Invalid Report against NoHacksJustGood

Discussion in 'Deathrun Staff/Player Reports' started by schaefer1231, Jul 14, 2016.

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  1. schaefer1231

    schaefer1231 New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Map:
    Deathrun Maps in General
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Currently Can't due to ban
    Reason for Report:
    NoHacksJustGood, specifically targeted me out of a group of 6 people harassing and mic spamming, yet i was the only one deemed punishable.
    NoHacks doesn't understand what Harrasment is, What Mic Spamming is, or in general knows how to mod. I would deem this person needs special attention and more training to be a better staff memeber.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    UltraCaucasion, Fuzzi, Sexy Penguin, iDubbz, and Darksyd​
  2. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    I'll tag @NoHackJustGood and his admin @Tinbuster00 to notify him of this report. Please be patient, and hopefully he will get back to you soon.
    I would also like to add that there were several mods there to witness these accounts, one being myself, and the others @Oshy @SpiritWolf
  3. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    I will try to gather evidence today if possible. It is very late for me, but I'll see if I can do it now.
  4. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    Hello @schaefer1231,
    First of all, I would like to start off by saying that you were banned for 24h for mic spam. I banned you yesterday for mic spam as well.
    Anyways, lets start off with this video explaining what you did to earn your ban:
    Let's start off with the 1st portion of the video. You started by screaming into your mic and @LadyLag has gagged you. This was your first offense of mic spam. When you look at the second portion, you did something that sounded like you were out of breath and you were putting that into your mic. Either way, this was considered mic spam. This was your second offense of mic spam. When you look at the third portion of the video, you can see that you were not using your real voice, which lead you to being gagged a third time. Usually, a ban for mic spam is 8 hours, but because I banned you yesterday for mic spam, you are being banned for a day. Another thing I would like to mention is other things you have done today. You say that I was "targeting" you, but that was not the case. I did more things with you because you were the one getting involved in a lot of the issues, not because of favoritism. This includes advertising other server, treating me and other mods with disrespect, and etc.
    I have more evidence in my video, but this is what I am going to leave in this report.
    I will leave this up to my administrator @Tinbuster00. Thank again for taking the time to fill out a report.
  5. iDubbbz

    iDubbbz New Member

    Okay I already know all you badmins didn't want me to respond to this. Get ready boys.
  6. iDubbbz

    iDubbbz New Member

    Im gonna put this out there first. LadyLag and the rest of the badmins obviously can't take a joke one. And honestly get butthurt wayy too easily. (A joke isn't a dick, ladylag don't take it so hard.
    1st. NohackJustGood Look at the first portion of the first clip, does Ultra Caucasian yell at you at all? And like 1-2 seconds of him doing something isn't really mic spam doing it for 7+ is what I would consider mic spam. If you wanted to make a better claim you should've edited out the parts where he WASN'T talking.
    2nd. I understand the joke there but it obviously wasn't a serious question and read the first part of this message again.
    And you are just getting butthurt, but honestly at this point, not a suprise.
    3rd. I will give you the point on him advertising.
    4th. You were not abusing well a little bit, and it was a complete target to be completly honest with you. Some other people we're mic spamming to an extent but nearly nothing was done about it. I can completly see why he's pissed about being targeted. To an extent I do feel like the admins don't know what they are doing. "And they would if you would stop providing negative insight" -LadyLag 2016 <-- Fucking quote of the year right there mate. Explain that to me would ya. But to me, you are saying if he shut his mouth you guys would know what you are doing, to me you must be hearing negative insight all the time because it seems like almost none of the time you guys know what you are doing.
    Overall, schafer1231 was being targeted by all the admins and SpiritWolf I am not leaving you out either. The admins to be more chill and not care about everything someone says. And don't pull a "But what if it a racial slur" thats fucking common sense.
    My opinion These admins need a warning at the minumum or even a suspension, obviously they were targeting schafer1231 and they act so fucking dumb not to realize it. Honestly if it was up to me, I'd repick these fucking admins or give them more training or less power. I personally don't like the idea of once they get accepted they just get full power as a mod. But this is just my opinion. #Unban schaefer1231
  7. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey schaefer1231,

    Thank you for taking the time to report my Moderator here on the forums. We take all reports seriously, and I'll be able to respond and look into this report when I get home from work this afternoon. Thank you for your patience.

