Completed Report against Turtles

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by malak, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. malak

    malak New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Maybe 2-3
    Time of Occurence:
    9:25 EST
    Reason For Report:
    Okay so, the place on assault where you have to jump along the edges of the fences is a very dangerous place for people to block those coming across.

    JakeBro 2.0 was blocking the jump across from someone who was at the last step, so I killed him for continuously blocking the person because the drop is very lethal and can kill people.

    The mod, Turtles, takes that it is not a dangerous place and says that people can always jump back, then slays me for a round.

    The next round that I'm alive, Turtles then himself blocks the way over and when I @, not knowing he was the only mod, he then out loud says, "Why are you reporting me for blocking, im allowed to do that." So I then to make sure I live, shoot him in the head.

    Then he continues to slay me for 2 rounds, as I'm trying to explain to him that the area is a very dangerous place to block kicks me for harrassment.

    Clearly was only attempting to use his powers to kick someone as he himself did what Jake did to get a rise out of me because of me saying I'd kill someone for blocking the end because it can kill people.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Possibly recorded with my so I'll have to see once I get off gmod.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Ill go ahead and tag @Turtles who will respond and provide his evidence for this report and I will also tag his admin @CDriscoll who will decide the verdict of this report. They will respond when they can so until then, thank you for being patient!
  3. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze


    Do you have any evidence of Turtles kicking you from the server? If so, please upload it and post it on this report as soon as possible.

    Turtles will respond shortly with his evidence as to why he took the courses of action he had.

    Thank you,
  4. malak

    malak New Member

    I did not take a screenshot of the kick as I had hoped those are recorded via logs. My didn't record my gmod session so I can't find a clip.
  5. Turtles

    Turtles 100% Certified Reptile VIP

    I slayed you the first time for killing jakebro because blocking that spot is not kosable, and therefore it was RDM. The second time, when I blocked you, was also RDM. Also I'd like to state that I always block at that spot because in my opinion, the less people up there with me, the better. I have never been killed for blocking that spot, to the best of my memory, and I even asked and ex-mod from the server if it was kosable to block there, and he said it wasn't. Unless there is a rule I am unaware of, then you did RDM and I had the right to slay you.

    Now, as for the kick. You were swearing at me, telling me I was a bad mod, and constantly messaging me in admin chat. I warned you for harassment 3 times, as you can see in the screenshots below. When you continued to harass, I kicked you. I also have a recording of about ten minutes starting from when I blocked him from passing. I will admit that I made a mistake when I said "are you going to RDM me too?". That was immature and I should not have. But other than that mistake, I did nothing wrong. The video extends to the next map right before I left. You can see all the messages, both verbally and through admin chat, that I considered to be harassment.
    I'm sorry if you were confused about whether or not blocking that area was kosable, but now you will know for the future.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Screenshots of warnings and admin chat harrassment:

  6. malak

    malak New Member

    Yet you kept saying, "You can't KOS if its not a dangerous spot." Do you really not consider that spot to be dangerous?

    You blocking people can cause them to fall down, I didn't see you attempt to jump when the detective jumped on my head and jump across you were only attempting to block me.

    As for the messages, and calling you a bad mod was because I'm entitled to my opinion on you and when I was explaining why its a dangerous spot you kept going to "Oh you're harrassing me I better message you"

    Call it harassment, call it whatever but you yourself slayed me for killing Jake who was blocking people and actually was the reason a person was about to die possibly 2 because his way back was blocked too.

    Also watched your vid lets list the problems here:
    1. Someone tried jumping across but because you had me blocked the detective stopped short and it blocked the third person making them drop and take alot of damage.
    2. The whole answering your own rdm report thing is bull and you know that's unprofessional especially if it was a report on yourself. You should have had another mod/admin come online to deal with the situation.

    Let's also add:
    • Pushing players off ledges to a point where they take fall damage.
    Technically you didn't push anyone but you were the reason the man fell in your video by blocking the end of the jump!
    Every message/every time I was addressing you the way I did was because you were being a smartass about the situation, you went straight from using your mic talking about it, to going to, "Oh he's right, let me just pm him so others don't hear me say that isnt a dangerous spot so this doesnt happen more!"
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  7. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze


    In the current standing of our rules, Turtles was correct in this instance. Simply standing at that edge, not shoving anyone or using any weapons, is not putting anybody in danger. The only danger that may occur is when a user decides to jump into the blocking player willingly, on their own accord.
    You may be entitled to your opinion, but when opinions hold messages such as these, they can be interpreted as harassment. However, with that said, I do believe that Turtles was preemptive in enacting harassment protocol, and should have rather better explained the situation more clearly. In that regard, your kick was unwarranted at the time, which I've spoken with Turtles about.
    When more than one staff member are present, it's best to let the other deal with reports you have filed, or reports against yourself. In the situation, Turtles was the only staff member online and, consequently, had to do the report he had filed.
    In this situation, killing the user for blocking is RDM, and they are not in a dangerous spot. Turtles did say this, though I do believe that there needed to be better communication in this situation. I want to apologize for the lack of communication, and I've spoken with Turtles about this.

    While Turtles was correct with his slays on you, this report is partially valid, as his kick on you was not reasonable and his communication had been lacking. As such, I'll be marking this report valid and closing it up. If you have any issues with what's been said here, or want to discuss anything in regards to this report or the rulings discussed here, feel free to create a forum conversation or add me on Steam.

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