Invalid Report against Smileyofchaos

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MaulTPiss, Mar 16, 2016.

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  1. MaulTPiss

    MaulTPiss VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Not really needed?
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    12:28 EST
    Reason For Report:
    I got kicked (which shouldnt have happend) as a moderator if you are not willing to talk about why you kicked me and then ban me for not being willing to talk to me about why you kicked me it shows that you are immature and are unable to deal with questions asked by people in the game. If you cant answer questions then how does one defer a situation you feel. I got kicked for asking about the definition of faggot because jokingly i called @MasterTbaiter one which he took no offense too... secondly i then got warned for it like cool i get it warn its alright... then you kick me for asking what it means thats not harassment at all thats asking a question right or right... why kick me... at htis point you know im getting my answer for why you kicked me.... i asked for a simple webester dictionary definition of the word which he said drop it ... i said no why because you cant handle it. Answer my question thats all.. do your job as a staff member.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

  3. Sage.

    Sage. VIP Silver Emerald

    I was actually here during the time, you were in fact harassing as you kept saying an offensive slur. Now, he did warn, kick, and ban in that order as protocol - all of which he did correctly.
  4. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

    Hi @MaulTPiss, thanks for making this report. Earlier, you joined Vanilla and proceeded to call a user a "faggot". I warned you in both voice and text chat to not use slurs, prompting you to immediately ask "What, you mean faggot?" This led to your kick for harassment, as homophobic slurs are not tolerated, something you should be well aware of by now. You jokingly called another player something you know to be wrong and said it again after being warned for it.

    Upon coming back from your kick, you continued to push it. You asked for a definition of a slur and the definition of the word faggot, causing other players to chime in and start using it as well. After I asked everyone to drop the subject, you were the only one who persisted and again asked for a definition of the word. I was trying to be nice, but after two more uses of the word that got you a warning and kick previously, I banned you for a day for refusing to drop the subject and for continuing to use an offensive term I had asked you repeatedly to stop using.

  5. MaulTPiss

    MaulTPiss VIP

    This is funny i find this funny i didnt say what you mean faggot... please open your ears... you know i didnt say taht and you made it up on the spot please can you show the video thanks
  6. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    As I was present on the server for some of this incident, I'll be providing input at Sinz's request.

    I have to say that I did hear the first two instances of which you were warned for. The first was you, as Smiley mentioned here and you mentioned in your Appeal, calling MasterTBaiter a "faggot" as soon as you joined the server. Smiley proceeded to warn you for said actions as that was a derogatory term aimed at another user.

    For the second warning you proceeded to ask for the definition of "faggot" and pushed the matter further. What Smiley meant by you saying "What, you mean faggot?" was you asking about the word faggot in that context, not calling anybody a "faggot". With that said, I saw Smiley proceed to kick you for your Second Offense of Harassment as he did ask you to stop with the offensive terms.

    I wasn't present for the Third Offense of Harassment so cannot comment any further on the matter, so we'd just have to sit tight until Smiley provides his video evidence.
  7. MaulTPiss

    MaulTPiss VIP

    No " what you mean faggot" is what he said I said, your guys stories are a tad different here and don't line up, this is my point smiley says I said what you mean faggot, but derpy insists that he didn't mean it in that context which is an invalid argument because that's how it reads, that would make my argue meant that faggot is not a slur and a bundle of sticks argument allowed.... However his quotes also give the context of how he heard me... And repeating a word for a definition sake and not at anyone is not harassment... There is no one who i directed it too other then master who knows I was kidding
  8. MaulTPiss

    MaulTPiss VIP

    I also don't get this could've all been solved if staff didn't insist on being a dictatorship I just asked for a simple request, this matter isn't going to be discussed any further doesn't really work as it doesn't allow for the problem to be solved but just makes the matter worse. Please answering the request is easy you are on the Internet with many sources to use to find your answers if you can't think of it yourself.
  9. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

    @MaulTPiss Alright here is my video. At 14 seconds in, you say it for the first time in your joking manner. I did misquote your next usage, as you did not say "Oh you mean..." You instead claimed at 36 seconds that "Faggot is just a bundle of sticks, am I wrong?", which is perhaps even more trollish. This resulted in your kick. You knew exactly which word I was talking about and why it was wrong, yet feigned ignorance and used it again. You do not have to direct a derogatory term towards anyone for it to be counted as harassment, especially when you've already been warned for it.

    After I told MasterTBaiter who asked why you were kicked that it was because you used a slur after I had warned you in voice and text not to, you piped up again after returning at 1:14 asking what slurs are and feigning ignorance about their meaning. I told you that slurs are anything that is homophobic, racist, etc, and you asked for the definition of faggot. Admittedly, I was a little slow in my response as we have family down at the moment who are young and they burst into my room making a ruckus. While I was trying to get them to leave, I asked another user, MasterTBaiter I believe, to drop the subject when he started to chime in and used the word.

    Around 2:32, I go afk for a few moments as I break up the fight that the kids had started over their early Easter presents, right after you use the word yet again. Once the kids were out of my room and not fighting anymore, I sat back down and banned you for continuing to use a homophobic slur. You were well aware of the meaning of the word that caused your punishments and insisted on trying to troll about it.

    I'll leave the rest to my admin @Sinz.
  10. MaulTPiss

    MaulTPiss VIP

    To ask for a definition of a word is ban able I was never aware... If it is shame on me for asking for a definition something that could've been dealt with... Also harassment is usually directed at someone using to ask a question is not harassment by any meaning please provide the harassing part of asking for a definition as well I don't see harassment at all.... If you can't answer a question the don't be a moderator
  11. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    After being told twice to stop the use of the slur, you continued to express your contentious behavior and blatantly disregard what @SmileyOfChaos asked of you, warranting the ban. Had you asked Smiley in PM or through admin chat without causing a scene, even though you knew exactly what the slur meant, this could have been resolved earlier. After 800 hours of playtime on our servers, you're well aware of how we handle things and what is and isn't considered harassment. We expect a lot more from seasoned regulars.

    This report has been found invalid.
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