Last night I was working on a time travel device and managed to shoot the site a whole day back in time Actually no, we had a catastrophic failure and the latest backup available was a day old. So everything on the website is from December 18th 2015 around 2AM PST. This was an unfortunate side effect of the attacks the past couple of days but I have taken proper precautions to avoid this in the future. Just act like yesterday never happened P.S. Game server data was not affected, only the website.
I denied two Appeals and then I went back to them only to find both of my posts gone and the Appeal pending. I thought I was going insane.
If yesterday didn't happen, my Elite expiry never happened. Therefore, infinite Elite, so I believe I'm experiencing a temporal bug, plsfix.
How has nobody made a Doctor Who reference on this? I am seriously disappoint at the lack of Doctor Who.