me it was. Another big reason is that a certain rule which was implemented, I know, everyone's favorite! The Skype Act. Yes, I used Skype which was not in a one on one environment, so yes, I was demoted. Please tell me, why in the world, would we treat a staff position as a job? Arn't we here to have fun while we are doing our duties? I was invited to join one of the Skype calls when the rule wasn't in place, and let me tell you, I got to know these people very well, they were friends to me. I go on the TeamSpeak server and join a channel, and I feel like I don't belong there, everyone jokes with each other and I am just the odd one out. Sure, go ahead and tell me, "Well if you don't like it, leave". Here I am, pushed out the door. Skype isn't the cause of this supposed "problem" with Skype. Don't go ahead and blame the program, it's your staff members who cause the "problem". Sure, of course, we should work as a team rather than having separate cliques of the staff. Then shouldn't these staff with their cliques have a serious meeting? To me, TeamSpeak and Skype are not the same to me, I had great friendships with Skype, TeamSpeak, sure, I meet quite a bit of new people, but not the ones I prefer to be friends with. After talking to Highwon for a good 2 hours, I understand. This rule is for the better, but it could have been solved a whole lot easier with more time put into it. Even though I barely ever get tagged in resignation threads, I will tag people. @Highwon Thank you for everything, you played Diablo 3 with me and it was great fun, hopefully we can keep doing that. You also explained a lot in those 2 hours, wonderful chat I might add. @Sinz You were a great admin, and I will miss being on your team. I am sorry for how I acted on TeamSpeak. @Kenny Master, thank you for training me. We had great times on the server, as well as on Rust. I am sorry for how I acted on TeamSpeak. @Event Horizon I didn't shoot you ;-; @Steven | SF Lead Stevo, Terraria was fun and I always enjoyed talking to you @Carned Emma Watson has always been mine. @Anarchist You always told me you loved me, I love you too ;-; @Darktooth Thanks for those invites in the TeamSpeak parties @Darth West I actually never called you a scrub ;-; @Thorn Stop saying buddy, it scares me! @Turquoise Stop witnessing my T acts. @Natsu | SF My trial mod buddy! We need to play some games together. @Phoenix Nelson Don't bully me anymore ;-; @Patrick I'm resigning. @Cee Are you outside while reading this? @Mr Butters We got to know each other pretty well. Maybe we'll play WoW sometime later.
The good ones die young. You were an amazing moderator to have apart of my team. I just wish you brought these issues to me before action was taken.
Spectrical, it's a shame you had to go like this. I enjoyed having you as a moderator around here, and I enjoyed my time spent with you. Don't let this give you a sour taste in your mouth, okay? Stop by sometime.
Sheeeiiittttt, Good joke post and everything..... you even got your name pink LOL. Alright, give him mod back guys..... guys..... plz.... ;_;
Sorry for everyone who I didn't tag, I made this at 2 in the morning, I was a bit tired. More tags @McMuffin You were a good friend, but I still have some trust issues. @The Law You were quiet, but you helped me with problems I had before I got staff. @CDriscoll Even though we had that small problem, we grew to become pals @TeeZ Kenny is a badmin, Sinz4life. @Toxin It's time to admit it Toxin, my first slay was false ;-; @Opii Just as I join the best team in the world, you become admin. I'll miss you ;-; @Bayleon I was the first one to pronounce your new name right , Great staffing vanilla with you Also, I will be back, remember that my friends.
Spectral I really never played with you except before you were mod. I guess this is a goodbye... goodbye good pal.
I think spec has taken a turn for the worst I mean come on, I got VAC banned to raid chicken for him, and he won't even tag me in his farewell post rip in piss specs manners