Flashbang Grenade [Traitor Weapon]

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by PwnerOfThePeanut, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. PwnerOfThePeanut

    PwnerOfThePeanut Serious Member

  2. Sapphyrus

    Sapphyrus Active Member

    It seems like this would cause RDM. Someone would get flashed, and just start firing away like a idiot damaging random people.
  3. PwnerOfThePeanut

    PwnerOfThePeanut Serious Member

    Would you then say that to the concussion grenade? ( Tear Gas) Because instead of fckin up their vision, this blinds them
  4. Sora

    Sora S-Senpai notice m-me! VIP

    The flashbang just seems like a better version of the tear gas nade, and we already have that... -1
  5. PwnerOfThePeanut

    PwnerOfThePeanut Serious Member

    And you wouldnt want better?
  6. This would cause a lot of RDM -1