Approved RTFirefly's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by CabooseIsRTFirefly, Aug 25, 2014.

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  1. CabooseIsRTFirefly

    CabooseIsRTFirefly Supporter

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well, apparently i was banned for ghosting, Just because my friend was killing T's when i was a T. I did no killing or anything, and i still got banned with him, for 4 weeks. I did nothing and there was no proof i did anything wrong, just because he was on my friends list and I was a T while he was RDMing people. I dont feel that it was fair to get banned when no one had any proof and just assumed i was Ghosting, is there anything that can happen? Because i did nothing wrong, and was wrongfully banned. I have a picture of steam of me and the guy who got banned for ghosting/RDMing/Disrespect. Nowhere from when he comes online do i tell him who the T's are. But i cant upload it.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    You were banned for Ghosting by @Zigles13. He'll respond when he can.
  3. JonD

    JonD VIP

    Hello RTFirefly I hope your day is going well,
    I was on the server and was moderating during your ban. Zigles and I were both talking to each other, since he felt a suspicion of you ghosting. Other players in game also believed you were ghosting at the time and one of them said this to us. I checked your friends and saw that Autistic were friends and relayed the information to Zigles. During the whole incident you were telling the mods that we were "abusing" Autistic, since he was rdm'ing and we slayed him for this. (this also hinted to us that you and him were friends, which was one of the reasons we checked if he was your friend). Everytime he would mic spam and I would gag him you would get angry at me for doing it. One time you said "I was enjoying that". This was not the reason you were banned for ghosting though, since he only had suspicion. Zigles decided to watch you for a couple of rounds. When he was watching you we saw a pattern of Autistic rdm'ing traitors every time you were a traitor. In the last round before you were banned Autistic killed 2 traitors within 20-40 seconds of the rounds. You were a traitor also that round. Zigles then banned you for ghosting since he had proof since there was a pattern Autistic killing traitors while you were one. (It happened 2-3 times)
    Thank you,
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  4. CabooseIsRTFirefly

    CabooseIsRTFirefly Supporter

    Again, i was joking with you and everyone, I dont care if Autistic would have been banned, but you accused me of ghosting, and so what if i was a T? that doesn't mean i was helping him, there is no proof, only suspicion about it. So it was a false ban. I met Autistic like 20 minutes before we joined the server, really, we aren't real friends, just someone who wanted to play, as i talked with zigles about.
  5. CabooseIsRTFirefly

    CabooseIsRTFirefly Supporter

    Also, here is my chat log with Autistic the entire time we both were online.

    Attached Files:

  6. JonD

    JonD VIP

    We are going to wait for @Zigles13 to reply, since he was the one that issued the for ghosting. It was a pattern of it happening when you were traitor.
    Thank you,
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Doesn't mean you guys weren't using steam voice or Skype, or even in-game psay. And it's a little more than suspicion when your friend repeatedly RDMs traitors conveniently when you are also a traitor. It's a 3 strike rule for me personally. If it happens once, okay maybe it was a coincidence. Happens twice? Okay something's gotta be happening. Third time? Yeah you just striked out..
  8. CabooseIsRTFirefly

    CabooseIsRTFirefly Supporter

  9. CabooseIsRTFirefly

    CabooseIsRTFirefly Supporter

    There was still no proof, and skype? I don't have him added and steam voice chat mostly crashes my game. So no. I haven't even known him a day. Also, as I remember it happened once when I was a traitor, because I was afk quite a few rounds, so idk if I was traitor then or not.
  10. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    I would like to add my opinion here. I have known firefly for a while. I made friends with him back in the beginning of July. He only ever plays on this server and he does know the rules. I don't believe that he would intentionally ghost. I do know that the player that I banned him for ghosting with was a very big troll. The guy claimed we were bullying him, ect. (As seen in that players appeal) However, firefly immediately came to me on steam telling me he hadn't ghosted. I do believe him as I have known him on the server for a while and I don't believe he ever would do that. And I hadn't heard of this 3 strike rule before and I do like it. I hadn't seen Autistic Overload play except for the one round when he rdm'd a T and an inno. Then 2 rounds later, when his slays were over, I watched him and he went and crowbarred @JonD who was a T that round. I checked his friends and firefly was the only friend. However, even though the evidence does point to firefly as ghosting with him, I do believe that he should get a second chance. I did only see 2 rounds, I never saw what Autistic Overload would do on a round that firefly was not a T so I don't know if there was other players coordinating with him. Again, Firefly has been my friend for some time and has never broken the rules intentionally. He got maybe 2 or 3 accidental rdm slays but nothing intentional and severe like this. And the fact that he tried so hard to contact me to let me know there had been a mistake makes me feel this is a more genuine appeal. He went to great lengths to construct this ban appeal as his computer doesn't load many sites for some reason. I am tagging my admin @Carned to let me know if I have made a mistake here but I will be unbanning firefly as my decision. I will leave the thread open for Carned to reply if need be.
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