I saw two other threads that talked about Golden Gun, but they never really went anywhere so I've decided to just bring it up again. Its basically a Detective weapon that is a one-hit-kill on Traitors, but if the target hit is an innocent, the Detective dies instead. Traitors have a good number of 1 hit weapons (Upgraded Knife, Harpoon, Dragunov Headshots), while Detectives have to rely on the Jackhammer or regular guns. People dont' like playing Detective due to the fact that they are outnumbered by ALOT, and have to rely on "investigation" to root out the Traitors, or just wait till they mess up. Post your comments and your +1s and -1s. Thanks! Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=233067112
-1 You would only use this weapon if you're positive someone is a T and that you have a reason to KOS them, which is what you SHOULD be doing already. If the detective/innocent is wrong, then it'll end up helping out the traitors instead.
It prompt rdm, Lets say I bought Traitor. Some random inno says "I think neon is a T" Detective thinks hmmmm maybe she is. Detective shoots me for no reason and robs me of my T round -1
Banjo you do realize that what you said has nothing to do with the weapon. The detective can shoot with any gun he wants so what you said is really irrelevant. On the other hand I will -1 this because if there is RDM going on, and a detective shoots an innocent because of it he should not be punished with death.