    In meantime, it would be beneficial to post any evidence you have related to the report.
  8. schaefer1231

    schaefer1231 New Member

    Damn iDubbz!! The fucking level of sass!!!!!!!!!! So good. Honestly i have no evidence what so ever given i was banned for what everyone else did. If i could get evidence showing others micspamming more than i, i would, but like i stated again. You gave everyone more leniency to mic spamming, or chat spamming, For fucking example. idubbz's chat bind, he blasted that thing more than i spoke. The amount of times people said nigger, and then the people who literally did exactly what i did.
  9. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    I believe I did something about IDubbbz's chat bind.

    Edit: I will be gathering more evidence later on and showing a few more things...

    Edit 2: He was posting the same message every 30 seconds, which explains why I muted him.
  10. iDubbbz

    iDubbbz New Member

    Can't wait to see the rest, hopefully it will be better then the first evidence.
  11. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    I have decided to take the time and add on to what I said above. Another thing that upsets me is this:
    Look, I understand you are a bit upset with me, but there is no need to take it out on @LadyLag. This is completely unnecessary and I would appreciate it if you could not say these types of things to her or to anyone else. Anyways, lets get on to what I added. Let's start with @schaefer1231:
    In this video, you can see a few things. First of all, you can see that he was trying to harass me and that he mic spammed again (which I did not mention above). You also said I abused my powers, which I did not. Along with this, you were trolling when you asked if you can give a free run. The answer is obviously no and when I tried to help you previously, you gave me a inappropriate answer, which is never needed on the server (mentioned above). Also, I was looking at your witnesses and I noticed some that were interesting. Let me explain each and everyone of them. I think this might explain a few things.
    Let's start off with UltraCaucasion.
    From looking at the screenshots, you can see that he was putting some inappropriate messages in chat. Because Ultra got frustrated with me, he would probably be on "your side" if that is how you want to put it. I feel this is why you put him as a witness.
    The next person we can talk about is Fuzzi.
    From look at the video and the screenshot, you can tell this player was mic spamming and had a problem with me. Because of this, I feel this player might also be on "your side".
    The next person I am going to talk about is Sexy Penguin.
    This player was harassing other players and said lots of inappropriate things in chat. Because of this, I feel this player would be on "your side" as well.
    The second to last person I am going to mention is @iDubbbz.
    From looking at the video, you can see that he is trying to get moderators (including me) frustrated. I muted him for a full round and that lead to him not liking me I guess is the way to put it. Because of this, @iDubbbz would most likely take @schaefer1231's side and fight for him. This is just my opinion. Also, he was using the bind for several maps, not just the one.
    The last person I am going to mention is DARKSYD.
    This player has been harassing several people on the server and I got banned. Because of this, I feel this player would take your side as well.

    The point is that each and everyone of these people did something to get themselves punished, which is why they are probably against me. I provided evidence explaining what each and everyone of them did and I punished them accordingly. I would also like to bring up what @schaefer1231 brought up, which was about specifically targeting him. When looking at my evidence provided, you can see I punished most of these people. I muted and gagged several people and I kicked lots of players for harassment, etc. It was not only him. Once again, I will leave this up to my administrator @Tinbuster00, which I did mention before.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  12. Ultra Caucasian

    Ultra Caucasian New Member

    • Inappropriate Language
    Up-tight, shit-flinging, monkey-brained mods.
    The second piece of evidence you have against me is a report I got against myself on a TTT server I used to staff on. I, believe it or not, didn't piss all over the guy who reported me and mute him instantly. Like you. And the first evidence isn't even readable cause you seem to be retarded and don't know how to take screenshots or something.
  13. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Thank you for your patience.

    I'd like to start this out by asking you to keep insults out of any future reports that you decide to file or post on here on the forums.

    Here's how spam/mic spam is defined in our rules.
    Additionally, here is how we define harassment.
    The first time you were muted was for singing into your mic. The second time you were muted was for the gasping sound you made into your mic. The third time you were muted was for purposely talking talking in an annoyingly high pitched voice. None of these gags were an overreach on his part and were in line with the rules. NoHack doesn't have the power to forgive people for offenses.

    On subject of targeting,
    He has provided evidence of him punishing others on the server above contrary to what you've said. You've even admitted to mic spamming and harassing with the group here as well.
    As you've provided no evidence to your claims, and NoHack has provided evidence contrary to your claim, this report is found invalid.
    If you have any questions or come across some evidence, feel free to message me on the forums.
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